Title: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcements Post by StegRock on Aug 4th, 2003, 8:34pm Fellas, The "2003 Draft" page is up and available via our "Transactions" page, which has been updated as has the "Rosters" page. ENJOY! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] Your Commish... and YOUR CHAMPION, Steve Steg [smiley=smileytrash.gif] |
Title: Re: Site's updated! Post by Art Vandalay on Aug 7th, 2003, 10:38am Damn!!! The tally is up to 145. |
Title: Re: Site's updated! Post by DOLFAN on Aug 7th, 2003, 6:14pm [smiley=rollinwithlaughter.gif] |
Title: Re: Site's updated! Post by StegRock on Aug 7th, 2003, 7:55pm [smiley=flipoffangrily.gif] ... [smiley=tonguin.gif] ... ;) |
Title: Re: Site's updated! Post by DOLFAN on Aug 8th, 2003, 1:22am 8) [smiley=rifle.gif] [smiley=flipa.gif] ;) Thats what i love about this league. We can feed each other bullshit all year long. Most other leagues you don't hear from guys until 1 week before the draft...oops...thats only Trout in here. [smiley=hellyeafunny.gif] |
Title: Re: Site's updated & League fee... Post by StegRock on Apr 29th, 2004, 4:53pm Fellas, the 2004 "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages are up and all according updates have been made. Enjoy! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] As this is the case, Joe, if you want to contact me regarding the nebulousness of the movement of "late" picks in trades, soon would be the time. If you could send me a hard copy of something by e-mail, as I have suggested before, that would be most helpful. Actually, you could make a post regarding it all right here and maybe others can respond and help elucidate the situation(s). I know you have told me about some stickiness regarding Steve's late picks. Steve actually had discussed "a situation" with me. It, I believe, has been solved. You will notice on the "2003 Transactions" page next to picks moved in a trade between Steve and DT in parenthesis "TBA" (To Be Announced). Ultimately, he acquired the 5th Round pick to give to Dave later in the season. Anyway, let's hammer things out! In any event, we are going to have to make a practice of being more explicit with our moving late-round picks in trades. ... Now, on to the "League Fee" for 2004... It is going to (have to) be upped, bottom line. It was $25 way back when for a number of years through 1998. It cost me (and Rob at the time for a couple years there) money to run the league. In 1999, with the launching of the GBRFL web site, I bumped it to $40, a more reasonable fee in light of expenses. I actually could pocket a few bucks there for a couple years. But, since then, I've stepped it up. Over the last three years, the plaques, as you guys know, have undergone major and appropriate upgrades (before there used to be virtually no difference between the size and look of a Championship plaque and a 3rd Place plaque); we have even added a plaque, "GM/Coach of the Year"; I have given out T-shirts; etc. All the while, the league fee has stayed the same and any pocket cash I was able to garner has disappeared (and become more "red" for me). Also, there has to be consideration for me as a person essentially volunteering his efforts to put forth a nice "product", loosely speaking. Between 1998, when I started to take back over administration of the league, and 2003, I have been either living and working in Korea where I had very flexible schedules or in New Jersey during these flexible, "transition" periods, and running the league was not too much sweat off my back. THAT is about to change. Heading to grad school this August, my time will be MUCH more limited starting this upcoming season. My time will become more "valuable" (to me), so to speak. Given all this, I think a league fee of $50 is more proper to the situation. I am considering gradually moving it that way, to $45 for '04 and then $50 for '05. I don't know, but it will be upped. If this is something to which you are not amenable, please let me, us know a.s.a.p., so we can go about finding a replacement for you. Bottom line, I guess what I am saying is "that is my price". [smiley=shrug.gif] Thank you for your anticipatively understanding! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: Site's updated & League fee... Post by DOLFAN on Apr 29th, 2004, 9:56pm Steg and guys, I will get to the draft picks in question this weekend. I have it in updated my GBRFL notebook. I will make the post on here for everyone to see. |
Title: Re: Site's updated & League fee... Post by StegRock on Jun 2nd, 2004, 3:46pm on 04/29/04 at 16:53:20, StegRock wrote:
Guys, by the way, I have decided to just go with $50 starting this year. So, that's that for that. If, for some reason, that's too steep for you, please let me/us know a.s.a.p. so we can go about getting a replacement. I don't foresee its being a problem for any of you, though. :) |
Title: Re: Site's updated & League fee... Post by StegRock on Jul 24th, 2004, 6:57pm The "History" page at the site has been updated. Between the two leagues, we now have 211 years of fantasy football experience! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] ... Remember the increase in the league fee, fellas. It is NOW $50. Steve has already paid by credit card. Thanks, Steve! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: Site's updated & League fee... Post by StegRock on Aug 24th, 2004, 12:28am Fellas, the "2004 Draft" page is up, available via the "Transactions" page (click the "Draft" button), which has been updated along with the "Rosters" page. Visit the site and check it all out. Also, for those who haven't paid, the $50 league fee is due by Week 4. |
Title: Re: Site's updated & League fee... Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2004, 1:17pm "Lineups" can now be submitted via the site. The system has been turned over. [smiley=builder.gif] If you need your user name or password, let me know like NOW! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Oct 7th, 2004, 12:18pm Fellas, especially those of you who were experiencing difficulties opening the GBRFL or GBRFL2 league home pages (i.e., they were taking a looooong time to open or not all the applets were downloading), you should now find the league home/index pages MUCH faster to open and error-free. I realized yesterday evening that something was in fact going very awry with those pages; (with time I don't have) I figured it out and took the time (out of everything else) to fix it (because of, frankly speaking, all the very severe implications of what was going on that could have been detrimental to the stability of the whole domain, actually all of my domains). I hope ALL you guys now enjoy navigating to the league home pages (and no longer have to go around them (if you still experience problems, it is on your end, for sure, now, i.e. connection speed, computer speed, browser settings, etc., etc.)). Anyway,... GBRFL - http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/ GBRFL2 - http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl2/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Oct 14th, 2004, 8:09pm Guys, I am going to turnover the system over at the league site now so you can submit your lineups for Week 6. However, the Week 5 results will NOT be posted yet. I have a paper due tomorrow. It's a short one and I am over halfway done with the writing, so it shouldn't be much longer. If I get it done by a reasonable time tonight, like say 1:00 a.m., which I think, no pray, will happen, I may come back over to the computer lab here and run the stats and post Week 5's results. I am heading up to Jersey tomorrow afternoon for the weekend, so if Week 5's stuff is not up tonight it won't be until tomorrow night late or even Saturday. Thanks for your anticipated understanding, patience and according cooperation. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Dec 18th, 2004, 8:02pm Guys, I've been workin' it... [smiley=steg.gif] ... :P I have made a behind-the-scenes upgrade to the lineup submissions section of the league site. It affects how you go about viewing another's lineup when the system has been set for viewing all lineups and disabling lineup submissions (this has already been done for this week). You will now have to make the extra steps of inputting your permissions every time you want to see someone else's lineup. It is a small hassle, but one WELL worth it. None of you probably noticed or would even be looking for ways to cheat, BUT if you were savy enough and looked hard enough, there has been a way to cheat, though not in a very big way, ALL ALONG. I myself with all the work I do on and all the knowledge I have of this stuff just found this hole this season (I saw it about 10 weeks ago). I am always looking for ways to upgrade things. This probably didn't matter for our current, small-scale purposes. But, I am always working on things with an eye toward the future. There is a chance I may run pay GBRFL-style leagues someday, and any baby steps that can be proactively made beforehand only help in the long-run. [smiley=yes.gif] Anyway, enjoy the NEW uncrackable, cheater-combatting system, boyz! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jan 1st, 2005, 11:48pm The "Schedule (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/schedule.htm)" page at the site has been updated with tomorrow's Bumper Week matchups! Good luck, everybody! [smiley=shamrock.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:09pm The league site has been updated for the end of the '04 season. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by DirkDiggler on Jan 4th, 2005, 1:55pm on 12/18/04 at 20:02:04, StegRock wrote:
THanks for taking the time to make the site better. All the effort you put in behind the scenes is appreciated, especially given your busy circumstances and computer availability. I do have one minor request. After viewing the line ups of other players, if you hit the 'back' button, it takes you to the password page. Can you have that take you back to the page that allows you to choose another players line up? Thanks again! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jan 4th, 2005, 2:09pm on 01/04/05 at 13:55:58, DirkDiggler wrote:
You're welcome, brother! As for your request, Steve, no, unfortunately, I cannot. That's actually part of the key to solving the problem/plugging the hole I was referring to. Sorry, bro. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jun 12th, 2005, 8:07pm Fellas, [smiley=steg.gif] the "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages over at the GBRFL web site have been updated. There is BIG news connected to this... There were two mistakes made by dudes making trades... :P They both occurred in Week 12 and involved Dave Trout (sorry, bro :-[). In the worse of the two instances, DT traded a 4th round pick to Dave Bohrer. Problem... he did NOT have a 4th round pick to trade. UH-OH!!! He had already traded it earlier in the season. This is a pretty big error. Bottom line, though, as commissioner, the way I look at it, if you give your figurative hand shake on and consummate a deal without being absolutely certain that you're getting what you expect, that's on you and you're leaving it in the hands of the commissioner to do the best he can to rectify a ready-made mess after the fact. There is just no way for it to be expeditiously dealt with democratically, for us to expect the two parties to be able to disabuse the situation with absolute fairness and objectivity and in a timely manner (letting only the parties involved renegotiate such deals ex post facto really opens the door to all kinds of potential "ugliness") or for the parties involved to expect the rest of the league to think it fair for them alone to fix it as such situations affect the whole league, not just the teams involved, and the trade cannot be simply voided. Unfortunately we cannot roll back the clock and go back and undo it. There is knowledge now that should NOT have existed then that would have an inappropriate ripple effect on any renegotiations or democratic debates. The best and most equitable thing that can be done is to call on the commissioner to mirror the deal that was made as best as possible. That is what I did. The other mistake is a much smaller deal. Joe Parsons, in the courtesy part of a trade where you give your current last pick to the dude you are trading with as a courtesy for an uneven trade with respect to picks, gave Dave Trout a 9th round pick he did not have. I just adjusted the trade to Joe's actual last pick. As such, Dave got a teeny, tiny bump up. In any event, you can check the 2004 "Transactions" page to see exactly how I went about fixing these trades. Also, using Joe Parsons's draft-pick spreadsheet, I went ahead and figured out how the draft picks are distributed based on trades made. It works out perfectly. :) Everybody's got the right number of picks based on their number of protection spots. I have made this spreadsheet available on-line at: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2005draftpicksgrid.xls. Over and out! [smiley=wave.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by DB on Jun 13th, 2005, 9:25pm Quote:
As a general rule, I don't agree with that buyer beware philosophy. You should know what you have when you offer a deal, otherwise you invite"shark" practices of offering something you don't have knowing the taker will suffer. Of course, in a perfect world everyone will check, but we know many deals (like the one in question) are done at the 11th hour (as I was walking the dog as I recall). So, I think the benefit should go to the person getting the pick that doesn't exist. But in this case Trout doesn't even have a 3rd round pick and I don't believe he has another 4th, so I will "take the 5th." ;) ;D |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jun 13th, 2005, 11:18pm on 06/13/05 at 21:25:36, DB wrote:
I totally agree. I was just trying to make a middle-ground presentation. My main point was that when such cases occur, both parties are leaving it up to the commissioner to make it right. But, surely the guy who made the mistake should take a (punitive) hit. You'd have gotten his 3rd if he had one, DB! [smiley=yes.gif] Quote:
Pun aside,... ;) and a 6th. :D |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jul 20th, 2005, 2:08am The "Rosters" page over at the GBRFL site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/) is up-to-date including protected players only. I want to thank you all for getting your protections in in a very timely fashion. [smiley=bow.gif] That makes my job easier. I look forward to seeing those of you who will be in attendance and speaking with the others by phone on Sunday. [smiley=wave.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by StegRock on Jul 26th, 2005, 2:54pm Just a small heads up,... the "History" page at the league site has been updated with "respect" to... and for... ;) the number of years each of us has been playing fantasy football, an eye-popping total of 133 (my 17th), [smiley=wiseman.gif] ... [smiley=ohshit.gif] which is indicated on the league home page: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site Post by DirkDiggler on Jul 26th, 2005, 3:08pm Thanks for getting the rosters up and on-line so quickly! Much appreciated. It is nice to be able to see what everyone has. I listed all the draft picks, but was not able to keep up with who drafted what. In a quick glance it seems that everyone has everyone elses handcuffs...... could be interesting when someone goes down. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jul 28th, 2005, 8:51pm Fellas, Two things... 1) I today updated the "Rules/Scoring" page at the league site to indicate the NEW rules we passed at the Summer Meeting. They are displayed in RED font so that they stick out. 2) I just a few minutes ago sent you all a VERY IMPORTANT e-mail regarding the league fee. (Frank, Pak, DB, even though you three already paid, PLEASE do make sure to take a look at what I wrote in the last paragraph.) Out, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Aug 4th, 2005, 11:43pm A little home page face-lift is in the works, boyz!!! [smiley=builder.gif] Nothing crazy... Just a little somethin' somethin'! ;D Be on the lookout! [smiley=threed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Aug 20th, 2005, 4:54am Fellas, as per my last post in "the Bleachers" section, http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1099666483;start=75, Gino and I are slowly, but surely settling in in Hawaii. I have added our local number to the "Owner Information" page at the league site. School begins next week, so if you'd like to chat for a bit, it would be best to give me a buzz (to our home phone) over this weekend. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 4th, 2005, 11:18pm Well, boyz, the league site hath finally been updated and is ready to roll into the '05 season! All pages have been reset, including most importantly, the NEW "Lineup Submission Form", which is now tailored to our NEW system of dual-lineups for weeks when you have bonus games. It's basically the same, BUT it is different enough for me to HIGHLY recommend your not leaving things to the last minute, especially Week One, which commences ON THURSDAY!!! You NEED to get accustomed to it beforehand and, ideally, get a preliminary lineup in A.S.A.P. ALSO, you may have already noticed the NEW league home page. If not,... IT'S HOT (if I must say so myself)!!! [smiley=awwgee.gif] For one, the page is now much slimmer and trimmer (out with the excessive number of java applets, which slowed the loading of the page down for many of you, and much of the information stuff that can be found nicely consolidated on "the Gridiron Newsstand", which is still linked to on the page). MOST IMPORTANTLY though, it puts to use "'the Gridiron' Add-on (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/addit.php)" feature. This 1) gives me a display page by which to market this FREE add-on and 2) as FantasyFootballer.com matures and evolves it makes the league home page into a portal page, a technique I want to develop as the site beyond the "the Gridiron" forum grows. The league home page is now located at: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php. NOW,... go get on over to your "Lineup Submission Form" and get acquainted with it and practice... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 6th, 2005, 2:51pm Fellas, just a heads up... Know that a great way to practice with the "lineup submission form" unofficially is by way of the "Guest" lineup submission form. To do so, just click where it says "Guests Click Here" on the left-hand side on the "Lineups" frames-page: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/line-upssubmissionform.htm. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 7th, 2005, 3:23pm Just an FYI,... lineups may or may not be exposed ([smiley=dick.jpg]...[smiley=hmmmm.gif]...[smiley=joker.gif]) week in and week out on time, which is not necessarily a newsflash, I know. There are times when they may not be accessible until Monday, so I suggest that you guys, after kickoff, if this is the case, take the initiative and share your lineups by way of a thread on our board here. ALSO, and this is a bit of a newsflash as it will probably be standard this year, results probably won't see the light of day this year until WEDNESDAY afternoon/evening (given my heavily front-loaded class schedule on Monday and Tuesday and the fact that I live in Hawaii 3 to 6 hours behind you guys). The improved spreadsheet will make things much quicker for me this year, but on Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday, I don't have time to sniff my ass, no less take a shower, no less deal with this. Over and out, Steg. [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 8th, 2005, 10:54pm "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages on the league site have been updated!!! [smiley=borg.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by Flesh is Fantasy on Sep 14th, 2005, 1:35am Joe it must be reassuring to know that when you eat, sleep, and breathe this shit all year, you get to turn in a winning season every four years. By the way, I have left you a couple of messages on your fictitious office phone; maybe your "secretary" hasn't fowarded them to you. Here's to another micro-managed, inexplicably ineffective campaign. Sure glad all that yearlong research produced such a top-flite RB pick in the first round....what's his name???? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2005, 3:21pm [offtopic]Fellas, FYI, I don't want this particular thread to become a trash-talkin' thread. This thread is for administrative-type announcements and queries... from you queers. [smiley=whistle.gif][/offtopic] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 15th, 2005, 3:44pm Week 1's results are finally up over at the league site. Both the "Results" and "Standings" pages have been updated. Sorry for the delay! :-[ Week 1 tends to be the craziest! But, with the NEW, UPGRADED sheet that my lovely wife Gino is primarily responsible for putting together, it will probably be smooth sailing [smiley=sailin.gif] from here on out. :) I will leave the "Lineups" section alone until tonight (my time) so yous can double-check your opponents' lineups. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 21st, 2005, 7:58pm Guys, Week 2's results are up... [smiley=builder.gif] I'll turn over the lineup submission system on the morrow... [smiley=wave.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 28th, 2005, 11:09pm Week 3's results are up! There was a little boo-boo I discovered with Week 2... rather inconsequential! It is fixed, though. You will be able to submit your lineups starting sometime tomorrow. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by DOLFAN on Oct 1st, 2005, 1:00pm I have just paid my fees this year. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 1st, 2005, 1:50pm Joe, I received it,... BUT,... well,... there's a "but"... You have an e-mail from me regarding it... Whatever, though, right? You're paid up... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 5th, 2005, 9:44pm Stuff's up for Week 4!!! [smiley=builder.gif] Lineup submission section to be turned over on the morrow... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 12th, 2005, 1:10am Week 5's results in and posted... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by Flesh is Fantasy on Oct 13th, 2005, 12:10am Joe...What a game by Dante! ZerOOoooo int's , zero incomplete passes, zero sacks allowed, WOOOW! If I only put the time you did in the off season...BRILLIANT! Please foward any pearls of wisdom you can afford to impart..luv your humble admirer, DT. PS: Dante is going to suit up this week, good luck, only 7 wins and your back at .500. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Nov 3rd, 2005, 9:05pm Week 8's shit is finally up, fellas. Sorry for the delay this week! :-[ It's been a busy one... :P |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Nov 16th, 2005, 2:32am Fellas, just a heads up... I have got A LOT on the plate right now at school... BIG presentation and paper due next Tuesday. So, Week 10's results are in all likelihood going to get posted VERY late this week, like Saturday perhaps. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience. In any event, as such, the lineup submission section is going to be turned over before the results are posted. So, if you want to be able to double-check your games immediately, you all may want to go about jotting down your opponents' rosters soon. Thank you all in advance for once again bearing with me... After next Tuesday, though, I will be freed up quite a bit for the rest of the season. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Nov 22nd, 2005, 10:42am The lineups section has been "turned over" so you can submit your lineups. This is due to the VERY short fantasy week we have this week because of Thanksgiving. [smiley=turkey.gif] Lineups MUST be in by kickoff of the FIRST game on Thursday. Week 11 results will be posted as soon as I can get around to it, probably tomorrow afternoon/evening. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 27th, 2005, 3:16pm on 09/08/05 at 22:54:55, StegRock wrote:
THANK YOU!!! I am very thankful that you added the team names to the schedule page. No more toggling back and forth between the schedule page and the rosters page!! Your time is much appreciated!! The little things make a difference..... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Nov 28th, 2005, 12:32pm VERY COOL UPGRADE ON THE SCHEDULE PAGE! Thanks for doing that, Steve. It really makes things easier. But, how you set it up is very cool, especially that you can click and go directly to the rosters. Awesome and thanks for taking the time on that one. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Dec 7th, 2005, 2:21pm You're welcome, fellas... ... I'm not quite out of the woods yet here for this semester... [smiley=RIF.gif] ... [smiley=howtoput.gif] This will likely be one of those weeks where the lineups section gets turned over before the results are put up. Thank you for your anticipated patience! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jan 1st, 2006, 9:20pm Just an update... Something I forgot to do that I just did... I have gone ahead an updated the "Schedule" page at the league site to reflect the precise Week 17 matchups according to team number. Here's a direct link: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/schedule.htm#Week 17. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jan 6th, 2006, 5:52am Fun, fun, fun,... get your butts on over to the "Game Results (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/results.htm)" page over on the league site and check out [smiley=checkin.gif] the "NEW Extended Week 17" game "updates"... ENJOY... what the [smiley=spchef.gif] Rock is cookin' up for yous!!! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jan 14th, 2006, 12:07am Sorry for the delay, fellas! Among the factors,... I had to do the stats manually (long story); moreover, it was the first week of spring semester,... back to... [smiley=RIF.gif] and [smiley=howtoput.gif] Anyway, the results through Wild-Card Weekend have been updated, and since we have our first "final" score, the "Standings (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/standings.htm)" page has been brought up-to-date, too, this time. Enjoy! [smiley=checkin.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jan 19th, 2006, 2:46pm Well, with the Divisional Playoff Round in the books and the GBRFL results now posted, though nothing has yet to be "absolutely" clinched, the picture has become VERY, VERY clear. A, well-deserving champion, mind you, is on the verge of, alas, finally being crowned... [smiley=king.gif] Visit the league site to see how the picture is shaping up: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jan 26th, 2006, 8:08pm Results through the Conference Championships are UP,... AND IT'S CONFIRMED... We, alas, have a CHAMPION!!! I will make the announcement here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=56;action=display;num=1134853184. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:48pm Results through the Super Bowl are up. No change in the standings, and I do not foresee there being any, but things will not be "final" until the Pro Bowl is over. There remain four games technically pending statistics from the Pro Bowl. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Feb 19th, 2006, 2:39am The name of our NEW Champion is now emblazened on site... including the index page right here of "the Gridiron"!!! Again, congrats, Franko!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Jul 7th, 2006, 9:29pm The "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages at the league site have been updated for '06... Site home - http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Aug 18th, 2006, 9:19pm Fellas, there is a new additional phone number up on the "Owner Information" page for me that will be active starting next Wednesday. It is our new local home number, and it would be the one I would want you guys to primarily use (as opposed to "the English Master" cell with the central NJ area code, which is the other one listed). [smiley=phone.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Aug 28th, 2006, 12:24am Guys, the "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages over at the league site have been updated through cuts. Also, note that my local Hawaii telephone number indicated on the "Owner Information" page is still unfortunately inactive. It should be up and running on Tuesday. ... The telephone company here... YIKES!!! [smiley=no.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 1st, 2006, 4:30am Guys, our home (808) phone number, which is listed on the "Owner Information" page has, alas, been activated (as of Tuesday, actually). PLEASE, if you want to give me a buzz, [smiley=phone.gif] especially during the week, primarily use that home number as opposed to "the English Master" (732) cell. Thank you and see yous on SUNDAY afternoon! I can't wait! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 3rd, 2006, 4:50am League site is all updated for the new season (save for the lineups section not being turned over, which will happen on Monday or Tuesday)! :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 3rd, 2006, 10:37pm And, now, fellas, everything over at the league site is updated and ready for Week One (save for the lineups section not being turned over, which will happen tomorrow or Tuesday)!!! This includes all of your new team number assignments and (according) Week One schedules... ENJOY!!! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] Quick link to league site: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 3rd, 2006, 11:20pm on 09/03/06 at 22:37:07, StegRock wrote:
[smiley=zenmaster.gif] THANK YOU!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by DOLFAN on Sep 4th, 2006, 11:07am As I said to you last night Steve, THANKS!!! We appreciate all that you do here sir. Also, thanks to Dave Trout fro the 1-900-WE-DRAFT conference call. Everything was great except for that non-spelling, pick... pick! ...PICK! whiner fag living in SOUTH BITCH(beach) FLA. [smiley=bendover.gif] [smiley=rollinwithlaughter.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by IbdFunk on Sep 4th, 2006, 2:31pm I do not appreciate shit!! Hurry up, i expect week one scores to be done within 24 hours of the last game!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2006, 1:24am Thanks, Joe (fella who I met over the internet with whom I have had a rocky relationship)! [smiley=bow.gif] on 09/04/06 at 14:31:26, IbdFunk wrote:
I think you need to head on over to Yahoo! and join a league and make some new internet friends for yourself, Danny (one of my "best" friends from college). :-X I think they even do "live scoring"... Oh, but, wait a minute... You surely wouldn't have time for that... OR, might none of this be about "being busy... busier than anybody else" and rather be about having the attention span of a 2-year-old,... "short attention span syndrome"??? The game results here will be up as they usually are... in a reasonably timely fashion and when I, in MY BUSY schedule, can get around to them. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2006, 3:44am The lineups section has been turned over. You can now submit your Week One lineups! REMEMBER they must be in IN FULL by the kickoff of Thursday night's game!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 7th, 2006, 11:24am Guys, it's 5:25 a.m. here... I am, alas, going to BED... [smiley=sleepers.gif] The game is taped-delayed here, so I'll be "ignoring" things in the afternoon, and, in any event, I have class that goes right through kickoff (and I have work [smiley=RIF.gif] to do for said class that I have to fit somewhere between snoozing, peeing, eating, pinchin' a poo, showering,... AND 1:30). Point being, this is probably it for me until after kickoff,... in fact, very late tomorrow night you all's time. So, just to cover all bases here,... if anyone were not to submit a lineup by kickoff, remember that their games are not forfeited. Their lineup would be determined by going by "seniority" on their roster (i.e., for simpletons, [smiley=dunce.gif] ... [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] left to right as per the "Rosters (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/rosters.htm)" page, the first 2 QB's (read left to right), 3 RB's, etc., etc.). As you guys should be accustomed, the guy listed leftmost at every position is the guy who has been on your team the longest. In fact, this is how it goes if "cascading" ever goes "beyond" the lineup submitted (as yous should know). Anyway,... I'm calling it a night... [smiley=yawn.gif] day... [smiley=sunny.gif] ... [smiley=wavinbye.gif] See yous on the other side... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2006, 5:04pm Sorry for the delay, fellas... Either TQStats or StatsInc, who provide the stats to TQStats, decided to change player numbers this year (I suppose to keep them within four digits). This created a mini-nightmare on our (slowly, but surely increasingly automated) spreadsheet. Anyway, ALAS, the "Game Results" and "Standings" pages over at the league site have been updated for Week One. :P Please go on over and check things (i.e. the spreadsheet) out before I flip over the lineups submission area, which will probably be late (wee hours) tonight (you all's time). |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 18th, 2006, 9:32pm on 09/07/06 at 11:24:54, StegRock wrote:
Guys, just wanted to let yous know... As it turns out, it doesn't look like ESPN will be tape-delaying Monday night games here in Hawaii. They'll be broadcast live. Typically, I will be out in class at this time of day on Monday (actually, just getting home around now, missing the first quarter and a half or so). That class was cancelled today, so I'm home now watching it live. I haven't decided yet whether or not I'll tape the game and watch it at my leisure, but I'm inclined to think, for time-management purposes, that I'll run home from class on Mondays and just watch it from that point. So, it looks like calling me [smiley=phone.gif] on Monday nights and rapping with me about the games is going to be okay. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] In any event, it is today/tonight... :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 19th, 2006, 1:08am Okay, guys,... update and correction... of sorts... They are RE-playing the game on ESPN (NO, Markie, it's not what you needed here against me this week,... a do-over game that is ;)). It's rebroadcast at 7:00 p.m. Hawaii time, and I surely may opt to wait out the later showing in future weeks. So, just a heads up... Mondays, yet again, may not be a good time to talk game with me. :-X And, again, please be sensitive to this. I hate when someone (accidently) divulges something about games I haven't seen but are tape-delayed. It like defeats the whole purpose. :-/ Anyway, thanks in advance for trying your best to not do that (even by accident). :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Sep 27th, 2006, 7:46am Guys, it's Week Four. Yous should know what that means! League fees are due!!! I just sent an e-mail out with details. Bottom line, if you haven't sent it off yet, you probably want to consider (the) alternative payment options. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 8th, 2006, 2:17pm Guys, Can yous give me some help with Rob Pak? I have yet to receive his league fee. That's two weeks in a row. While he does continue to submit lineups and is allowed to make lineup changes (precluding player transactions), if I weren't to receive his league fee by the kickoff of next week's games, there would be a sense in which he has broken the "3 Strike Rule", which would mean that his continuing in the league would come up for vote by the league at the end of the season. However, if he can't pick up free-agents all year long, that's pretty beat. I don't know what's up. ?.?.? I know we had a slight bit of a falling out as of late. Also, he's been under the weather [smiley=sick.gif] as he told us, and he is caring for a newborn. [smiley=newbie.gif] However, he does continue to submit lineups, moreover, with free-agent requests. [smiley=uh.gif] He never picks up the phone when I call anymore and responds to nothing from me. He must have gotten the e-mails I sent out. So, I'm at a loss. [smiley=idontknow.gif] So, especially those of you who are closish with Rob, can yous try to get on this... him... for me... because this is headed straight for an ugly [smiley=zombie.gif], unwelcomed conclusion??? Thank you in advance. Alternatively, if you are reading this, Rob, PLEASE take (some sort of) action, man! - Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by Pakman on Oct 9th, 2006, 8:57pm I've never gotten an email from you regarding the league fee. Which email are you sending it to? The only email address that I use now is rypping@yahoo.com. Rob Pak |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 11th, 2006, 12:57am Rob, No, I have not been sending e-mail to that e-mail address. Honestly, this is the first I am hearing of it. The only e-mail address I've ever had for you is rypesq@yahoo.com. Everybody, always remember to occasionally check in at the "Owner Information (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/password.cgi)" page at the site and see what contact information is up there for you. Typically, I am using whatever is indicated there. I will go ahead and update that page with your new e-mail address now. The league-fee due date, though, is, ultimately indicated on the "Schedule" page, and, in any event, it has been Week 4 for years now, so... :-/ Anyway, Rob, you are now aware. I look forward to your correcting this matter a.s.a.p. - Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 12th, 2006, 7:15am Rob, I still haven't received anything. It is Thursday. I just sent you an e-mail to your new e-mail address detailing how it would be best for you to proceed at this (late) point (in the week). |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by Pakman on Oct 14th, 2006, 10:49pm I have paid the league fee by making a donation to the web site. Also, most of the guys in the GBRFL are aware of my new email address. I assumed that you were as well. I did not know that the league fee was posted anywhere. In fact, as you well know, I have never been late on the league fee and have always paid you the day of the draft. I understand that it was impossible this draft because you were in Hawaii, but if you look at my past record, I have always paid on time. I apologize for my delay in paying, but when you have a lot of crap going on in your life, some things are forgotten. I'm assuming that I can pick up free agents this week. Rob |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by StegRock on Oct 14th, 2006, 10:59pm on 10/14/06 at 22:49:47, Pakman wrote:
[smiley=yes.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site & League Fee Post by IbdFunk on Oct 15th, 2006, 10:23am I rather you not!! Every year and every week you take all the free agents and first round draft picks and stink up the league. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 22nd, 2006, 8:24pm Whoever's playing Danny this week may want to make note of the following e-mail exchange I just had with him... (I wrote...) Yes, it would be New England, but please try to be clearer next time... - Steg (...in response to the following e-mail from Danny: ) I want to confirm that when i put Free Agent as my Df it was the 1st free agent pick up not the second so i would be playing New England. I hope there was no miscommunication with that..I picked up 2 free agent df not thinking i would get both, i hope there would be no problem with that.. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 3rd, 2006, 7:25pm Guys, I'm really behind the 8-ball here with "life" this week... [smiley=behindball.gif] and I only got like 3 hours of sleep last night, so I'm pooped... [smiley=yawn.gif] I've gone ahead and "turned over" the lineups section so yous can submit lineups for Week 9. I will have Week 8's results up as soon as I can. It probably won't be tonight for you guys back on the mainland. Thank you for your anticipated patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 29th, 2006, 1:26pm Fellas, as per my most recent post on "the Sidelines" here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1151665230;start=25, I am "out of the loop" here for a bit. As such, there is NO way this past week's results will be posted before the kickoff of tomorrow night's game,... NOT EVEN CLOSE. I will be "in transit" starting from a few hours from now until after the conclusion of the Thursday night game. [smiley=yikes.gif] Based on my itinerary over the next week or so, there is a chance they may not even be up until like Sunday night... or maybe not even until next Wednesday after I've returned to Hawaii. :P I'll probably whip them out on the plane, but will not "reliably" have FTP access so as to upload the files until Sunday night,... and maybe not even then. So, I am going to need yous to bear with me. If you haven't noticed, I have already "turned over" the lineups submission area. So, as of yesterday, actually, you guys could have started submitting your lineups for Week 13. I apologize for the inconvenience. It is what it is. "Work" with me! Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] P.S. (I don't have time to sniff my ass here, guys... ;) If someone can make sure this message gets disseminated to the rest of our league compadres by e-mail or something, I'd REALLY appreciate it! ALSO, if someone wants to get some sort of "UNOFFICIAL" results up here on our board in the meantime, GO FOR IT!!!) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 7th, 2006, 10:38pm We are, ALAS, ALL caught up... :P I now have to get back to "work"... [smiley=RIF.gif] ... [smiley=howtoput.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 15th, 2006, 12:09am Fellas, the system is all back up and running, unfortunately that wasn't the case until after kickoff/most of you already submitted your lineups by e-mail or phone. Anyway, I have gone ahead and input everybody's lineup that I received by e-mail or phone. So, ignore the time-stamps. Also, more importantly, each of you may want to double-check and make sure that I got your lineup right. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 19th, 2006, 5:52am Okay,... I've got good news... We're basically up to date... through Week 14's results and Week 15's transactions! I'll have Week 15's results up as soon as I can... I do have to divert energies in a different direction for a couple days. I will turn the lineups section over in due course, though. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 24th, 2006, 10:45pm We're all caught up,... again,... and should remain that way for the duration, [smiley=builder.gif] especially given the "extended" Week 17, which I should not have trouble staying "up-to-date" with. ;) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 30th, 2006, 9:31pm Guys, Dave Trout TOTALLY fucked up his lineup submission this week, and regretfully it has ramifications on the championship run as he is in third and plays Mark. :-/ Just to be explicit about this, of course, you do NOT get the best performances of your players providing you merely list all the possibilities as he mentions in the comments section of his lineup card. How superficial would our extended Week 17 be if that were the case? ::) Why would I even make us list the games individually on our lineup cards if we were just going to get the "best" games our players have, anyway? The lists would then be rendered totally superfluous, i.e., there would be no reason to list the games. In any event, I am just going to take it that he wants ALL those games listed taken into consideration, i.e., I will use the farthest games out that each of his players plays in, excluding the Pro Bowl, which he did not list for any of his players. That's the best ruling I can come up with on the spot given his lineup submission. :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 31st, 2006, 12:45am Fellas,... regarding this ruling on DT's lineup,... I wanted to point out that, good news from an administrative standpoint, what I decided to do here with his lineup this year is (incidentally (as I really did not consider this)) very consistent with what I did last year when he made a similar biff. Last year, if you remember, he just put next to his players in parentheses "(all games)" or something like that. Like this year, in that scenario I just gave him the farthest game out that each of his players had stats in. The beat thing for him last year was that, because he did not specify, this included the Pro Bowl, a game in which you really do not want to be fielding a player other than in the most extreme and odd of circumstances or if you are pretty much out of it and just want to have fun with it. He did not list the Pro Bowl at all this year. So, the farthest I will go out is the Super Bowl,... working backwards, so to speak, from there. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 2nd, 2007, 10:28pm Well, fellas, the "Results" and "Standings" pages at the league site have been brought up to the moment. As things are going this year, it REALLY looks like our "Extended Week 17" is going to function the way it was intended, at least in terms of making the final bumper week very exciting and climactic. (As such) I have also added a nice touch to the "Results" page. Rather than just listing the games as "Pending" or "Final" like I did last year, I have used "football game" terms to indicate (roughly) how far along the games are. They and their (rough) indications are as follows: End of 1st Qtr. = Looooong way to go. Halftime = Lots of players left to play between the two teams. End of 3rd Qtr. = Few players left to play between the two teams. 4th Qtr. 2:00 = One or both teams with very few players left; score could change significantly; outcome may or may not be able to change depending on the math. 4th Qtr. :01 = One team with one or very few players left; score can only change a little; outcome canNOT change according to the math. FINAL = All players have played; game's in the books. ENJOY, GBRFLers!!! [smiley=woohoo.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 19th, 2007, 12:07am "Results" and "Standings" pages over at the league site have been updated through the Divisional Round. There are still a couple games left to be decided, so the '06-'07 GBRFL season is still not "officially" over. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 16th, 2007, 2:06am Well, that's all, folks!!! All the GBRFL stuff for the close of the '06 season both at the league site as well as over here has been updated: e.g. the Standings page, the Champions page, who's indicated as our defending champ on our league home page as well as "the Gridiron" index page, Travis's profile, etc. It was a great season, boyz!!! [smiley=cheers.gif] I'm looking forward to a "funtastic" '07!!! [smiley=yes.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 5th, 2007, 10:41pm Okay, alas, I have gotten around to updating the "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages for the 2007 season. Guys, double-check to see if everything looks kosher. [smiley=threed.gif] ALSO, please do NOT report (offseason) trades on multiple threads. I got all finished and only then saw the trade between Joe and Mark. It's not a big deal, but little things like that make a little more work for me, and it can pile up. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation, fellas! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 24th, 2007, 4:04am The league home page and the "Rosters", "Schedule", "Transactions", "Results", "Standings", and "History" pages at the league site have all been updated since the Draft. Check 'er on out... [smiley=checkin.gif] http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2007, 10:13pm The lineups submission section has been turned over. Lineups for Week 1 may now be submitted. They are due by the kickoff of Thursday night's game. Have fun!!! Also of note, I have ONLY received the league fee from two of you, DF and SW... Don't forget that fellas... I'd appreciate yous not waiting until the last minute. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 6th, 2007, 4:36am REMEMBER lineups, free-agent requests, etc. are due by kickoff TONIGHT!!! I will almost definitely NOT be in a position to monitor things and turn the system over right at kickoff (I'll be at work). So, any lineups submitted after 8:30 WILL BE DISCARDED!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 6th, 2007, 11:26pm I've turned over the lineups section so you can now view others' lineups (and not submit your own). I unfortunately will not be getting around to transactions until the weekend. But, you can see the free-agent requests on everybody's lineups pages and deduce things yourself if you are anxious. Thank you for your anticipated patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 9th, 2007, 7:46am "Transactions" posted and "Rosters" updated over at the league site. Check it on out... [smiley=checkin.gif] [offtopic]Funny thing,... I was the ONLY guy in either of the GBRFLeagues to go after QB Chris Redman. This surprised me. I'm either "ahead of my time" or "behind the times" here. I don't know which... [smiley=stilldunno.gif] I guess only time will tell...[/offtopic] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 13th, 2007, 4:25am Guys,... I'm realizing how working full-time+, i.e. two jobs, and doing this stuff is a ROUGH row to hoe. In any case,... the results for Week 1 won't be up until Friday (you all's time). My question,... are you all ready to have the lineups section turned over so that you can input your Week 2 lineups??? Thank you for your patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 13th, 2007, 7:48am on 09/13/07 at 04:25:48, StegRock wrote:
Yes, please turnover to the line up section. Thanks! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 15th, 2007, 9:29pm Week 1's results are UP. The "Results", "Standings" and "Schedule" pages have been updated. An important note, I'm doing the spreadsheet differently this year, both leagues together in one shot. This streamlines it for me. But, as such, the Excel spreadsheet is HUGE, basically double the size it had been. SO, opening it, at least the first time, in your browser can be hairy. You may be better off just downloading it and opening it on your computer. BUT, it seems like once you've opened it in your browser once, it's good to go after that. [smiley=idontknow.gif] At least, that's what happened to me. In any event, sorry for the excessive delay here this week. :-[ I over-extended myself at Kaplan early this week (had signed up to do some seminars before I had the full-time job), and I couldn't get ahead of the eight-ball all week. [smiley=behindball.gif] My schedule starts normalizing starting this upcoming week, so I'm thinking so will things here. In any case, thank you all for your understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 16th, 2007, 3:45pm Just to head this off at the pass... T-Rave, based on order of procurement (of his Week 2 free-agents), has the Bengals DU going for him. Danny, based on (the way he ordered his defenses in) his Week 1 lineup, has the 49ers DU going for him. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 16th, 2007, 5:11pm on 09/16/07 at 15:45:10, StegRock wrote:
Ouch, Bengals Def made the Browns look great. I sure am am idiot for deciding not to start Jamal Lewis. [smiley=dunce.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 17th, 2007, 12:07am Steve, You can always trade J-Lew to me. I need help at RB! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 19th, 2007, 3:57am Week 2's stuff's UP... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 20th, 2007, 3:36am Just sent out an e-mail... League fees are due by the kickoff of the first set of games Week 4. I've only received three thus far. I'm givin' yous an early heads up. Don't miss the date, and have to pay the piper! [smiley=nownow.gif] Remember you can do this right here right now by credit card via "the Gridiron" donations page: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 18th, 2007, 5:53am Guys and Feder,... ;) I have had a BRUTAL week. Nothing bad,... just INSANELY busy. A CRAZY Monday and Tuesday in the life of Steg was followed by a 13 1/2-hour workday today. [smiley=yikes.gif] Suffice it to say that FF has had to take a backseat here this week. Results will probably not be posted until, at best, Friday night (MY time that is). As such, I've gone ahead and turned over the lineups section. Thank you for your anticipated understanding and patience. I'm now going to bed. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 25th, 2007, 2:26pm Guys,... PLEASE bare with me again here this week. I'm just having a rough time popping out of this "crazy-busy" nightmare. [smiley=Freddie.gif] In any case, the lineups section has been turned over for the week. So, you can submit your lineups for Week 8 at any time. I'm hoping to have Week 7's results up for you guys (back on the mainland) no later than Saturday morning, i.e. Friday night my time. [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] Once again, thank you all for your anticipated understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 15th, 2007, 4:23pm Fellas, please bear with me here this week... I'm having a rough one,... battling long hours, stress and insomnia. I have turned the lineups submission section over, though, so yous can submit your Week 11 lineups. I apologize in advance for the delay :-/ and appreciate your anticipated understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 20th, 2007, 3:02am Fellas, in light of the extremely early Thanksgiving start to Week 12 and the fact that I can almost guarantee that I will not have Week 11's results posted before the kickoff of, at least, the first Thanksgiving day game, I have already gone ahead and turned over the lineup submissions section so you guys can go ahead and submit your Week 12 lineups. Regarding Week 11's results, I'll probably work on them for a good portion of Thanksgiving day. Hopefully I'll have them up that night. Okay, go and get them there lineups in... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 27th, 2007, 12:24pm on 11/20/07 at 03:02:49, StegRock wrote:
Ditto... for this week... minus the Thanksgiving part. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 4th, 2007, 1:30pm on 11/27/07 at 12:24:50, StegRock wrote:
This'll probably be the way it is from here on out with these weeks with Thursday night games. Thank you for your anticipated understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Apr 20th, 2008, 2:02am Guys, what I discuss in my latest post on the following thread is no small issue: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=56;action=display;num=1181325562. I hope yous "respond"... if you know what I mean, i.e. not necessarily here... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Jul 9th, 2008, 10:03pm Steve, I just paid my 2008 dues and made a small donation. I hope it helps. Joe |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 10th, 2008, 4:25am on 07/09/08 at 22:03:53, DOLFAN wrote:
"Small"... Yea, right??? WOW!!! [smiley=bow.gif] THAT makes a difference! Thank you VERY MUCH!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Aug 11th, 2008, 1:57pm FYI: Talked with Steg and noticed that the lineup page has a small glitch in it - it goes to Hostica instead of showing the actual lineups. I did mention this to Steve and he says it's not a big deal at all and once he has access, he will get it fixed. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 15th, 2008, 2:35pm Heya, fellas... Great news!!! I'm finally getting around to turning over the league site for the '08 season... Of immediate import, the "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages are, alas, UP-TO-THE-MOMENT... [smiley=steg.gif] in time for Sunday's Draft Day!!! [smiley=ontheclock.gif] Head on over and check it out: [smiley=checkin.gif] http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/. Incidentally, the problem Mark picked off that he mentioned above has also been resolved. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 15th, 2008, 3:27pm on 08/15/08 at 14:35:37, StegRock wrote:
One other thing, fellas,... here's the up-to-date Draft Grid for Sunday... http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2008draftpicksgrid.xls. I did update it to include the last trade Mark and I made (the Berrian trade). A job well done by Joe, ultimately, though! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 20th, 2008, 11:31pm The post-draft "Rosters", including everybody's NEW team numbers, are, alas, up-to-date over at the league site as is the "Transactions" page to include trades made on Draft Day. I apologize greatly for the extended delay... :-[ Today was my last day at mom's in Jersey. It's been quite hectic for the three days in between since Sunday night. Well, "see" yous on the "left" coast. ;) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 30th, 2008, 10:51pm Well, alas, the site's ready to roll for the 2008 campaign! [smiley=cheerleader.gif] The "Results" and "Standings" pages have finally been reset, and the "Lineups" section has been turned over so yous can start submittin' them there Week 1 lineups... [smiley=wiseguy.gif] Remember Week 1 free-agency goes by reverse order of finish, not the lottery order, and league dues are due no later than Week 4! According to my records, four of you still have yet to settle up... See yous on the fantasy gridiron!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 3rd, 2008, 3:46pm Fellas, do note that, after lineup submissions TOMORROW/THURSDAY night prior to kickoff are all in, I will in all likelihood NOT be in a position to turn the system "back over" for the immediate viewing of lineups. Gino and I are still not settled in in Nor Cal. For those "in the 'proverbial' know", our housing "blessing" fell through, [smiley=no.gif] and Gino and I have had to scramble,... successfully in the end, but a MAD [smiley=gonecrazy.gif] scramble nonetheless; two weeks of school (which, by the way, I couldn't be in a better place scholastically; [smiley=thumbsup.gif] CIIS is a perfect fit for me) down and we're still living bag-and-baggage out of a hotel room,... :-/ while, thankfully, piece-mealing our way into our new digs, though. Bottom line, we won't have internet in our home until sometime next week. So, I will get to turning the system back over as I can (visit a Starbuck's). BUT, in the meantime, just in case, feel free to start a thread here, on which we can post/share our lineups for Week 1 with each other, sometime after kickoff tomorrow night. Just don't go posting your lineup(s) (and free-agent requests) BEFORE kickoff tomorrow night! Title the thread something like "Week 1 Lineups"... Over and out... [smiley=wave.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2008, 1:56am Okay, fellas... Gino and I made it to a Starbuck's and accessed the internet... The "Lineups" section has been turned over, so you guys can view the lineups. The "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages aren't updated yet, though. There are just only so many hours in a day. [smiley=yawn.gif] Maybe on the morrow... Anyway,... be in touch! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 9th, 2008, 2:04am Heya, Fellas... [smiley=tired.gif] The "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages are, alas, updated for Week 1. I won't have internet access at home until Wednesday evening, so we're probably looking at a late week in terms of Week 1 results. Sorry,... but, trust me when I say that I am A BIT pressed right now and doing all this stuff under some duress (I'm sitting outside a closed Starbuck's right now jonesing some internet after a 14-hour day of hardcore studies :P). Just please bare with me, guys... Thanks! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 11th, 2008, 3:33pm Still not there (as I sit, furniture-less, on the floor of our place with my puter up on a chair), but slowly but surely settling in with a degree of normalcy in view, still off a bit, but it's on the horizon. As such, and especially with the change I need to "adjust to" in the processing of stats because TQStats is out of the business of providing raw stats, the results ain't gonna be up until maybe as late as Saturday night,... late (Cali time, that is). I'm hopin' I can pull it off tonight, mind yous, but we just got other more "fundamental-to-life" shit to take care of, and I just cannot guarantee that this stuff is going to "elevate in importance" enough before day's end to get done today (or tomorrow). I'm sorry about that,... :-[ and I do thank yous for your anticipated understanding of my circumstances and according patience. However, I have gone ahead and turned over the "Lineups" section at the web site so yous can go ahead and start submitting your lineups [smiley=steg.gif] for Week 2. Out, Steg [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Sep 11th, 2008, 8:14pm I have no idea what the process is to put these stats together but, there are so many web sites that we can use to get instant results, trash talk, really for all fantasy needs? Would make thing much easier on you, no? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 12th, 2008, 3:24am on 09/11/08 at 20:14:22, IbdFunk wrote:
It dismays me to even have to be responding to such a post. I'm sure in your way, Danny, you mean well, but you really gotta think things through and not just impulsively make suggestions based on your subjective experience without more thorough and objective consideration. Setting aside for just a moment 1) MY FEELINGS and, more importantly, 2) the longer-term "bigger picture" plan and aspiration of this web site and that what you suggest in your post TOTALLY defeats that purpose, there are logistical concerns with your suggestion. I am virtually certain that there is NOTHING in the way of alternatives that can accommodate the GBRFL format in total as is and leave us with the autonomy to do whatever we want in terms of league rules and structure. That's kind of the bottom line. But, secondly, what need do we have for a message board for discussion and trash talk? Besides the fact that there ain't nothing more Cadillac out there in terms of message-board forums than what,... eh-hem,... your PERSONAL BUDDY has built here, we get a whole web site dedicated to our league, the GBRFL. The logo for the public message-board forum, "the Gridiron" here, is emblazoned with the GBRFL logo. We have absolute autonomy in structuring the league. And, there are the little things like having a site on which you can strut around as one of the king turds with "GBRFLer" under your name. I'm sure there's TONS MORE not coming to mind as I rush through typing this. Point is, think about the other side. Think about ALL you'd, we'd, be giving up if we took (the suggestion of) your suggestion seriously. The relatively small, nay, miniscule price to pay is a delay in the posting of weekly transactions/results every now and then when YOUR BUDDY is a little overwhelmed with life matters. What I don't want to hear at this time is that it is a reason to pack it all, NINE YEARS (from when the league site came into being) and UMMMMMPTEEEEEN HOURS of WORK on my end, in and head on over to some cookie-cutter set-up like Yahoo! But, anyway, you are talking about sites that can take care of "all of our fantasy needs". [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] How can I be but extraordinarily insulted by the mere suggestion that we should pick up and head over to some BS web site where we become just one of the millions of fantasy-footballing lemmings AND IN THE PROCESS CRUSH MY DREAMS FOR THIS LEAGUE AND FANTASYFOOTBALLER.COM THAT I'VE WORKED VERY LONG AND HARD AND SPENT A GOOD PORTION OF WHAT LITTLE "EXTRA" MONEY I HAVE ON because,... eh-hem,... one member can't handle waiting a few extra days every now and then for his weekly results,... a reality which, of course, is exacerbated because said member can't figure out the scores himself like pretty much all the rest of us can??? (I mean I already know I've won my games by something like 38-0 over Joe and 32-19 over Warner by doing the scores quickly pen-to-paper.) Danny, you are not even thinking through the logic of this as regards your own actions (you've been one of the ones who has been VERY generous to me, and I appreciate that, [smiley=bow.gif] but) unless you guys are willing to pay me something like a work salary (in which case, then, if you think this through logically, there wouldn't be any problems because THIS would be my job, so to speak), I'm not looking to put the extra cash, by way of the extra "tips" and leftover funds from the league fees, I get from you guys merely into my wallet for pizza money or whatever; I'm looking to put it back into THIS PROJECT. OTHERWISE, if there were no FantasyFootballer.com and "the Gridiron", I wouldn't even ask for the extra tips from you guys nor even care much about what's left over for me of the league fees. Therein lies the rub. The whole point of YOUR making the generous donations that you do and my accepting them is THIS SITE and my dream for it. In all likelihood all will be back to normal (transactions posted within 30 or so minutes after the kickoff of the first set of games and results up by Tuesday/Wednesday) come next week or, at least, by Week 3 when Gino and I are finally over the hump here of another MONSTROUS MOVE. Mind you, I'm in the shell of an apartment right now typing this. I guess my bottom-line response is going to be this. THIS is the GBRFL @FantasyFootballer.com experience as provided by Steve Stegeman. Like it or leave it! You want the blah-blah-blah anonymous FFL @YouNameTheRun-of-the-MillFantasyLeagueManagementService.com provided by some random dude who happened to be better situated to capitalize on the Fantasy Football boom than your buddy who was making draft-day boards with crayons, ink markers and poster-board YEARS before companies started selling draft-day kits, go for it! There's a million out there. As for the GBRFL, it is what it is until I am in a position to make it something else, in fact, perhaps something more along the lines of what you are thinking, Danny, and you all's generosity helps me and us move in that direction. But, it's going to take time and little things like weekly results' going up a little late every now and then have to be endured. Just take your Prozac and ADS meds a little later in the week on those weeks, Danny, so you can hold on. ;) MIND YOU, I DO appreciate your wanting to make things easier on me, BUT that's NOT the point, AND, not to say that it won't happen again, this is just ONE week, Danny. Hold on! [smiley=hanginin.gif] ... [smiley=gonecrazy.gif] We're ALL eager to know Week 1's results. Guess what? ME [smiley=steg.gif] INCLUDED! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Sep 12th, 2008, 10:14am Let me just chime in here real quick as someone who hears what Danny is saying but, in the end, recognizes the uniqueness in our league and value of Steve's efforts. I agree with Danny that there a lot of sites out there that are good, that give instant scoring and everything. But our league is one that we (mostly the commish) orchestrated over time with rule changes to make it as realistic and arguably as luck-free as possible, with a 26 game schedule, no week 16 or 17 bullshit playoffs, extended week 17 ... to name a few. Danny, you may be in another league, but if you are not, I recommend trying it out. I am in one of those leagues, which is good because I know the scores and stats right away and all, but in the end, what we have built over time in this league is something that those other sites cannot offer. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 13th, 2008, 11:05pm Site's, alas, UPDATED!!! "Results" and "Standings" pages are up-to-date!!! I apologize GREATLY for the serious delay here this week, :-[ and THANK YOU ALL [smiley=worship.gif] for you all's patience and understanding of my personal circumstances, which are, I am happy to say, resolving themselves. Anyway, enjoy perusing Week 1's results and the upside-down standings. ;) Watch out for that CANCELLED Texans-Ravens game! And, get them there lineups on in by kickoff tomorrow! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Over and Out, [smiley=tired.gif] Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2008, 1:14am on 09/13/08 at 23:05:48, StegRock wrote:
Slight biff in the scoring... Had forgotten about the 60% to 65% pass completions bonus thing. It's fixed... Didn't affect much... BUT, your new league LEADER is,... EH-HEM,... [smiley=awwgee.gif],... BITCHES! [smiley=tonguin.gif] ... Guys, also of note,... a THANK YOU is in order to one of our [now bastard ;) (I mean that "literally")] children over in The Deuce League. Philly a.k.a. Jeff West came through BIG for us and the old Stegger... To see more specifically what I am referring to, go and check my latest post (and post yourself) here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=56;action=display;num=1181325562. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2008, 1:33pm Less than 30 minutes in, and the "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages over at the league site have been updated for Week 2!!! :D |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2008, 6:53pm Fellas, just realized that the "Fumbles Recovered" stat for DU/ST's was incorrect. Thank God (for me) it did not reverse the results of any games (Pak/Bohrer was a close call) or affect the standings in any way (that would have turned things into a little one-hour-or-so, Sunday-afternoon nightmare). As for what happened, I see that I selected the wrong "fumbles" category (FF). That said, even now having the "right", in terms of the statistical categories CBSSportsline offers, "fumbles" category selected (DFR), it looks like it is still going to be something I'm going to have to manually monitor, [smiley=uponreview.gif] at least until I can see if in fact it does produce the exact stat we want, as the category we really need would be (DSTFR) where "ST" specifically means "Defensive Special Teams". I will say this much. I did just rerun the stats sheet over at CBSSportsline and the numbers did match up perfectly with my manual re-inputs for Week 1. So, here's to hopin' it works out with limited "manual" [smiley=shovel.gif] [smiley=builder.gif] labor... [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 16th, 2008, 7:46pm A little DISASTER strikes AFTER ALL, fellas, which had some SIGNIFICANT ramifications on Week 1's results and Week 2's free-agents. Adding insult to injury here for me this afternoon, "someone" is no longer in first-place (exiting Week 1) and did not get a Week 2 free-agent he really wanted. :'( ANYWAY, when I went to run the stats here this afternoon for Week 2, I realized that I hadn't included "extra points" kicking in the stat pack. Small of a category as it is, it still caused a reversal in the outcome of one game Week 1, which did cause some changes in the free-agent acquisitions and lineups for Week 2. I just thank God that I picked this off BEFORE running this week's stats. That could have turned a bad dream into a full-blown nightmare. [smiley=Freddie.gif] It will, nevertheless, cause a slight delay in getting Week 2's results up. I intended to have them done this afternoon before heading out to this evening's class. That's not going to happen as a result of the back-tracking work I ended up having to do today, and I have a class very early in the a.m. tomorrow, so I don't know if I can put all too much into this here tonight when I get back home (at 10:00). Bottom line, the results should be up by no later than late Wednesday night. So, anyway, do go over to the league web site and check out the changes, and let's get the grapevine going and, as you can, pass the info along to others to check out what's up here. I'm sorry for the mistake and complicating matters. :-[ It'll all be smooth enough here soon. "Extra f'n points"... Who'd a thunk they could have caused such a mess??? [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 21st, 2008, 8:35pm Joe picked off a small error in the standings for Week 2... I had the 2-2 teams incorrectly ordered. I ordered them according to Week 2's (head-to-head) results only, i.e. without looking back at Week 1. This had absolutely no effect on the free-agent pickups for Week 3, and at this point the Week 2 standings have been fixed over at the league site. Kudos, Joe, on paying attention and picking that off quickly before it could potentially snowball into a nightmare for me. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 7th, 2008, 6:59pm Fellas, ran into further "new stats service" growing pains that caused all kinds of tedious extra work [smiley=builder.gif] [smiley=steg.gif] here this afternoon totally fucking up my schedule here today [I'm just glad I don't have to do this for two (+GBRFL2)/three (+CBFL) leagues anymore... Whew... :P]. BUT, it's over now. The damage was slight. Almost turned into a total nightmare, [smiley=Freddie.gif] vis-a-vis free-agency, based on DB's and my flipping in the standings Week 2. But, no, it was okay, thank God. The problem incidentally was that special teams' touchdowns, TD's scored by kickoff- and punt-return teams, were getting counted TWICE because CBSSportsline's category "DTD" (Defensive TouchDowns), somewhat counterintuitively, includes touchdowns scored by special teams, moreover, despite their providing a separate statistical category "STTD" (Special Teams TouchDowns), which I was also using (as I had with TQStats), hence, the double credit. So, bottom line, we don't need the "STTD" category; we just need the "DTD" category. The Excel workbook has been adjusted accordingly as has our raw stats configuration over at CBSSportsline. In any event, this affected games in Week 1 and Week 2. There were no game reversals, though, again, thank God. No games were affected in Weeks 3 or 4. :P ... By the way, Week 5's stuff is up. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 9th, 2008, 9:01pm [offtopic] on 10/07/08 at 18:59:50, StegRock wrote:
Even though I'm really just thinking aloud and talking to myself here, surely NOT you guys, I want to briefly expound on the above quote from my last post if for no other reason than just to vent. The posting of the results this week wouldn't have been out of my hair probably until tonight, as opposed to their being done "according to schedule" on Tuesday afternoon. Considering the problem this week, this would have been one of those weeks during which I overall would have put in roughly about SEVEN+ (bleary-eyed) hours on the "free" leagues by the time it was all said and done. It would have been miserable for me, and late nights and odd hours with baby Monica Marie, not to mention final papers, haven't even arrived yet. All things considered (huge move + baby on the way + little to no family support + back to school for Ph.D. work), from just a human perspective, the callousness with which I was treated by the GBRFL2 guys or, in some cases, just their sheer avoidance of me and "the(ir so-called 'beloved') Gridiron" remains jawdropping to me every time I think of it. [smiley=no.gif][/offtopic] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 21st, 2008, 12:04am Fellas, scurrying about... [smiley=gonecrazy.gif] Suffice it to say, results will NOT be on time this week... If you are wondering why, click the link below and see my latest post... [smiley=crybaby.gif] http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1202165065;start=25. Out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 22nd, 2008, 12:16am Fellas, yous got lucky here tonight that... a) baby Monica Marie somewhat unexpectedly needs (and, thus, also Gino needs) to remain in the hospital through tomorrow, b) I, as a result, decided to attend my class tonight, and c) the one-in-a-million chance that a graduate course was cancelled due to the professor's being ill (this never happens) happened. I decided to take the newly-found extra couple hours of reprieve to get the Week 7 stats off my plate. ... Now, I gotta run... [smiley=onit.gif][smiley=cruisin.gif] I've got a date with my #1 gal, [smiley=newbie.gif] my new [smiley=hearteyes.gif] love. ;D What a cutie pie...!!! [smiley=smitten.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 22nd, 2008, 6:15am on 10/22/08 at 00:16:12, StegRock wrote:
Thanks Steve and Congrats again! Isn't it the coolest feeling being a dad??? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 25th, 2008, 8:00am IMPORTANT!!! What is to come involves an illicit, albeit unwitting, "condition" in DB's free-agent requests last week. Many of you may have noticed it by now. The bottom line is going to be, on the one hand, one of consent, and, on the other, administrative. Now, folks have been including "conditions", typically fairly minute in scope and commonsensical, in their free-agent requests and even an, again, small "conditional" trade was made this past preseason. In the first instance, the "conditions" have always been "in-house", so to speak, involving conditions that only involve the owner's own team (so, consentual as a matter of fact). In the second instance, the "condition" involved two teams, but both knowingly and consentually. DB's "conditional" request involved another team, unknowingly and, thus, without consent. Of course, in any event, this opens an administrative can of worms that would be unfathomable. Anyway, below are relevant (and sometimes revised) portions of e-mails I sent to DB... "You are correct about the Cooley thing, and I've fixed that at the web site. BUT, your other stipulation regarding your picking up of QB's (to block Mark), ultimately didn't matter, but would NOT have been applied, anyway. While you can submit conditional scenarios vis-a-vis YOUR OWN free-agent requests, you are NOT allowed to do so relative to others' free-agent requests... because it is/functions like you are getting to peek in at their lineup submission before you are supposed to be allowed to. You just have to eat it when you want to pull a defensive move like that. To use a different area of our game as an analogue, you can't say if HE plays x, then I'm playing y. That just isn't right (again, it's as if you are peeking in at others' lineups beforehand), not to mention the administrative NIGHTMARE allowing conditionals involving OTHERS' lineups and free-agent requests would become. Imagine circular conditionals that cancel each other out. Oh, my... I mean... think that through. Imagine if everybody submitted lineups/free-agent requests relative to others'. It would be impossible; the situation would be untenable. But, again, of course, the impossibility is trumped by it's impropriety, in any event." And, to repeat, in response to the possible retort that it's no different than the trade Danny and Trout made this past preseason... "... the difference lies in consent. Danny and Dave's deal was consensual. This situation is not. BUT, in any event, there is also an important difference in terms of administration. Imagine what it could be like with all these 'unconsensual' conditionals. A logistical NIGHTMARE on me!" Again, I think once yous all patiently think this through, it's quite clear what the reality here is and what's commonsensically in harmony with that said reality. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Oct 25th, 2008, 11:41am I probably would not have responded but for your use of the word "illicit". My conditional free agent request was simply the result of our closed line-up system where we do not see each other's trades until after kickoff. Since my blocking strategy worked the week before, I figured I would try it again to stop my opponent from taking a 2nd QB. However, not knowing whether my opponent traded up for a QB without my knowledge, I listed some QBs. If he already traded for the QB, what is the point of me taking a QB? That is a lot different that me saying ... if my opponent takes X, then I take Y. I did not do that. All I did was condition my free agent pick on whether a trade had occured, which is something I think we are entitled to know, but do not because of our system. If that is a problem administratively, then fine. It didn't matter last week and I highly doubt it would have even come up again. I can see how conditional deals generally can lead to more work in calculating results, which is why I was surprised that the prior conditional deal was allowed so nonchalantly, consenual or not. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 25th, 2008, 6:56pm My use of the word "illicit" was probably a bit over-the-top. I kind of knew that. No other word was rolling off my fingertips before going to bed at 5:00 a.m. and I wanted to use a word that would convey a sense of seriousness [as, if DB's condition did apply, it could have resulted (on a day and weekend I had other MUCH MORE "pressing" matters to tend to) in an administrative nightmare for me that could have caused a flurry of discussion, which the commissioner here would not have been able to be much of an active participant in, causing things to likely be held up all week]. However, that is why I followed it with "albeit unwitting", which I consider a bit of a softener. Maybe a better word would have been "inappropriate". Though, my suspicions are you would have replied (intelligently as you have, mind you) regardless of what the negative word was going to be (and there was going to be the employment of some negative word). That having been said, I absolutely apologize for the use of a word that probably was, again, a little too harsh and out-of-line. [smiley=letsmakeup.gif] For the record, let it be known that I don't think that Dave was trying to do anything underhanded here. I can totally see how he interpreted things the way he did and thought that what he was doing was okay. As will be illustrated below, we really are in the penumbra here. As to the substance of the matter, I DO see Dave's point about the timing of the annoucements of trades, moreover, vis-a-vis when they, according to our system, become "official". This board, frankly speaking, has kind of contributed to the muddying of the waters on this front. Technically, trades, even ones "preannounced" here, are NOT official, i.e. could hypothetically/potentially be quashed, right up until the kickoff of the first game of the week. Another way of putting it, they really don't go through until the kickoff of the first game, AND "announcements" here are technically unofficial; the official submission of the trade is the one that is (supposed to be) included on your lineup card or communicated to me by phone (which is very rare anymore, at least insofar as my hearing it before kickoff, and when it does hit my ears before kickoff I typically encourage the person to "preannounce" it on the boards, that is if I don't do it myself, so I'm not working with privileged knowledge that nobody else knows). Further muddying the waters, of course, is the fact that OFFSEASON trades are "official" once reported (by both parties), which usually happens these days here on our board. But, again, no lineups need to be submitted. The conflation is merely apparent, but, nevertheless, really confusing. In season, one thing we could ALL proactively do to, in some informal way, help with this is to make sure we all get back to including our trades on the lineup cards regardless of whether or not they have been preannounced here and, ideally, just doing it on our cards without any preannouncements. That would go toward making things more clear-cut again. To be quite honest, I've made this worse. :-[ I've been lax about letting announcements here function as official trade submissions. But, in my defense, my practice is rather commonsensical and in the spirit of streamlining things. That said, just for a little while, in terms of reporting trades, it may be good for us to pull back the reigns and get back to the basics [of using the lineup submission form the way it was supposed to be (and not lean on the convenience of the board here)]. Again, though, there really is no solution to this. Letting people know about trades you make before they are technically "official" is really a matter of personal preference. Of course, the retort could be that perhaps we should make it that trades become official upon their completion. But, a) how in hell would that be administrated/overseen? And, b) people could finagle their way around that easily if they so chose. It's ultimately up to the parties involved whether or not they want to TRY to keep it hush-hush [smiley=secret.gif] or not. But, again, on the "league's" end, NOTHING is "official" until the kickoff of that first game. So, to flip this back around the other way, and I'm really just reiterating what Dave stated above but in slightly different words, to state conditions on your lineup card that aren't consented to before kickoff is, let's say, "inappropriate" and will be disallowed, and it is important to remember that trades preannounced here or anywhere are not yet "official" transactions (though, common sense dictates, they are probably good pieces of "unofficial" information to put to use when filling out your lineup card) and just because some people choose to preannounce them here doesn't mean that the door is open to making speculative, not-consented-to conditions on your lineup card. Incidentally, just to be proactive here, don't necessarily think that this conundrum is solely or even at all attributable to the set-up of our web site and our lineup submissions format. This is not a technological issue. No matter the format of submitting trades vis-a-vis the public announcement of trades, people could change their minds at any time and trades could be nullified or modified last-minute, making for a whole nother layer of "clusterfuckness". [smiley=rollinwithlaughter.gif] Also, I now better see the point of Dave's allusion to the predraft trade Danny and Trout made. It brings to the fore a tertiary factor beyond "consent" and "administration", that of "active participation". Danny and Dave's deal involved, in a general sense, the selections of others not privy to their deal. However, there are two important differences. First, in the draft, unlike with free-agency, each pick is made individually with knowledge of all prior picks and even all prior goings-on known at the moment of each and every selection. But, more importantly, the guys making selections up until the conditional pick were not active participants in the trade. Their variability and the variability of their selections remained completely intact. The participation, if it could be called that, is incidental. It's like making sure you drop a kicker only for a kicker in free-agency. The "trigger", if you will, technically is not that particular guys took all the kickers you wanted and, thus, you don't drop your kicker (although it could be theoretically tantamount to that); it is that you didn't get a kicker, so you don't drop a kicker. It is only incidental or accidental that those particular guys took the kickers you wanted. The necessary or efficient cause, so to speak, is your not getting a kicker (not those guys taking the kickers you wanted, strictly speaking). But, mind you, in very extreme circumstances, the incidental and the necessary could be equivalent. That would just be, quite literally, coincidence, though, interesting to philosophically and logically ponder, a waste of time pondering from an administrative point of view (more "clusterfuckness"). Bottom line, first, if, when filling out your lineup card, whatever you are thinking of doing in terms of conditions involves a) something that is not "official" until kickoff [regardless of whether you actually (happen to) know about it or not, e.g. by way of a preannouncement on this board] and b) sheer SPECULATION about what other "participating" owners do, which obviously means it doesn't meet the so-called test of "consent", then you are not to act on it when filling out your lineup card. And, to get us all on the same page here, know that I will always disallow such moves. Okay,... whew... :P ... :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 28th, 2008, 7:03pm Guys, the day's gotten away from me here today. Results are not going to be up on schedule this week. With class this evening until 9:15 and tomorrow morning at 8:30 (and an hour commute), stuff won't probably be updated until, for you guys back on the east coast, sometime fairly late tomorrow (Wednesday) night. I'm sorry about this, and thank you guys in advance for your anticipated understanding. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Oct 28th, 2008, 11:15pm Sreve, Congrats on the new one... I apologize for being a bit late on that. We are not in a big rush for stats, well I'm not anyway. Hell, I may have even won a game this week. Enjoy your baby. Make sure momma gets plenty of rest. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 4th, 2008, 7:42pm Well, fellas, the "results", the ones you really care about, here on Election [smiley=patriot.gif] Day, are in... ;) ... [smiley=awwgee.gif] Also, do remember that this week we have a Thursday night game, by the kickoff of which you MUST have submitted your lineup for the week, Week 10. That's you all's heads up from the desk of the commissioner!!! I will probably turn over the lineups submission section late tonight, wee hours for you guys back east, because of this circumstance. Turning over the lineups section late on Tuesday nights would be my plan every week there is a Thursday game, which is pretty much from here on out. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 20th, 2008, 6:28pm Fellas, If you've happened to notice... or not, we're having trouble with the league site. The FrontPage Server Extensions, which drive the hit box on the home page but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, the lineup submission forms, have somehow become, in computer-speak, corrupted. There is no way to submit your lineup via the form (you'll get a computer error), and I fear, based on the work going on behind the scenes and what's being said, this is not going to be resolved by kickoff tonight. SO, if you haven't gotten your (final) lineup in yet, plan to do so by some other method, preferably, private message to me "StegRock" here, e-mail, or, if absolutely necessary, phone. If you did successfully submit your lineup via the lineup submissions form before the system went down mid-afternoon today, providing you have no further changes, you're good to go (i.e., as long as you got the usual, normal confirmation page displaying your lineup, you're good). Also, if you still have yet to submit your (final) lineup, one quick way to check [smiley=checkin.gif] and see if the system is back up and running before wasting time on the form is to go to the GBRFL home page first (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/), scroll down to the bottom of the page and see if the "hit box" is displayed. If it is, the system is probably back up and running. If it is not, i.e., there is a missing graphic icon [smiley=smileynotfound.gif] where the hit box is supposed to be, then the system is almost definitely still down. I apologize for this inconvenience. If things remain down for the evening, before processing this week's transactions, I will go ahead and start a thread here on which I will post everybody's lineups for the week. Over and Out, :P Steg P.S. (Guys, if you haven't already, check out the message I put up to yous here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=56;action=display;num=1227159956.) :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 20th, 2008, 8:46pm The site's, alas, back up and running, guys. I'm just going to get everything straightened out over there, and turn the system over when it is. Give me about 30 or so minutes. Then, I'll go ahead and process the transactions for the week. As the system stands, lineups have been locked. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 25th, 2008, 3:05pm Heya, fellas, just a heads up,... due to the "extra early" holiday week, once I am done posting Week 12's results, which should be in about 2 to 2 1/2 hours from now, I will turn over the lineup submissions section so we can begin submitting Week 13 lineups right away. So, if you want to take one last look at and jot down your Week 12 opponent's/s' lineup/s, do so a.s.a.p. Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 2nd, 2008, 2:47am Guys, I got a paper [smiley=howtoput.gif] due on Wednesday morning at 8:30. I highly doubt that I will get around to running Week 13's stats tomorrow (Tuesday) as I usually do. It'll probably be more like (fairly late) Wednesday night (EST). We'll see... Also, this could be the way things go for the month of December until all my papers for the semester are out of the way. Thanks in advance for your anticipated understanding and patience, fellas. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 3rd, 2008, 9:58am Guys,... update,... I still don't know exactly when the stats are going to be up for Week 13, hopefully before kickoff of Thursday night's game. But, I will go ahead and turn over the lineups section, so yous can submit your Week 14 lineups sometime this afternoon/evening (EST). Out, Steg... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 7th, 2009, 5:33pm Heya'll! So as to give me a hand with the updating of the league web site for the 2009 season, could each of you respectively post the number of protection spots you (think you) have? Right here on this thread will be just fine. It would be a BIG help! Thanks in advance! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Jun 7th, 2009, 7:42pm Dirk Diggler should have 13 (12 original and 1 from trade with Feder) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Jun 7th, 2009, 11:42pm Joe has 11 pro-spots. I traded it to Mark Hahn. Steg, I will also start working on the draft pick grid. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Pakman on Jun 8th, 2009, 11:54am I believe that I have 12 protection spots....not 100% sure on that though |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 8th, 2009, 2:01pm Thanks to all the dudes who have already posted their protections! In accord with the Freedom of FF Information Act, ;) let it be known that I have 13, my 12 plus one of the many Trout can spare. [smiley=LMFAO.gif] ... ;) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Jun 8th, 2009, 4:17pm 13 for me (one from Parsons) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Jun 10th, 2009, 9:22am I guess i have twelve....but looking for more. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Jun 10th, 2009, 4:29pm 12 I think. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 11th, 2009, 1:01am Thanks to yous guys who posted your protection spots... [smiley=bow.gif] It was a BIG help! Also, Joe, thanks for offering to do the draft grid again for this year. [smiley=twothumbsup.gif] That too is a HUGE help! Fellas, I am starting the updating of the league web site for the '09 season. [smiley=steg.gif] I have updated the following pages: "Transactions" (with the two trades made thus far this offseason), "Rosters" (to reflect the two trades and everybody's protection spots) and the "History" page (what the hell; we are up to 168 years of combined fantasy-football experience and have an "expanding" global [smiley=world.gif] presence ;)). Here's a link to the league home page: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl. ENJOY!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 17th, 2009, 8:08pm Heya, fellas! The "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages at the league site, http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl, are up to the "post-draft moment"!!! ENJOY!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2009, 11:53pm Heyas, fellas... Finally have internet at home as of yesterday, and my first order of business was to get the "Lineups Submission" section turned over for Week 1 of the season. That is done, and you all can submit your Week 1 lineups at any time. Do REMEMBER that lineups are due by the kickoff of the opening-night (Steelers [smiley=towelwave.gif]-Titans [smiley=titan.gif]) game on THURSDAY, September 10th!!! Also, a side note,... [smiley=note.gif] I have not yet reset the "Standings" or "Games Results" pages for the 2009 season. I should have that done, and, thus, the whole site ready to roll [smiley=rollin.gif] for the new season by Tuesday morning. [smiley=steg.gif] One other actually more important note,... [smiley=note.gif] when trying to contact me by phone, [smiley=phone.gif] please start using our new (551) home phone number instead of our (732) cell number. It's (been) listed on the "Owner Information" page. As we continue to get more and more settled in in Illinois, I will start using and even checking our cell phone less and less. So, if you want to make sure I get your messages in a timely fashion, use our new home number. Of course, when it comes to desperate lineup-submission situations or whatever, it does not hurt to back yourself up as many ways as possible, but for regular correspondence our home phone is the way to go. And, as always, it's 24-7 in the Stegeman household. We just shut the sucker off at beddie [smiley=yawn.gif] time... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 7th, 2009, 8:29pm on 09/05/09 at 23:53:23, StegRock wrote:
Make that more like... by game time Thursday... [smiley=RIF.gif] ... [smiley=tired.gif] Sorry for the delay on this, fellas. :-[ It's ultimately just cosmetic, though. It just is what it is right now. :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 10th, 2009, 4:58am At this point, ALL the pages at the league web site, http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl, have been refreshed for the new 2009 season!!! [smiley=bow.gif] Still gotta get my lineup in here,... but I'm... out... [smiley=yawn.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 15th, 2009, 2:46am Guys, just a heads up,... based on my class and work schedule this semester, weekly results and standings updates will almost never be doable for me on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday daytime, or, in other words, before Wednesday night. They will almost always be done and posted sometime between Wednesday late evening and Thursday night, hopefully more often (closer to) the former. I'll do my best to do it as early as possible. The good thing is, again vis-a-vis my schedule, it should all almost always be done by Thursday night, i.e., I shouldn't need to go later than that, save for emergencies or very unusual situations. So, though it may not end up being as early in the week as everybody would like, I foresee being more "regular" with the weekly results and standings updates this year. Thank you in advance for your anticipated understanding and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] (I can let yous unofficially know that I went 1-1 this week... [smiley=yinandyang.gif]) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 1st, 2009, 10:10pm Guys, I am going to need yous to bear with me here a little this week. I've had a good, but rough one. BIG presentation (on Nietzsche, who is always a mind-fuck) on Tuesday (went outstandingly), and I volunteered for a department web-site project, which had me up almost all night last night. I don't think I am going to have the stats run and done before going to bed tonight. My guess is that the results and everything will be up tomorrow by around 4 o' clock in the afternoon (EST). I will, however, go ahead and turn over the lineups section right now so people can begin submitting their Week 4 lineups at will. I apologize for the delay. :-[ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 2nd, 2009, 2:02pm Stuff's up! [smiley=steg.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 4th, 2009, 7:32pm Heya, fellas... This is gonna be one of these "bottom line" type messages... I know the economy is hitting us all hard. In terms of sheer numbers I'm sure what we small-scale Stegemans are enduring is not comparable to what the rest of you guys are, but, trust me, relatively speaking, it has its effects on us really little guys, too,... and then I carry the burden of the cost of this web site, especially during this "scale down" when donations from the rest of the members on "the Gridiron" are NOT rolling in. In any event, I used to notify former donors around a year after they made their donations that they were going to lose their "current" status and be bumped down to the "past donors" list and so, if they wanted to remain on the "current donors" list, this was their reminder. Now that all league fees are in I thought I would give you all the same "courtesy". Again, I am NOT asking you to do anything you can't do, but, to whatever degree you can, it would be much appreciated. It is worth noting, guys, that I have NOT raised the league fee since 1997, a year or two after we departed ASG, when I raised it to $50 up from $25 which is what I used to charge when we were with ASG, which had their own separate fee you had to pay (which I think was $40, which made your annual league fee a total of $65 through about 1995 or 1996). BOTTOM LINE, if the GBRFLers start falling off the current donors list, the noose of dollar [smiley=money.gif] bills around my neck is going to start really tightening. You guys, along with a few very generous CBFLers, are about the only hope I have to help get me through these presumably lean next couple of years. So, without further ado, to see your donation "status", go here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. Thank you all for your anticipated understanding, consideration and assistance! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 13th, 2009, 10:10pm Fellas, consider this a TOTAL treat, [smiley=letsmakeup.gif] but, please, don't make it an expectation. Due to a funky work schedule this week and a crazy ONE-point win over Joe that I had figured out pen-to-paper and really wanted to confirm, the results and updates for Week 5 are already up! [smiley=steg.gif] ENJOY!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Oct 14th, 2009, 5:59pm I was actually going to post about what a treat it actually is to have the results up on a Wednesday. Actually last week you got them up by Wednesday night i think. NICE job. ANY posting during the middle of the week is much appreciated. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 14th, 2009, 6:09pm on 10/14/09 at 17:59:56, Art Vandalay wrote:
Thanks Stegeman!!! It is nice to get the results early...(especially when I had 2 wins) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Oct 14th, 2009, 10:50pm Thanks Steg for pumping the results out earlier than normal. I know that you are swamped. Congrats on the win over me. I am taking some slice in the aspect that I plyed 2 very close games...basically 1 category either way and I could have had 2 wins. I will take my baby step toward contending next year. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 22nd, 2009, 4:14am Fellas, versus last week's treat, this week is a nightmare. To wit, look at the hour at which I am posting this message, and I have not even begun processing the stats for Week 6 (other than to say that I am pretty sure I went 2-0 ;D). At best, I am going to get a few hours of sleep tonight and the stuff will be posted sometime probably fairly late tomorrow night (eh-hem,... Thursday night that is). That is if I am not totally zonked [smiley=yawn.gif] when I get home tomorrow. Honestly, my guess is that my sleep pattern will be off, and it will be late tomorrow night, wee-hours perhaps, that the stuff will get posted. So, I think the stuff will likely be up for yous to peruse on Friday morning. We'll see. If yous're lucky, it'll be not too late tomorrow (Thursday) night. I appreciate your anticipated understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] Out, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Oct 23rd, 2009, 4:57pm Gentlemen, I have received several complaints that it's difficult at best to contact me. I argree. Still travel quite a bit (i'll be in West Palm in two weeks Danny. Maybe we can get together so you can cry on my shoulder) and don't check my personal e-mail but once a week. As it turns out, this site's instant messages are probably the best way to contact me as i check in several times per week. So if you're looking for me, let me know here. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 1st, 2009, 2:52pm What a week of transactions... [smiley=hungry.gif] [smiley=builder.gif] [smiley=steg.gif] Holy hell!!! [smiley=stars.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 9th, 2009, 11:51pm Guys, because of the THURSDAY night game this upcoming week, Week 10, and lineup submissions due by the kickoff of said game, I will turn over the lineups area sometime tomorrow, Tuesday, so that Week 10 lineups can be submitted a.s.a.p. However, the results for Week 9 will most likely not be posted until (late) Wednesday night. ALSO, PLEASE note [smiley=pencil.gif] that, save for Week 17, the final week of the season, from here on out, the "NFL week" begins early: Thursday from Week 10 through Week 15; Friday, Week 16. Don't forget to submit your lineups ON TIME!!! THIS is you all's reminder!!! Thank you for your anticipated due diligence! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Nov 10th, 2009, 11:31pm Thanks for the reminder STEG!!!! I didn't realize until I was watching the game last night myself. More football is always better. Thursday's games didn't used to start until Thanksgiving, but now they start after the World Series is over!!! YEAH!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 11th, 2009, 1:21am Well, if you don't have DirecTV or Comcast doesn't serve your area and, thus, you can't even get the NFL Network, it ain't so great... I, for one, won't even be able to partake of the enjoyment... :'( Anyway, you're welcome for the reminder... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 3rd, 2009, 8:49pm What a Week 13, trade-deadline flurry [smiley=snowjob.gif] of transactions and free-agent requests!!! [smiley=ohshit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 10th, 2009, 9:18pm Point of clarification regarding Travis's lineup this week. He put in for his starting defense "whoever I pick up". Thing is, he picked up two defenses. His starting defense would be the one he picked up first, which is the Bills. But, as yous can imagine, I do not prefer lineups to be submitted with such potential unclarity. Anyway, that's the deal. Always remember in situations like these it defers to whoever has spent the longest on your roster, i.e. whoever is "leftmost" as is displayed on the "Rosters" page. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 10th, 2009, 9:57pm on 12/10/09 at 21:18:27, StegRock wrote:
It is as clear as listing your drop as your add and add as your drop. ;D ?.?.? :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 10th, 2009, 10:06pm on 12/10/09 at 21:57:20, DirkDiggler wrote:
I TOTALLY get where you're coming from, Steve, (damn Trout... [smiley=fishing.gif] ... ;)) but in a sense (and I'm sure you get this) it isn't as bad... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by T-Rave on Dec 11th, 2009, 7:35pm First of all, sorry for the lack of clarity. I can see how it is confusing. It does seem, however, somewhat obvious (as Steg has implied) what I meant: clearly the defense I pick up first is the one I am hoping to get (since they are higher on the "add free agent" list), and so clearly they are the one I am intending to play. Not expecting to pick up two defenses, I did not foresee this turn of events. I'll avoid this confusion in future. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Dec 21st, 2009, 6:49pm Steve called and asked me to keep you guys updated on the coming week in terms of updates/rolling over the lineups:
He may be difficult to reach for just a couple of days and appreciates your patience and understanding. Lastly, a congratulatory note to DB from me. Suck it. But kudos on your impressive run. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 25th, 2009, 1:51am Thanks to Mark for getting this posted... on 12/21/09 at 18:49:41, Drew Rosenhaus wrote:
That is, the lineups section will be turned over sometime tomorrow (yes, Christmas day). I don't have the necessary files here on mom's computer. I have to fire up my laptop and memory-stick them over, and, with a house full of Steggies all bedded for the night [smiley=sleepers.gif] and mine own eyes hanging out of my head, [smiley=tired.gif] I am not doing that tonight. I'll try my best to have WEEK 15's stats run before kickoff on Friday night. [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] Furthermore, thanks to Travis's being on the ball here this week (and not letting a biff snowball on us) [smiley=thumbsup.gif] I will have to do a little Week 15 free-agent cleanup. Danny should have been ahead of Warner and me in the standings for Week 14. It does have ramifications on the free-agents for last week. Point being, bottom line, this will almost definitely be one of those weeks where you will pretty much need to be submitting your lineup for the next week before the results for the prior week are posted. I apologize for this. I just came out of term-paper hell and off of a 1,000-mile trip, and it's Christmas. It just is what it is this week. It's just "one of those weeks". Anyway, that's what's up... Thank you in advance for your anticipated understanding and patience... And, Merry Christmas... [smiley=santa.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 26th, 2009, 10:57pm Well, everything, alas, is ALL caught up at the league site... [offtopic]If I may be permitted just one more moment of self-pity... Besides the timing of it all, this was about the most EXCRUTIATING process running the league I've EVER endured. I know how most of yous take losing. As I've told many of yous, I honestly can enjoy the general unfolding of the league whether or not I'm in the running, the former of which has been the case for me for five seasons now (but I still derive enjoyment and can still enjoyably run the league), BUT what happened to me this week took a lot out of me. Just imagine for a moment not being able to walk away from it for a bit when things don't go your way, in fact, have to be immersed in it and, worse yet, go the way it went for me at every turn this week. Besides the general administrative nightmare, things couldn't have gone worse for my team; every possible fork in the flowchart went the way of [smiley=grinch.gif] "take this lump of Christmas coal, old Steg." [smiley=bawling.gif] Despite playing Trout, a game I should have won, the saving grace was that I was at least in a position to reaquire Jerome Harrison, who I very regrettably happened to cut last week. I had all intentions of cutting Tony Gonzalez and requesting Jerome Harrison in round one of free-agency (in fact, I expressed it to Mark when I spoke with him about doing me the favor of making the post above). Anyway, Merry Christmas, Steve. I gift-wrapped him for you. [smiley=frustrated.gif]DAMN IT!!![/offtopic] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 30th, 2009, 11:34pm Fellas, the results for Week 16 aren't up and won't be for up to another couple days, but so as to avoid any lineup submissions disasters I am going ahead and turning over the lineups section right now so lineups for Week 17 can be submitted at will. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Dec 31st, 2009, 2:01pm Thanks Steg. Keep up the hard work my friend. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 2nd, 2010, 9:05pm Thanks for the encouraging words, Joe. This stretch run here this year has been sheer hell for the old Stegger [smiley=doseofreality.gif] ... [smiley=downthetubes.gif] (and, to be quite honest, not conducive to my wanting to even deal with this stuff). In any event, the Week 16 stuff is finally up. Heading into Week 17 that means the "Results", "Standings" AND "Schedule" pages have been updated. Enjoy, and good luck to all as we close out the 2009-2010 season. Do remember (as if most of us even care this year) that you can play players in the post-season. Just make sure you indicate the order of the games you want said player fielded in, i.e. W17 (although you don't necessarily need this one), WC, DR, CC, PB, SB (yous can hopefully figure out the acronyms). |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 8th, 2010, 10:54pm Heya, Guys! I hope yous all had a wonderful holidays. What a holiday it's been for the Steggie's... :-/ Don't get me wrong... Baby Monica at age one was about as precious as precious can be... I just wish I could have really rolled around and played with her and totally enjoyed my little baby girl. In case yous missed this up in "the Bleachers"... on 12/17/09 at 03:25:49, StegRock wrote:
And, this collarbone, I am very sad to say, ain't gettin' better. It happened... and was misdiagnosed, i.e., they missed the crack, back in mid-November... I went back in to the doctor in mid-December, and they found the break, but here it is pushing mid-January, and it really doesn't feel any better than it did then. :'( Mind you, not much can be done about a broken clavicle,... but I'm at my wit's end... I've already got a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Wednesday, and I surely hope there is something they can figure out. Now, as if that isn't drama enough, [smiley=dramaqueen.gif] on December 28th my mom took a spill and sustained a break to her hip. It could have been waaaaay worse. As most of us know,... broken hips + aging adults usually = bad news. She had a follow-up appointment today, and, as it turns out, it's not that bad. It's very minor and to her lower hip socket, i.e. not a crucial spot. She's already getting around fairly well, but will probably be on home stay for about another month. We got the convalescent ward over here. Suffice it to say, this has made for a hectic and painful holiday season, and things regarding the league are lagging. At any rate, we're leaving to start our journey back to Illinois on the morrow. I'll start taking care of league matters when we get there and get settled back in at home, which all in all probably won't be until toward the end of next week. Please be patient and consider anything that happens to get done between now and then bonus. Thanks in advance... See yous on the other end... [smiley=wavinbye.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 18th, 2010, 12:29am Okay, guys, alas, with most games having already gone "final", I have updated the league site with Week 17 results. Since I'm getting on this this late here this year, I'm not doing the "1st Qtr., 2nd Qtr.,..." thing. If it doesn't say, "FINAL," then the game is not yet (quite) over; some stats are still pending. Other than that, CONGRATS again to our TWO-time consecutive 1st Place League Champion, DB. [smiley=worship.gif] Also, congrats to our 2nd Place finisher, Francis, and to a first-time GBRFL award winner, our 3rd Place finisher, Pakman! [smiley=twothumbsup.gif] All of that, pending game results notwithstanding, is a done deal. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Pakman on Jan 19th, 2010, 1:05pm [smiley=booya.gif] [smiley=booya.gif]Rob Pak comes out of nowhere to secure his first plaque with many more to come [smiley=hellyeafunny.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 31st, 2010, 11:55pm Well, fellas, we're almost there... Only a couple cliffhangers left... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 15th, 2010, 3:55am Th- Th- Th- That's all, folks! [smiley=steg.gif] ... [smiley=wavinbye.gif] ... [smiley=tired.gif] ... [smiley=sleepers.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 18th, 2010, 12:32am Guys, just a heads up... I'll be incommunicado for the next few days... Conferencin'... http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1037120039;start=125. See yous on the come-around! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 11th, 2010, 5:46pm Heya, Guys... Updating of the league web site for the 2010 season has begun... The key pages needed for consultation in the immediacy, "Rosters" and "Transactions", are now up-to-date. League web site link: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Jul 11th, 2010, 11:11pm Thanks for the update. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 2nd, 2010, 12:36am "Rosters" page at the league site updated with cuts... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 9th, 2010, 2:33pm "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages have been updated over at the league site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/) per yesterday's restocking draft! Enjoy! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 9th, 2010, 6:08pm on 08/09/10 at 14:33:43, StegRock wrote:
Noticed I hadn't updated the "Rosters" page with our new team numbers for 2010. I just did! The new page is up. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 4th, 2010, 2:55am Heya, Fellas! The remainder of the league site has been updated for the 2010 season, that is, the "Schedule", "Results" and "Standings" pages and the "Lineups" submission section has been turned over so that lineups can now be submitted for Week 1. [smiley=steg.gif] Do remember that Week 1 lineups are due by the kickoff of the THURSDAY night game! Enjoy!!! Here we go, guys!!! [smiley=woohoo.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 9th, 2010, 12:21pm Heya, guys! Just to let yous know, regarding the issue I hit yous up with this summer of where I am going to get the raw stats for this year and the significant extra cost I would likely incur, as it turns out, when I had contact with Philly here on the site (Jeff West), who has been letting us jones off his league's CBSSportsline account for the past few years, and was inquiring with him about what minimum level of account I would need to have access to those raw stats that we have to have, he all but cut me off and insisted that we go ahead and use the account for his league. That was very gracious of him. So, while this is something we have to keep in the back of our minds moving forward, thanks to Jeff we're covered... again... for 2010! We all owe a big thanks to Jeff... for all of these years of behind-the-scenes service to us! [smiley=bow.gif] Here's a link for him: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=;action=imsend;to=PhantasyPhilly. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 12th, 2010, 1:21am Heya, fellas... As we really hit stride here tomorrow, [smiley=woohoo.gif] I wanted to let yous know how/when things are going to get done this year week in and week out. Player transactions will be processed as usual in a timely fashion. On normal weeks they will be done shortly after kickoff. HOWEVER, the posting of results will not be so timely. I have a heavily front-loaded "work week". Let's just put it this way... In terms of my office hours and all my classes, the ones I am teaching and taking taken together, I am done with everything save for one class period of 50 minutes and two office hours by 1:00 Wednesday afternoon. My point is, I am crazy-busy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until 1:00. After then, things ease up significantly. I plan to run the stats and have the weekly results and standings up sometime Wednesday late afternoon, evening or night. Bottom line, the chances that I have the stuff done on Tuesday is, on a regular basis, next to none. Alright... That's all. I thank yous up front for your anticipated understanding and patience this season. [smiley=bow.gif] Here we go!!! Let's get ready to rumble!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 16th, 2010, 3:55am Heya, Guys! I had a deadline on the submission of a paper to meet tonight, and, suffice it to say... here at almost 3:00 a.m. (CST), what I was working on consumed my Wednesday... afternoon, evening and night. [smiley=howtoput.gif] I did make the deadline, incidentally, but, literally, with not a minute to spare. [smiley=yikes.gif] Anyway, running the stats for the league obviously got tabled. By the time I get to bed tonight it will probably be about 4:00 a.m. That would have me waking up midday tomorrow if I actually get 8 hours of... [smiley=sleepers.gif] In any event, I'll be dragging ass, [smiley=tired.gif] for sure. Point being, I'll have Week 1's results posted sometime tomorrow, hopefully by the evening. I thank you guys in advance for your anticipated understanding and cooperation. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 30th, 2010, 2:50pm Just a friendly note [smiley=note.gif] to our long-distance guys, the league fee of $50 is due by kickoff of this week's, Week 4's, games. At this late point in the week, your likely only option, unless you've gotten it off to me in the mail already, is electronically. Here's the link by way of which you can go about submitting your payment through one of the on-line options: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. Please do remember that a little donation scratch is always... [smiley=welcome.gif] ... Your contribution will of course be recognized on our donations pages. :) Thank you for your anticipated consideration. [smiley=bow.gif] Over and out... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 2nd, 2010, 6:19pm DANNY,... [smiley=pm.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 14th, 2010, 5:58pm Heya, guys, this is a reminder about the crazy couple of weeks (Weeks 6 and 7) from the administrative side of the ball that we are headed for next week vis-a-vis Steggie's world. For details on that world, again, see here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1037120039;start=125. Here are the bottom lines... assuming, while in Chile, I do not have either convenient internet access or the time to ditz around on the internet, one or both of which I think is highly likely... 1) Know that, if you want to see the lineup(s) of your opponent(s) this week, Week 6, DO SO A.S.A.P. after kickoff... because, since I will be leaving for Chile on Monday, I will turn over the lineups section on Sunday night/Monday morning so that lineups for Week 7 can be submitted!!! Alternatively, feel free to share your lineups with one another some other way, including by starting a thread for such a purpose right here on our GBRFL message board. 2) Know that official results for Week 6 will NOT be posted probably until after the kickoff of Week 7's games on Sunday, the 24th... as I will not be back home until around noon that day!!! 3) So, know that you will not know your precise position in the standings heading into Week 7, i.e. when you submit your Week 7 lineups and, more importantly, free-agent requests!!! 4) Finally, know that I will try my best to have the results for Week 6 and the player transactions for Week 7 all done sometime on Sunday, the 24th, but please be sensitive to the fact that I will likely be exhausted and heading back into the heavy part of my week!!! I will, however, in the spirit of full disclosure, make sure to turn the lineups section back over either once I get in the door or once the ball is kicked off, whichever comes first, so that everybody can see their opponents' lineups. Everybody on the same page here...??? If so, thank you for your anticipated cooperation, [smiley=bow.gif] and know that I apologize for the complications and inconvenience I am causing here. [smiley=zenmaster.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 24th, 2010, 12:46pm Guys,... Week 6's stuff is UP... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 24th, 2010, 10:21pm Heya, fellas... The transactions for Week 7 have been processed! [smiley=wave.gif] We should be back on an even keel now moving forward... :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 10th, 2010, 12:07am Guys, with the Thursday night game(s starting) this week, the results for Week 9 are done and have been posted! I will try my best to get this done on Tuesday or Wednesday nights from here on out. It may be doable, even on Tuesdays, as, just to let yous know, Steg's bachelor time is being extended as the girls won't be back from Korea until December 17th as it turns out. Alright, enjoy,... and don't forget to get your lineups in by the kickoff of Thursday night's game. I will turn the lineups section over sometime tomorrow. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 18th, 2010, 9:05pm Just to clarify this here as immediately as possible... Joe's lineup this week is schmucked (what's new, right?), lending credence to the argument that it's not his players that suck, but rather his team management, and that his brain is like a stupid bowl of oatmeal. Anyway, for his #3 receiver he put in "Whomever I get". He ultimately got two receivers. The interpretation will be that he meant "Whomever I get first". So, his #3 is Mike Thomas, and his #4 is Randy Moss. Danny Amendola, whom he got in the second round of free-agency, would be inserted as his last receiver option. Oh brother, right? Alright, out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 1st, 2010, 4:57pm Heya, guys... We're at that point in the semester. I'm in self-sequester mode with a pile of work to do, especially with teaching this semester. I have gone ahead and turned over the lineups section, so lineups for Week 13 can be submitted. The results for Week 12 will be done sometime tonight. Thank you for your anticipated patience... [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 2nd, 2010, 5:13pm Stuff's up... Whew... And, for me, yuck... :P Anyway, enjoy... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 5th, 2010, 7:41am Quick question- I see in the transactions that Trout picked up the Colts. There is not a line up electronically submitted. What line up am I going against this week? Is everything the same except the Defense? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 5th, 2010, 1:29pm Steve, somehow it appended to the bottom of Dave's lineup page. I'm fixing it right now, but, if you see this message within the next couple minutes, you can go over and see for yourself. His lineup for this week is all the way at the bottom. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Dec 5th, 2010, 3:12pm Dumb fuck I am for start fitz over schaub..... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 5th, 2010, 4:49pm on 12/05/10 at 15:12:28, IbdFunk wrote:
Did not know you were fluent in Yoda! (by the way, wrong thread) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 8th, 2010, 5:21pm Guys, I've gone ahead and turned over the lineups section so yous can submit lineups for Week 14. The results for Week 13, however, won't be up until sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding and anticipated patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 9th, 2010, 6:21pm Guys, I am up to my eyeballs right now... [smiley=yikes.gif] The results will definitely NOT be up until after kickoff tonight. So, don't wait around for the results to get in your lineups (it shouldn't be a big deal as we are past the trade deadline; just fill up your free-agent requests surpassing where you project your position in the standings will be). I do apologize for this. It just is what it is right now for me, guys. [smiley=drown.gif] They will be up tonight, though. I will probably be finished with what I am working on at present in about two hours. At that point, after trying to fit in a meal, perhaps, I will run the stats for Week 13. Thank you again for your consideration and anticipated patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 10th, 2010, 12:43am on 12/09/10 at 18:21:48, StegRock wrote:
Guys, I'm sorry... Ain't happening until sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Things kind of snowballed on me here tonight. I finished what I was working on earlier, within two hours as I had said, but then something else came up that I had to deal with. Thank you for anticipatively understanding. Out, [smiley=onit.gif] Steg... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 14th, 2010, 6:46pm Guys, just letting yous know, this week is going to be worse than last. I've got papers due, and [smiley=howtoput.gif] I've got exams to grade and final grades to calculate by Monday early afternoon. [smiley=RIF.gif] Furthermore, the girls come home on Friday, so I really need to be mostly done by then. The results of Week 14's games may not be posted until the wee hours of Saturday night into Sunday. Anyway, as such, I have already gone ahead and turned over the lineups section, so lineups for Week 15 can now be submitted. Also, just to let yous know, in the midst of it all, I still did fix the problem that was causing some people's lineups to append to the bottom of their lineups pages instead of the top. :P Again, thank you for your anticipated understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] Hope all of you are having a [smiley=menorah.gif] good [smiley=spjesus.gif] holiday [smiley=santa.gif] season. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 15th, 2010, 7:02am on 12/14/10 at 18:46:29, StegRock wrote:
I hope a cold front moves through in your week in school hell. And most important, enjoy time with your family!!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 31st, 2010, 12:41am Guys, a heads up and a sort of reminder... Assuming you want to take advantage of our "extended" Week 17 lineup options, that is, fielding your players in the postseason (instead of Week 17), I would highly recommend your getting on that sooner rather than later (if you want to do a good job of it). Case in point, I started putting thought into my "extended" Week 17 lineup early this evening; I just pressed the submit button on it a little bit ago. The calculus on these things can get really hairy if you want to submit an "extended" Week 17 lineup with any level of specificity. Anyway, just my word to the wise... [smiley=wiseman.gif] Trying to submit an "extended" Week 17 lineup in a rushed-up manner last-minute [smiley=ontheclock.gif] will almost inevitably result in your inaccurately conveying exactly what you have in mind. Incidentally, the "standard" abbreviations that I prefer for the final week and postseason games are as follows: SB, PB, CC, DR, WC and W17. Note that Week 17 is assumed if nothing is indicated. In fact, the only automatically distributed stats are those accumulated Week 17. No postseason stats will be assumed and automatically distributed when it comes to calculating the results of the games! Other than that, good luck to all... [smiley=shamrock.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 5th, 2011, 8:01pm The results through the first week of our extended Week 17 are up, boyz... Check out the "Game Results" page at the GBRFL league site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl)! Enjoy! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 10th, 2011, 3:09pm The results for our extended Week 17 have been updated per the stats accumulated during Wildcard Weekend. Two games have gone final, so the Standings page too has been updated this time, and, even though the Super Bowl is close, the championship has been all but determined as there really is almost nothing that can happen to reverse the result in Pak's favor. So, congratulations are basically in order for our soon-to-be official FIVE-time Champ and FIRST-EVER THREEpeat Champion, DB! [smiley=king.gif] Here's to a job VERY well done! [smiley=cheers.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Jan 11th, 2011, 8:33am I will keep the champagne on ice until it's official. :-X |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 16th, 2011, 11:04am By the end of today, a new GBRFL Champion will be crowned [smiley=king.gif] (well, not really "new") and all else will be all but academic... It was another great season. Preliminary congrats to our top three finishers. [smiley=clap.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 17th, 2011, 1:24am Site updated... A couple more games went final, most notably the Super Bowl game. Our First-place League Champ as well as our Second-place finisher are locked in. Contrary to what I wrote above - and it is a bit "personal", if you will - there is still an outside, but not too far outside, chance that one of the games, relevant to the battle for the Third-place plaque, could go the other way. Stay tuned, and congratulations to Dave Bohrer, [smiley=worship.gif] our threepeat Champ, and Rob Pak, [smiley=twothumbsup.gif] who has moved up a spot from last year from third to second. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 25th, 2011, 9:31pm At the conclusion of Conference Championship week, a few more GBRFL games have gone final, and there has been a flip in the "awards area" of the standings. [smiley=grinch.gif] To be continued... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 2nd, 2011, 9:33am Not much change to things post Pro Bowl week, but what change there is has been posted up at the league site on the "Game Results" page... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 7th, 2011, 12:16am That's a wrap, fellas! Another year down! League site's all updated! Congrats to all our award winners this year... [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=pedestal.gif] [smiley=pedestal.gif] [smiley=pedestal.gif] 2nd - Champ - 3rd |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on May 7th, 2011, 1:27pm Hey guys, Did we pick a date for this year's draft last year? If so, let me know ASAP. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 21st, 2011, 2:39am Okay, slowly but surely I am finally wearing my GBRFL hardhat again... The "Rosters" section at the league web site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl) has been updated just in time for viewing before cuts. Also, here is the 2011 Draft Pick Grid that Joe worked on: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2011draftpicksgrid.xls. That should do it for now. I will probably have at least the "Transactions" pages updated on the morrow, and you will be receiving the conference call info for the Draft Lottery Monday evening soon. Keep an eye on your e-mail. Over and out... [smiley=yawn.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 22nd, 2011, 1:25am The "Transactions" section has been updated, and the current "Rosters" page now just displays everybody's cut-down rosters. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 22nd, 2011, 9:07pm We did do the team numbers tonight at the end of the Draft Lottery. The "Rosters" and "Schedule" pages at the league site have been updated accordingly. Also, as a favor of sorts, now before the season starts would be the best time to get team name changes in to me. The deeper into the season it is, the bigger the pain in the ass it is on me to change your team's name. Thank you for your anticipated consideration. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 28th, 2011, 11:41am Heyas, guys... I just went and quickly updated our "History" page over at the league site... We've got 188 total years of FF experience under our belt. Of note this year, hitting a benchmark, Danny is in his 20th year! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 28th, 2011, 1:18pm on 08/21/11 at 02:39:39, StegRock wrote:
I have updated the draft-pick grid to the one Warner sent us this morning... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 30th, 2011, 12:04am Heyas, guys... "Rosters" page at the league site has been updated through the Draft! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2011, 11:33am Any other team name changes, fellas? This would be the time to get them in to me... I especially ask because, as I am continuing to update the league web site, I am noticing some defunct team names like, say, "The Brady Bunch", which is now Bradyless. [smiley=shrug.gif] Anyway, let me know... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2011, 2:43pm Please do not miss this message from a little earlier today... on 09/02/11 at 11:33:37, StegRock wrote:
Also, I have a little extra time this weekend and finally, after over a decade, am willing to change those "funky" passwords you all have for the lineups submission section to whatever you want. So, if you want your lineups submission password changed, preferably just pop me a private message right here on "the Gridiron" with what you want as your new password. Thank you! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 4th, 2011, 12:25pm EVERYTHING IS A GO, FELLAZ!!! The league site is all updated for the new 2011 season! "Standings" and "Results" pages have been reset, and the "Lineups" section is ready to roll for Week 1. I even made a couple small improvements/fixes. [smiley=builder.gif] If you put in for password changes, they have been made. Test to make sure, though. Don't leave things to the last minute, please. Alright,... ENJOY!!! Here we go... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2011, 10:51pm Heya, fellas... Just a heads up... Remember that Week 1 lineups need to be in by the kickoff of Thursday night's game!!! Good luck! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2011, 9:31pm Stuff's up... "Results" and "Standings" pages reflect Week 1's outcomes! Enjoy, fellas! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 15th, 2011, 1:56pm "Lineups" section has been turned over... You can now begin submitting your Week 2 lineups... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 24th, 2011, 3:53pm Guys, I just realized something today, and I have been fretting over how to communicate it without inappropriately divulging information. But, as commish, I feel obliged to express it, and I will do my level-best to be as generic about my explanation as possible... Remember that in the GBRFL (as with CBSSportsline, who is our stats provider) players are rostered according to the position at which they are officially listed, even though they may be listed on their team's depth chart at different positions and, perhaps, even higher (and more likely to play at) those other positions than their officially listed position! It is just one of those slip-through-the-cracks-type situations, but it is not new. We have dealt with this before. Comprende? Please, for the sake of avoiding inappropriate divulging of free-agent information, do not respond to this with any specifics here. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 27th, 2011, 1:11am League fees are due Week 4, fellas... Just reminding yous... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 1st, 2011, 2:14am on 09/27/11 at 01:11:59, StegRock wrote:
We are going into Saturday, the last day I receive snail mail before kickoff Sunday, and there remain a few pending league fees. The league fee is $50.00 (+ gratuity). :) Unless it arrives with tomorrow's mail, you will have to pay via the site donations link, http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm, if you want to avoid penalty. Remember the penalty for not getting your league fee in on time is not all too stiff: you just cannot pick up free-agents until your payment has arrived. You can, however, make lineup changes (and I even allow you to make trades as long as your trading partner is someone who has made his payment). I unfortunately cannot make exceptions to this. Again, the due date is always a known; fair warning is given; multiple and immediate options of payment are available, and the penalty is not that bad. I have enforced this strictly in the past, and it would not be fair to make exceptions. If you have already sent a check and it does not arrive tomorrow, you can pay by PayPal or credit/debit card via the donations link and I will, of course, tear up your check when I receive it. I have done this before. Alright, Over and Out, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 1st, 2011, 3:44pm on 10/01/11 at 02:14:27, StegRock wrote:
I did not receive anything in the mail today, guys. It is the donations link or bust... :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 2nd, 2011, 1:56pm This is a note to all, but especially Dr. Danny's Week 4 opponents (Mark and Joe)... Note Danny's qualifying comment about his Week 4 lineup from the "Comments" section of his lineup submission: "Line up one is for Parsons and lineup 2 is for Hahn". As the rest of you know, THIS IS BASS-ACKWARDS! Per the "Schedule" page, Danny's "first game" this week is against Mark and his second "bonus game" is against Joe, and that is how it is supposed to line up vis-a-vis the twofold lineups submission form. Leave it to "Dr." Danny to be the first person not to get this right in the umpteen years of this set-up. ::) Anyway, that having been said, his "elucidation" is duly acknowledged and will/should be honored. :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 9th, 2011, 12:28pm Guys, I have not received any more league fees since last week. Please do remember that your ability to pick up free-agents remains frozen [smiley=cold.gif] if I have not yet received your [$50.00 (+ gratuity :))] league fee. Mind yous, I hate doing this. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 8th, 2011, 10:48pm Guys, I will turn over the lineups section midday tomorrow (Wednesday). REMEMBER lineups (now through Week 16) MUST be submitted by the kickoff of the (first) THURSDAY game!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 11th, 2011, 2:31am on 10/02/11 at 13:56:49, StegRock wrote:
Again, "Dr." Danny, resident "chiroquackter", has screwed this up. In the comments section, he specifies which lineup is supposed to be used against whom and in so doing has got it bass-ackwards. Of course, like the existence of handicapped parking spots, ramps to building entrances, audible crosswalk signals and such, Danny's "deficiencies" will be accommodated. Mind you, the venerable doctor is the ONLY ONE of us who cannot figure this out. I am going to try to type this slowly now... The TOP lineup that you input is for the game listed as your FIRST game of the week per the "Schedule" page (for you, Danny, that would be 2 vs. 10, your game against me) and the BOTTOM lineup is the for the game listed as your SECOND game of the week, your BONUS game (for you, Danny, that would be 4 vs. 10, your game against Mark). For your convenience this is color-coded on the "Schedule" page and thoroughly explained on the lineup submission form web page. ... [smiley=RIP.gif] Oops... I meant RIF... [smiley=RIF.gif] And, by that, "Dr." Danny, I did not mean Reading Is Fucked! [smiley=no.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 11th, 2011, 7:21am on 11/11/11 at 02:31:56, StegRock wrote:
[offtopic] Unsolicited opinion......the comments should not override the 'rules'. Top line up is first game and bottom is the second game. One warning should be enough. [/offtopic] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 11th, 2011, 9:51am Up until recently I never knew you could even put in two different lineups,how retarded is that..thanks for the accommodation! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 11th, 2011, 3:04pm on 11/11/11 at 09:51:40, IbdFunk wrote:
I do have to say - and, in all sincerity, this is why I love him and he has been my good friend for 22 years - Danny does step up to the plate, take his lumps and readily admit his errors, and all in good nature mind you. That last part is, indeed, something I myself could use some work on. :) In terms of the "rules", Danny's intent is revealed in the "Comments" section and clearly so. I find that there is no good reason not to honor the clearly stated intention of his "comments" other than spite and/or an inability to use good judgment and employing rules in a hard-and-fast way or, should I say, as a hard-and-fast way to avoid making (the) judgment calls (life is full of). I digress, [smiley=soapboxer.gif] but our immediately deferential disposition to the Law in America has retarded our ethical sense, our sense of being ethical decision-makers and our sense to know where the (admittedly) fine line is that should not be crossed (that fine line is simply the "gray" that we have all been indoctrinated into believing the acceptance of which will lead us to the promised land beyond "black and white thinking", except our education in it has been situated in, instead of a framework of self-reflection and interpersonal attention, a retarding setting of moral relativism fueled by the "culture of ME" so that we do not even know what the hell we are talking about when we talk about the problems of "black and white thinking" beyond some cockamamie slogan about "the gray"). Alright, I will step down off my soap box... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 12th, 2011, 1:01pm on 11/11/11 at 07:21:10, DirkDiggler wrote:
By the way, there is something I want to make clear. While I (obviously) do not agree with Steve's point here from a juridical standpoint, I do agree with the spirit of his sentiments from a proactive standpoint. In other words, one warning should have been enough for Danny to have self-corrected. So, Steve, I am not totally against you. I hope you can empathize with my position as commissioner and understand my decision, though. [smiley=letsmakeup.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 22nd, 2011, 5:09pm Fellas, I will be posting Week 11's results later tonight. With the extremely condensed week, though, I will also be turning over the lineups section tonight so you can start submitting lineups. So, for the purposes of analyzing Week 11's results, if you want to have the lineup(s) of your opponent(s), head over to the league site and deal with it now because come tonight you will not have access. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 24th, 2011, 10:52am Happy Thanksgiving! [smiley=turkey.gif] On the road, [smiley=cruisin.gif] fellas... http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1038462515;start=25. Lineups section will not be turned over on time this Thanksgiving. Sorry... But, thank you for your anticipated understanding. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 29th, 2011, 5:37pm REMINDER: THIS WEEK, WEEK 13, IS THE TRADE DEADLINE FOR THE SEASON!!! Make trades now [smiley=deal.gif] or hold your peace until the offseason!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 3rd, 2011, 1:20pm Heyas, Guys... With ALL that is going on, I did miss one free-agent request this week that was sent to me on time but by e-mail, that is to say, separate from the lineup submission. The "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages as well as the lineup page for the team have been updated accordingly. Sorry for the error. With that said, for the remainder of this season, everybody, if you have to contact me, PLEASE do so by sending me a private message here on "the Gridiron" or just call me on either my cell phone or home phone (and leave a voice-mail), especially if it regards making lineup changes. Indeed, if it is for the purpose of making lineup changes after having submitted your lineup, while I understand that it may not always be possible, I would REALLY appreciate it if you could just resubmit your lineup through the lineup submission form. Any extra tasks are a real burden right now. Thank you for your anticipated understanding and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 7th, 2011, 4:09pm on 02/07/11 at 00:16:42, StegRock wrote:
Finally, Dave, Rob, the 2010 plaques are done and will be delivered to my mom tomorrow. If you are going to be or can be in the Ocean Township area and could drop by my mom's to pick them up over the next few weeks, that would be great. They are nice, and they are BIG! Otherwise, I will have her send them, not a big deal (other than the fact that the plaques are BIG). I do apologize for the excessive delay this year and thank you for your patience and understanding. I do think you will both be happy with the finished product. :) Over and Out, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 13th, 2011, 1:38pm I would still like to hear from Dave and Rob on this... on 12/07/11 at 16:09:42, StegRock wrote:
But, anyway, Week 14's results have been run and are posted. I will be turning over the lineups section earlier today as things with the move and exam are really coming to a head and getting hectic. So, if you want to see your opponent's/s' lineup(s), please do so a.s.a.p. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] I will say this much... One more team has fallen off the pace for a plaque... And, now there are four... with one with a fairly commanding lead with so few games to go. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Dec 13th, 2011, 3:46pm Don't worry about mailing my plague or anything like that. Just give it to me next time we get together (next Summer?). |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 13th, 2011, 4:40pm on 12/13/11 at 15:46:32, DB wrote:
DB, unfortunately we just cannot use when you (guys) will be seeing me again as a deciding factor. The next time I come through will not likely be, at best, until I seek to defend my dissertation and graduate, which I am thinking I will try to do around the SIU Commencement ceremony in May of 2013 so I can defend and walk in one visit. If my mom is ready to pull up stakes and come be with us in Hawaii at that time, we may then head to New Jersey to pack her up and ship her out. If not, who knows when I will be back through Jersey? In any event, the likelihood of the Steg being back on the mainland, no less the east coast, in 2012 is highly unlikely. I know, guys, try to hold back them tears... [smiley=touching.gif] ... ;) Moreover, you want this plaque, D (you too, Pak). It is PHAT and FAT! [smiley=ohshit.gif] I got 3rd Place remember... [smiley=whistle.gif] That said, if there is any possibility of swinging by my mom instead of my having her send it, that would obviously be best. Let me know... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Dec 13th, 2011, 9:43pm Ok. I have no plans to be in the area but I will try later this month. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Pakman on Dec 14th, 2011, 12:31pm Yo DB and Feder, Just wanted to let you know not to worry about that big semi that is charging up on you in your review mirror. That's just the Ryan Express getting ready to pass you in the standings or run over you on the way to first place. [smiley=boxer.gif] Oh and Steg, I intentionally didn't mention you because it's already a foregone conclusion that I will catch and surpass you. [smiley=LMFAO.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 21st, 2011, 1:07pm Heyas, guys... We got stuck in LA. We are leaving for Honolulu today. This all will cause at least somewhat of a delay in the posting of Week 15's results and updated standings. The lineups section has been turned over, however, for Week 16. Lineups can begin to be submitted... Thanks for your anticipated understanding and patience! [smiley=bow.gif] See yous on the other side... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 24th, 2011, 11:42pm EVERYTHING at the league site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl) is back up to date! :P Thank you all for your understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Dec 25th, 2011, 12:40pm I picked up last year's plaque. Steg, that thing is unbelievable! 24x18, 11 cards!!!! It is like a huge poster of my team. I couldn't believe it. I will display it with pride. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Dec 25th, 2011, 3:59pm Wow!! Steg, make sure mine is bigger this year.. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 30th, 2011, 9:23pm Aloha, Guys!!! Got a home, finally... [smiley=woohoo.gif] At McDonald's jonesin' internet at the moment. The site is all up to date, and the lineups section is turned over for Week 17. [smiley=builder.gif] Four teams (really three :-/) can still win the championship!!! Danny, of course, is in the driver's seat, but the game between Danny and DB is HUGE, and, a DB victory in that game combined with a Trout upset of Danny, and ALL bets are off!!! I will break down all the possible scenarios and post them sometime before kickoff on Sunday! [smiley=howtoput.gif] Alright, gotta roll... [smiley=cruisin.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 8th, 2012, 1:27am Heyas, Guys! Things are still and will continue to be a bit hectic for the Steggies for a little while. But, I was able to update the league site, the "Results" and "Standings" pages, with how things stand through LAST week's games. Only one game went final; ALL the rest are "in progress"! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Jan 8th, 2012, 9:40pm I think it's all about the df. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 23rd, 2012, 12:49am Well, fellas, on a personal note I must let you all know that life remains far from normal for the Steggies. With our stuff arriving from the mainland just last week, we are now in the part of this process where we live out of heaps and piles. Bottom line, I will not be a "regular" here for probably another month. ANY-way, I have processed the extended Week 17 results through the Conference Championships. Many games remain pending, BUT, as Danny has made clear in his posts of late, we do have a 2011-2012 Champion, and it is... [smiley=drummer.gif] the aforementioned Danny Feder!!! A hearty congratulations goes out to Danny for finally dethroning DB... [smiley=bow.gif] (Sorry, D, but it was getting to be too much.) The site will get updated indicating our new defending champ, as usual, when all the extended Week 17 games go final. Also of note, second place is in stone... Let's give a round of applause to Rob Pak on his second year in a row finishing in the winners' circle, indeed, in second place, not a shabby couple of runs. [smiley=clap.gif] Other notes...
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 5th, 2012, 8:08pm Well, it is not a championship (like [smiley=worship.gif] Dr. Feder), but DB has gotten knocked totally off the winners' podium this year. With that Victor Cruz touchdown, plaque me, baby,... albeit third place. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Feb 7th, 2012, 6:25am Congratulations. It's fitting that Cruz would get it for you. I still don't know how that guy came out of nowhere for 1500 yards. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 8th, 2012, 3:18am Thanks, D. Cruz was some pickup for sure. BUT, ANYWAY, enough with this barely award-winning third-placer... ::) ALL props to Danny on a hell of a season! Thumbs up to the new defending Champ, the first since 2007, and thumbs up to you, D, for a THREE-year run that is unlikely to be duplicated. [smiley=yes.gif] ... :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Feb 8th, 2012, 10:53pm I'll accept those props! Made a lot of moves to make that happen despite all the injuries I had to battle through. I doubt I will repeat if I'm being honest but at least I won another one before joe p won one. Now, let my party continue, also let's get the 2010 champion OFF the main page? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Pakman on Feb 14th, 2012, 6:12pm Belated congratulations to Feder and Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Mar 18th, 2012, 12:20am While I have not yet come up for air sufficiently enough [smiley=drown.gif] to get the extended Week 17 spreadsheet and "Results" and "Standings" pages updated, our reigning 2011 GBRFL CHAMP, Danny boy, is now DULY acknowledged on all of the other relevant public pages: the "home page (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/)" of the league site, the index page of "the Gridiron (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi#5)" where our message board is listed, the "Champions (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/champions.htm)" page on the league site, and on the GBRFLeagues (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfleagues.htm) page, and his profile has been updated with this latest championship of his, which you can see underneath his username with all of his posts! CONGRATS, again, brother Dan, and thank you for your patience! [smiley=bow.gif] The updating of the rest is on the near horizon, which will, alas, close out (from an administrative perspective) the 2011 season. :P |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Apr 7th, 2012, 10:28pm The 2011 season has, ALAS, FINALLY come to its administrative close. :P The Extended Week 17 spreadsheet has been updated with stats through the Super Bowl, and the "Results" and "Standings" pages are up-to-date and have been revised to honor our current Champion and other award winners. There was a reversal in the results of a couple of the games (of the five) that did not go final here until the very end from what they had been through the Conference Championships. There was also some flip-flopping in the standings, which, notably at this point in the offseason with the NFL Draft right around the corner, greatly impacted the draft order of our 2012 GBRFL Draft! Check it all on out at... [smiley=checkin.gif] http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 18th, 2012, 1:33am The "Rosters" and "Transactions" sections of the league site have been updated, including with the trades that have recently gone down. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 9th, 2012, 7:54pm Hey, guys... I have been out of pocket here this week. I have been at a conference and did not get a chance to apprise you guys before leaving. I am just now for the first time getting to a computer. I apologize. The conference runs through tomorrow, so I will remain out of pocket for about another 48 hours. At that time, I will announce the direction we will be going in with Draft (it looks like it is going to be Option 1, the Labor Day Weekend Extravaganza) and all the details and everything else that goes with that. Hang in there! See yous then! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2012, 4:53am Fellas, I have updated the "Rosters" (and "Transactions") page(s). Enjoy gazing at your squads. [smiley=threed.gif] I will try to have the rest of the site, and most importantly the lineup submissions section, updated by tomorrow night (my time)... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 2nd, 2012, 10:37am on 09/02/12 at 04:53:34, StegRock wrote:
THANKS for the quick work!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 2nd, 2012, 12:34pm Thanks Steg. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2012, 2:48pm Thanks for the thanks... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2012, 4:57pm Heyas, guys... The sooner, the better on team name changes, please! Today or tomorrow (before the work week kicks back in) would be much appreciated! :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2012, 7:34pm Okay, fellas... The "Results", "Standings" and "Schedule" sections have been updated/reset for the new season. The only thing left is for me to turn over the "Lineups" section so we all can commence submitting lineups for Week 1, which are due by the kickoff of WEDNESDAY NIGHT's game! There is a good chance I will not get around to that until (for all intents and purposes for you guys back on the mainland) sometime tomorrow. To reiterate something important from my last message, it would be great if all team name changes could be in by then! Anyway, thank you for your anticipated patience! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 3rd, 2012, 4:09pm "And, they're off..." The "Lineups" section has been turned over (and has been checked as to its being fully operational [smiley=builder.gif] ... [smiley=thumbsup.gif])! Week 1 lineups can now be submitted!!! Please do NOT leave things to the last minute! I will be in class and in the office up to fairly close to (if not until AFTER) kickoff on Wednesday. Make sure you have your security permissions and can access your lineup forms NOW... [smiley=onit.gif] Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 11th, 2012, 7:14pm Okay, fellas... Everything is already all ready ;) for Week 2. The "Results", "Standings" and "Schedule" pages have been updated, and the "Lineups" section has been turned over so that lineups for Week 2 can now be submitted. If you have concerns about game results in relation to your opponent's lineup, contact me by private message here OR just wait until Thursday night when lineups section will be turned back over. By the way, every week around this time, Tuesday late afternoon/evening for you guys back on the mainland, is when I anticipate having this done. This is a good window of time based on my work schedule. So, barring unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, you guys can probably get into the habit of checking for the week's results and having access to your lineup submission form around this time every week. Also, I have decided NOT to increase the league fee again this year, giving you all an opportunity to truly show your appreciation, which most of you do anyway, which, indeed, is a "contributing" factor to my not increasing the fee. Indeed, I rather like this kind of setup. I acknowledge and even personally thank those who give extra on "site donors" pages I have set up: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm and http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1068780634;start=150. In any case, the league fee stands for another year at $50. :) Over and Out, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2012, 12:58am on 09/13/12 at 21:44:53, DirkDiggler wrote:
After the three Joe listed, you would just start going down the list of his prior lineup, skipping players listed in his current one and adding the rest in the order of that prior lineup. For example, at running back, Daniel Thomas is his #4; Helu, his #5. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2012, 5:49am In further reply to my post right above in response to Steve's query, after exhausting ALL prior lineup submissions (in this case there is just the one for Week 1), the last thing consulted, if need be, is "order of acquisition" per the "Rosters" page. So, Curtis Brinkley, Joe's free-agent pickup this week, would be last in the pecking order of his lineup at running back for this week. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Sep 14th, 2012, 11:27am OK. I'll be the first (or second I guess) to admit i didn't know that even if you submit a lineup, the rules still allow for reference to the last lineup. I though you were screwed if you didn't list a player on the current lineup. What's the point of posting all your players in the current lineup? It seems like you can get away with just listing your starters. unless you're Mark, Joe, Steve or Trout. Then you gotta throw everything out there and pray. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 14th, 2012, 1:06pm LOL...aint that the truth ;) [smiley=stilldunno.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2012, 8:37pm on 09/14/12 at 11:27:15, Art Vandalay wrote:
on 09/14/12 at 13:06:35, DOLFAN wrote:
With all due respect, yous have not been paying careful attention then. But, I am glad you are now. That said, I think yous do know; yous just are not thinking it through. For one, I am certain both of you have been in many games down through the years where I have done this for either you or your opponent. Moreover, though, there is the logic of it. If you do not submit any lineup, what do I do? I defer to your last one. I am just doing, with partial lineups, what logically follows from/is logically consistent with that. That is to say, I am treating partial lineups the same, that is, in a consistent manner. Indeed, there is no (logical) reason not to do so, and, given the cascading aspect of our lineups, there is actually reason to do so. In any event, I have been doing it like this for years. Yes, you can get away with partial lineup submissions, that is, if/when you do not care about the order of your backups. Not thinking through your backups, though, especially in this day and age, is playing with fire! Furthermore, if we do make the move to two weekly lineup submissions, given the logic (of the "bottommost rule"), the order of backups will be even more important. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Sep 16th, 2012, 10:31am on 09/14/12 at 20:37:58, StegRock wrote:
To me, not listing potential starters on your current lineup, would be the equivalent of not having them dress for the game. If they're not dressed, they can't play. But I digress....I'm not looking for a rule change, I was just using my own "logic" in interpreting this rule. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 16th, 2012, 2:48pm [smiley=uh.gif] I get what you are saying, but to not do so would be to go against (at least the spirit if not the logic of) our cascading lineups. To not do so would potentially serve to punish those who submitted a partial lineup more than those who submitted NO lineup. That don't seem right! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Sep 16th, 2012, 5:45pm I agree. Nuff said. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 25th, 2012, 7:13pm on 09/11/12 at 19:14:36, StegRock wrote:
Not so this week, fellas... I am totally clusterfucked here today and this whole week. I will turn over the lineups section tonight, so that you can submit your Week 4 lineups starting tomorrow morning. Whether or not you will wake up to Week 3's updated results and standings is another matter. Probably not, and tomorrow afternoon the clusterfuck continues. I really do not come up for a little bit of air until tomorrow evening, and then Thursday afternoon/evening I am clusterfucked again. My hope is to have Week 3's stuff done before kickoff on Thursday. It is going to be close, though. Thank you for your anticipated patience and understanding. On a different but VERY pressing note, [smiley=note.gif] league fees are due THIS WEEK. I will give yous until Sunday to get the payment in to me, but that means I will not process the free-agents for Week 4 until either I have everybody's payment in or kickoff Sunday. (Danny, I got yours yesterday, along with that healthy donation. Thank you very much! You will be acknowledged on the donations page when I can finally get around to that...) By the way, you all cannot send your payments off tonight or tomorrow and expect it to get to me by Sunday. The most immediate way to pay me is by credit/debit card directly or via PayPal. You can do that via this page: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 25th, 2012, 10:07pm I just paid mine through the site. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Sep 25th, 2012, 11:37pm No worries with the results, I steam rolled Pak and he knows it! He probably can do without looking at the score ):. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 27th, 2012, 5:10pm Week 3 is, alas, behind us... Check out the site... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 17th, 2012, 4:59am The "Transactions" and "Rosters" have been updated... Lineups for Week 7 can now be submitted. Week 6 results have yet to be processed. I hope to have them up for when you guys wake up Thursday morning... [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 23rd, 2012, 6:33pm Guys, I am lagging here today. We are probably looking at tomorrow late night for the Week 7 update. I am going to see what I can get done today, but it ain't looking good. :-/ Thanks in advance for your patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 24th, 2012, 6:37am Week 8 lineups can be submitted... Again, thanks for your patience on the results... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 25th, 2012, 5:24pm Week 7 "Results" and "Standings" are up... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 30th, 2012, 7:18pm Week 8 "Results" and "Standings" are up-to-date... I will turn over the lineups section tonight (my time)... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 6th, 2012, 7:57pm Stuff is updated for Week 9 (on a personal note,... ugh :-/)... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Nov 14th, 2012, 10:59am Gentlemen (used extremely loosely), Just received a voice mail from Steggie he left last night. Unfortunately, he took a bad fall last night in the classroom (missed a step during his lecture) and he is in pretty bad shape. He had all intentions of running the numbers last night but with his accident, he was not able to do much of anything. He was able to turn the board over for lineups. Please be patient as right now, it's unknown exactly what he might have done to himself (bad sprain in his arm or potentially hyper-extension or dislocation). This is just speculation as I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 15th, 2012, 4:20pm Week 10's stuff is up... Sorry for the delay... Mark, thanks for getting that message up. On the personal side, the x-rays (on my right hand, wrist and arm) that were taken last night are still be "interpreted". [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 15th, 2012, 4:41pm on 11/15/12 at 16:20:12, StegRock wrote:
Update... I've got a broken wrist... :-/ and a complicated day... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Nov 15th, 2012, 7:25pm Oh yeah!!! Well I'm burying my grandmother on Saturday. The fun just keeps coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 15th, 2012, 7:32pm Ouch! Sorry steg, hope you can still jerk it |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 15th, 2012, 7:34pm on 11/15/12 at 19:25:41, Art Vandalay wrote:
Dude, that sucks! Sorry to hear. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Nov 15th, 2012, 11:43pm Sincere condolences to you and your family, Frank. Sorry to hear about your wrist, Steg. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Nov 16th, 2012, 12:37am Our prayers and condolences to you and your family Frank. Sorry about your wrist Steve. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 21st, 2012, 4:34am Lineups section flipped for Week 12; Week 11 results pending... Thanks for your patience... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 22nd, 2012, 5:11am Week 11's topsy-turvy results have been posted. Enjoy! Happy T-day, all, and thank you for your patience here this week! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Jan 10th, 2013, 4:37pm Mr Commish- Hope you had a good holiday and everything is all right. You seem to be in communicado for a few weeks. If it because of your standing in the league, please know that I have a vested interest in where you finish! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 19th, 2013, 8:41pm Heyas, guys... Incommunicado, I have been, and many of you have been leaving messages for me via one means or another. I apologize. I will tell yous, though, that the reasons for my extended absence (outside of my being utterly disheartened by the, honestly, unexpectedly horrible performance of my team this year -- I expected to at least be competitive) are good. The biggest one regards career, that is, my, in an unbelievably fortuitous turn of events, picking up a class at Windward Community College. For those who might recall, yes, this is that one community college that is squarely on my short list of schools (mostly universities) at which I would like to end up, and I have just gotten my foot in the door. [smiley=dancin.gif] I will not bore yous with the rest, much of the usual, though: Mama Steg in Hawaii for the holidays (last minute), the learning curve that goes with the first year of a career, dissertation, fathering a four-year-old, blah, blah, blah... Just up to my eyeballs. For those interested, we will talk eventually. Anyway, league matters... Last year's plaques (Danny and Rob) will, alas, finally be on their way out next week. This is VERY late in the going, I know, but, like last year, I think our plaque recipients (which include myself) will be very pleased with their hardware. :) As for the final results and standings for this year, I just did, do not have time this time around to do the weekly updates throughout our extended Week 17 (as I have done for some of the years in the past). However, I do have the raw stats (for Week 17), and the spreadsheet is all set up. There are still a few pending players that are being fielded potentially as late as the Super Bowl. Once all these players' stats are in (which New England and San Francisco losses tomorrow, unlikely though that is to happen, would, I think, cause), I will wrap up our 2012-13 season. As for which way the wind is blowing on the final standings, I really haven't a clue. It seems to me that Joe is looking good, but that is based on just a "feel" of the stats, not on specific analysis or the processing of stats, so take that with a grain of salt. Finally, the web site was down for a few days this past week because I forgot to renew the registration on FantasyFootballer.com. [smiley=yikes.gif] I ended up being THREE days late on that, that is, after the expiration of the domain. All I can say is thank God it was not poached. [smiley=dodged.gif] Well, Over and, again, Out for a bit, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 3rd, 2013, 2:49pm Well, at this point we are just awaiting the fairly meaningless stats of Michael Crabtree in the NFL Super Bowl in a GBRFL 9th-versus-10th place game, which itself is basically decided. HOWEVER, WE HAVE A CHAMP!!! [smiley=trophy.gif] I am setting up the site and will unveil shortly after the conclusion tonight (EST) of the Super Bowl!!! [smiley=ohshit.gif] [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] [smiley=nervous.gif] Stay tuned... [smiley=threed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 21st, 2013, 6:13am Alooooooo-ha! We are getting back to business here for the 2013 season! The 2013 Summer Meeting & Draft has been scheduled for Sunday, August 18th at 3:30 p.m. (EST), and now some of the intial updates to the league site have been made. The "Transactions", "Rosters" and "History" pages have been updated! Of particular note this year, I really cleaned up the presentation on the "History" page and added to it. While I am sure it is a page that you all may not visit often or may not have visited for a long time, after the update and a long-overdue cleanup, now may be the time to drop on by, remind yourselves of our roots and learn some things about your league mates as well as some interesting trivia about our wonderful league and its history. Also, we have, alas, broken the 200-year fantasy football experience mark! [smiley=ohshit.gif] That is indicated on the league home page (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl). |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 11th, 2013, 3:57am Well, I got on something (else like the "History" page) that was long overdue (but is much more important). I worked on the "Schedule" page, the first time since the original expansion in 2002. Since then the NFL has changed their bye-week schedule. It is very difficult to design a generic schedule reusable from season to season, mind you. Ours was okay, but it had been some time since our schedule matched up really well with the NFL's given the changes to the NFL's in relation to bye weeks since 2002. I never messed with it because it gets very complicated (it is not just a matter of shifting games around at random), and I did not have the time. Alas, I finally did this year, and it was a nightmare. [smiley=Freddie.gif] In the end, the tweaks are not huge, but the schedule is now more evenly and appropriately distributed vis-à-vis the NFL's bye-week schedule. I am very pleased! I hope you guys will be, too, although, while you may notice some things, you probably will not notice much. Ah, c'est la vie... :-/ ... :) In any event, go check it out when you get the chance! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Aug 11th, 2013, 8:40am on 08/11/13 at 03:57:21, StegRock wrote:
Awesome! Thank you! It definitely helps create a more balanced scheduled for all!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 11th, 2013, 6:41pm Thanks for the pat on the back, Stevo! It is a demanding task that takes HOURS. :P It took over FIFTEEN hours to originally design and about SIX hours to revise yesterday. That said, the schedule is not perfect, far from it indeed. I am just glad I got Week 3, which has not been a bye week for YEARS, and Week 4, which is(/has typically been) a light bye week (at least it is this year), up to 9 games. I still lament that I could not get Weeks 10 and 12 down to 8 games. Thing, though, is, the NFL bye-week schedule can change from year to year, and I do not want to mess with this every season. I just want a generic schedule that will suffice year in and year out. So, it will never be perfect. :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 12th, 2013, 4:08am "Rosters" page has been updated post-cuts! I look forward to speaking with some or all of you for the Draft Lottery at 7:30 p.m. (EST). Over and out... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 12th, 2013, 8:33pm on 08/12/13 at 20:14:31, DirkDiggler wrote:
"Rosters" and "Schedule" pages updated accordingly! Draft Lottery was fun! See yous on Sunday!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Aug 13th, 2013, 12:30pm on 07/21/13 at 06:13:39, StegRock wrote:
Gentlemen, I have a slight challenge with the start time this Sunday that shouldn't cause any problems for the draft but might make me personally miss the first 1/2 hour to 45 minutes of the festivities. If that is the case, I will have one of my awesome daughters in place to make my 1st or 1st and 2nd picks without interfering with anyone's time. Just wanted to give a heads up that I won't be able to join in until about 4:00 or 4:15 EST. Sorry about that. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 18th, 2013, 11:55pm "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages have been updated, fellas!!! Enjoy gazing [smiley=threed.gif] at your 2013 starter [smiley=newbie.gif] squads!!! [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Aug 19th, 2013, 12:42am thanks Steg!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Aug 19th, 2013, 7:27am on 08/18/13 at 23:55:16, StegRock wrote:
Thank you |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Aug 19th, 2013, 1:27pm Thanks Steve for all the work - greatly appreciated! Good luck everyone - should be a fun one for sure. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 31st, 2013, 3:31am Well, this is it... The league site is all ready for the kickoff of the 2013 season! [smiley=builder.gif] For me, this is my 25th season! [smiley=ohshit.gif] It has been one memorable haul [smiley=yes.gif] through many different chapters of life, indeed... Anyway, lineups can begin to be submitted! Good luck, boyz! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 2nd, 2013, 7:38pm Heyas, guys... I have got to give yous a heads up on my schedule this fall especially since kickoff Thursdays tend to be a time guys like to get through to me... It will be impossible to get through to me on Thursdays! Please do not try to contact me with the intent of needing to speak with or hear back from me before kickoff. You should only contact me on Thursdays with matters about which you do not need me to reply before kickoff and about which you can just leave me a message, such as would be the case with official matters like last-minute lineup changes (of course, ideally you are doing that yourself through the lineup submissions form). I am out the door early in the morning, drop Monica off at school, have an early morning office hour, and then I am in class ALL day, through the kickoff of the Thursday night games (at least until you all fall back for daylight savings time, and even after then I will not be out of class much before kickoff), and then even after that I will in the office for a little bit. Given the time difference, this puts me totally out-of-pocket on Thursdays. Please make note of this, fellas! Indeed, my (Tuesday-)Thursday schedule is so rough and I have to be so focused on my job that I plan not to tempt fate by avoiding checking my e-mail, private messages here on "the Gridiron", and my cell or home phone voice mail before I am done for the day so as not to get sucked into and distracted by GBRFL matters, personal, such as trades, or official, like a problem with the web site. If you are having a problem submitting your lineup last-minute, just e-mail, private-message or voice-mail it in! Thank you for your understanding and anticipated cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] Good luck Week 1! [smiley=shamrock.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 3rd, 2013, 9:53pm on 09/02/13 at 19:38:58, StegRock wrote:
Guys, in connection with the above, let me share with yous how I am going to roll [smiley=rollin.gif] things on Thursdays this season. I have figured out how to do "Scheduled Uploads" with my FTP program. So, what I am going to do is leave my home computer on on Thursdays and schedule the lineups files (that turn the system over to "no submit and view all") to be uploaded at 9:00 p.m. (EST). In other words, if all goes as planned, you will be able to view others lineups come 9:00 p.m. (EST). By then, the Thursday night game surely should have kicked off. Please do note, though, that a lot could go wrong with all of that. I will be eager to see how (smoothly or not) it goes on Thursday. WITH THAT SAID, do remember that lineups need to be in and time-stamped BEFORE kickoff! I will consult the official game transcript at NFL.com to see exactly when the ball was kicked off. Any lineups (or lineup changes) submitted after that time will be voided! Lastly, my intention is to have the week's free-agent transactions done that evening. It probably will not be until very late Eastern Standard Time, however, like after midnight. That said, you will presumably, hopefully [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] have access to others' lineups before then and, if you so choose, can figure it out on your own. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2013, 9:20pm Oh, Lawd... [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] I can see that the game is being delayed. Are you kidding me? Of all years!!! Anyway, until kickoff, you all can still submit lineups/lineup adjustments. Problem is, I set the system to automatically turn over, and that was successful. So, I will NOT allow any changes to "free-agent" requests to be submitted. BUT, if you want to change your lineup, you have until kickoff. Just do so by e-mail, phone or private message here! Out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 10th, 2013, 3:02pm Fellas, I want to let yous know how transitioning to the next week is going to work this year given my schedule. Late on Tuesday I will turn the lineup submissions section back over so we can submit our lineups. In effect, for you guys back east, it will be Wednesday morning. However, the prior week's results will likely not yet be posted. Tuesday is my most brutal day of the week (followed by Thursday, which is also very brutal). My easiest days are Wednesdays and, the easiest, Fridays. My plan is to have results for the prior week posted sometime on Wednesday. In effect, again, for you guys back east, it may be Thursday morning, but I will do my best to get them posted as early as possible. That said, if/when it is even possible, given the time difference, it is still going to be difficult to make that happen much before midnight. So, that is the deal. We are looking at a season during which you may be in the position of submitting a lineup before you know the prior week's results. As yous should strategically know by now, if you are in that position, in relation to requesting free-agents, assume the best in terms of your place in the standings and make your request lists sufficiently long. Thank you in advance for your anticipated understanding and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 22nd, 2013, 1:49pm Heyas, Fellas! League fee is coming due soon (next week, Week 4). If you are planning to send a check in the mail (VERY inadvisable at this point because it almost surely will not make it to me by Thursday if you send it regular mail), remember that we have moved since last year. We are not at the same address! So, please do contact me and get our new home address! In other perhaps semi-related news, the 2012 plaques are in the works. With life's hecticness and no get-together for the Summer Meeting & Draft, I have been getting on this VERY late in late years. It will be earlier this year, but I do say that relative to the last couple during which guys (including me one of the years) did not receive their award goodies until the following February/March. Things have just been too hectic. However, my goal this year is for you guys to have the plaques by the end of the regular season. [smiley=builder.gif] Anyway, get those league fees in soon if you want to be eligible to get free-agents next week!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 26th, 2013, 12:58pm on 09/22/13 at 13:49:30, StegRock wrote:
Fellas, IMPORTANT!!! Lineups are rolling in, but LEAGUE FEES are NOT at the same clip!!! If your league fee is NOT in by the kickoff of tonight's game, you are NOT eligible for free-agents this week!!! You remain ineligible until the fee is received!!! I do NOT want to have to enforce this!!! Work with me here, fellas... Alright, over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 26th, 2013, 7:19pm DOLFAN just paid up through the website. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 29th, 2013, 4:02pm Does anybody experience problems with the Java-driven buttons I use at the league web site? They are used for all the internal links in the page headers beyond the league home page (where I no longer use them and just use regular hyperlinks). I, for one, do not at home (in Explorer and Firefox, though I do a little bit in Chrome in which I have to manually load them every time), but I do experience serious problems with them at work (where the security features make those buttons problematic). How about you guys? Please let me know... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 29th, 2013, 8:21pm Yes, I have been having this years since last year, just thought it was my machine and moved forward. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 30th, 2013, 8:14pm I have the same problem. I can only access web pages from the home screen. I get a pop up bar asking me to install Java, but it never installs and is a vicious loop I get stuck in. I figured it was my new computer only had new versions of Java |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 30th, 2013, 11:05pm on 09/30/13 at 20:14:46, DirkDiggler wrote:
That is basically what happens to me in Explorer at work. In Firefox the buttons simply do not display. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 6th, 2013, 6:10pm on 09/29/13 at 16:02:39, StegRock wrote:
Anybody else??? PLEASE chime in... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 7th, 2013, 1:33am on 10/06/13 at 18:10:56, StegRock wrote:
Alright, fellas, we can put the brakes on this survey. I had some free time today to deal with this and thought I would earn my dime an hour... Whatever the case may have been for each of you, I went ahead and fixed this. I went through the web site (even pages for past years) and replaced the Java-driven button links with GIF (graphical) links. The pages look basically the same. A little bit of the "fancy" is lost (at least for now), but the environment is now much stabler. Especially those who experienced this problem at work or wherever, you can now ENJOY navigating the league web site much more smoothly! That said, if anybody notices any snafus, please report them! Again, have fun navigating around the site more smoothly! :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 15th, 2013, 1:03am on 10/07/13 at 01:33:28, StegRock wrote:
Curious... Is league site navigation now more smooth??? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 15th, 2013, 10:23am on 10/15/13 at 01:03:28, StegRock wrote:
yes, THANK YOU!!!! Much appreciated!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Oct 15th, 2013, 4:40pm Yes, thanks. All my WRs that catch TDs has made it smoother too. LOL. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 1st, 2013, 1:33am Heyas, guys... Please be a bit patient with the transactions this week. I was in the hospital today, a bit of a scare, but it seems that I am out of the woods. Indeed, I am home tonight. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 1st, 2013, 1:36am Ughh, that vaginitis can get bad. Glad you are okay. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 1st, 2013, 1:13pm Hope all is well Steg!!! Feel better and be safe. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Nov 1st, 2013, 4:59pm Hope you feel better Steve, take some time to yourself and relax. Life is too short. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 7th, 2013, 7:49pm I am on my mobile device and can not reenter line ups. Sorry! I want to switch my second and third free agent pick ups. It should go 1,3,2, 456 Second round should follow the same order as the first too please in regards to player order. Thank you and apoligies! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Nov 9th, 2013, 10:40am What happens in the event of a tie if a team's coach is in the hospital or something? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 9th, 2013, 4:15pm on 11/09/13 at 10:40:28, DB wrote:
An inactive coach (who has an interim coach filling in for him), e.g. Kubiak or Fox this week (and until they are back) (and Pagano last year), would be considered like a coach on a bye-week and given an automatic -99 (actually that is a negative infinity). In other words, if it comes down to a tie and you have an inactive coach of whatever kind (and your opponent does not), you lose! That is precisely why I dropped Fox this week (and kept Pagano). Fox will be considered inactive until he is back. Del Rio is (for) now (until Fox returns) the Broncos head coach. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 15th, 2013, 1:31am Alright, guys, we have a (mildly) problematic situation this week with someone's lineup. Danny, your team is coachless this week! John Fox is out. Jack Del Rio is the acting head coach of the Broncos. Why do you think I dropped Fox? Why did Joe pick up Del Rio? Gotta pay attention, man! Indeed, read my post immediately above in which I address this very issue. In any event, it is what Danny indicated on his lineup submission, so I have got to put it through. Danny, pray that neither of your games this week comes down to a tie. If either of them does, you lose. Sorry! In any event, drop Fox next week, and pick up a new head coach! Good luck! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 15th, 2013, 2:43am that is bullshit if that happens. I should just get joe Philman back! it is no different if a free agent is taken despite my overlook. I know you can't beat me and it would be nice to have me lose in that fashion, but the right thing to do here is I'm back with joe Philman, the same way it would be with any other free agent. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 15th, 2013, 3:04am on 11/15/13 at 02:43:03, IbdFunk wrote:
What do you mean it would be the same with any other free-agent? If you requested an injured player or for that matter Jeff George, that is whom you would get. Actually, per your logic, I should get Fox back (and get my win over Trout last week). But, instead of being a whiny fuck like you, when this VERY unusual situation emerged last week, I took the high road, bit the bullet and set the ultimately right precedent and example for the league and dropped him with no questions asked. Just get a new coach next week, and stop your whining. You fucked up, not me! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 15th, 2013, 10:13am Your just bitter being at the bottom. The coach is requested on your team in jack del rio, when foxy returns he replaces model rio on your team no? It's no different then picking a free agent that is on a team already, it's not dicy, it's simple. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 15th, 2013, 4:40pm on 11/15/13 at 10:13:33, IbdFunk wrote:
First off, it is one thing when we are trash-talking, but sifting through your chimpanzee-level English when talking about something that requires the least amount of intellectual rigor is exhausting. :P Second, did you read my response and, as I suggested, the prior post? Does what you suggest, outside of just being your made-up logic on the matter, correspond to how things went with respect to my dropping Fox and Joe's picking up Del Rio? (Hint,... NO!) Do I have John Fox? NO! (For that matter, not that it would matter, do I have Jack Del Rio? NO!) Fox is OUT. Do we automatically get the backups to the players we have? NO! (Although, oddly, or maybe not so oddly, that is another illogical path you have gone down and given me a headache over in the past.) So, I dropped him (and lamented greatly over it, and, as it turned out, it cost me my game against Trout). Bottom line, you picked up an inactive head coach, the equivalent of Dan Reeves (if you had listed Reeves, I would have given you Reeves). Again, the right precedent on this has been set. Thank God we do not have someone who employs arbitrary (self-serving) logic at the helm here. This has NOTHING to do with my location in the standings. At any rate, hope that your games do not come down to a tie-break, and pick up a new coach (better than Philbin) next week. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 15th, 2013, 6:27pm I guess I'll need blow outs, been that way all season thus far, shouldn't change |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Travistotle on Nov 15th, 2013, 10:40pm Can someone clue me in? Who the hell is "joe Philman"? [smiley=rollinwithlaughter.gif] on 11/15/13 at 10:13:33, IbdFunk wrote:
I got to thinking about these 3 sentences -- actually, there are 5 sentences here, which are masquerading, via spliced commas and thereby run-on sentences, as 3. Steg is objecting to the logic of the argument on the formal side, as I understand it; but there's a nice material fallacy here, too: "Your [sic] just bitter being at the bottom." Argumentum ad hominem, ladies and gentlemen! And, yes, I am taking the opportunity to have fun being a philosophical windbag. ;) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 16th, 2013, 10:48pm Gotta random "what if" question. Joe did not start a defense this week as he listed Viniateri as both his kicker and defense. I assume he would start the seahawks because that is who he started last week. :( My question is this, what if he had different defenses starting last week in game 1 and game 2? (I ask because I often do that) Would the game 2 Defense be his default defense OR would they be game 1 and game 2 line ups again. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Nov 17th, 2013, 1:02pm I already notified Steg about this and am starting SEA DEF for both games. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 22nd, 2013, 2:33pm on 11/16/13 at 22:48:19, DirkDiggler wrote:
Yes, that is right. Quote:
Great question... that our system matter-of-factly answers! A person's lineup for the week is his topmost one per his lineups page. In other words,... in Steve's words,... the last submitted lineup would "be game 1 and game 2 lineups again." With that said, let me use this as an opportunity to mention again a rule of our game that often gets forgotten/misunderstood. We do NOT cascade kickers and defenses! Ignoring/Skipping a listed kicker or defense in your list that you failed to acquire (via free-agency) or simply do not have on your roster (and you just had a senior moment) is NOT an instance of cascading! If you list a kicker or defense on a bye-week as your #1 kicker or defense, even if you have other kickers or defenses, you are screwed! You, in essence, do not have a kicker or defense for that week! Now, back to the main topic here, what would be stickier is if the person listed, as Joe did this week, "Adam Vinatieri" (that is to say, a NON-defense) as his defense for game 1, [smiley=laugh.gif] but another actual defense for game 2 (or vice-versa). In that situation, I would do the generous thing and defer to the other defense he had in that week as opposed to referring to said respective game per his last submitted lineup. Well, that is all for now... Over and OUT... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Nov 22nd, 2013, 4:42pm I understanding the non-cascading rule paragraph, but I don't understand the application paragraph. If Joe lists Vinitieri as his defense, does he get the defense from his most recent lineup or not? If so, would that be a cascading lineup? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 23rd, 2013, 9:23pm on 11/22/13 at 16:42:46, DB wrote:
No... Common sense has to kick in. Adam Vinatieri is not a defense. So, ignoring/skipping Adam Vinatieri in his lineup is like ignoring/skipping a defense in his list that was not acquired (via free-agency), not cascading to another defense [further down his list because of, say, a bye-week, which is not allowed (for defenses)]. He did not list anything else (for either of his games), so I defer to the order of his defenses in his prior week's lineup(s). (That happens not infrequently as in when guys do not list complete lineups.) Cascading only occurs when a player (quarterback, running back or receiver) accrues no stats. Ignoring/Skipping a player not acquired (or incorrectly listed as in this weird case with Joe) is not that. In most instances, the distinction makes no difference. BUT, sometimes it does. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 27th, 2013, 4:07am Due to the extra short week, the trading deadline's being upon us, and some messages I received requesting that, if it is at all possible to get the results up quicker this week, it would be much appreciated, I sucked it up here tonight and got 'er done! [smiley=builder.gif] Enjoy the early results and what seems to be cooking up to be an exciting run to the finish! The standings, indeed, are tight!!! [smiley=ohshit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 27th, 2013, 4:19am on 11/27/13 at 04:07:15, StegRock wrote:
Thank you Steg!!! Much appreciated. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Nov 27th, 2013, 10:26pm Thanks Steg. A very close race indeed!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 7th, 2013, 5:50pm on 12/02/13 at 14:11:32, StegRock wrote:
Joe, Steve, I need to know where the 2012-2013 plaques need to be sent, so could you guys please pm me your addresses at your respective earliest possible convenience? Mark, I have yours in Littleton. If there is any change, let me know, but, otherwise, you are good to go. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 29th, 2013, 1:50pm on 12/07/13 at 17:50:01, StegRock wrote:
Are the plaques being received??? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 29th, 2013, 3:54pm on 12/29/13 at 13:50:32, StegRock wrote:
I Have not received mine yet - but massive shipping delays. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Dec 29th, 2013, 11:17pm I have not rec'd mine yet. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 30th, 2013, 12:00pm on 12/29/13 at 13:50:32, StegRock wrote:
Steg- I received the sweet looking 3rd place trophy today! NICE! THANK YOU! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Dec 30th, 2013, 10:14pm Steve, I have rec'd my very nice 2nd place plaque. It looks great! Thanks. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 4th, 2014, 3:57am League site is up-to-the-moment! We have a Champ... [smiley=king.gif] Second, therefore, too is in the books. The only thing up for grabs awards-wise is third. There are a lot of unknowns with respect to the draft lottery... [smiley=hmmmm.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 5th, 2014, 10:58pm League site is updated through Wildcard Weekend. One more game goes final. Our Champ finishes at 20-9. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 11th, 2014, 10:25pm Ooops... [smiley=doh.gif] There was a second game that went final last week. I missed Warner's playing of Marshawn Lynch in Week 17 in his game against Frank. Anyway, just updating... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 19th, 2014, 5:00pm A couple more games went final after the Divisional Round games last week. The standings are really starting to take final shape. Indeed, all plaque winners have been determined... Congrats! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 1st, 2014, 3:43am One more game went final Conference Championship week! We, indeed, are at the tail end of the 2013-14 season! 'Tis all about to become official soon enough! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Mar 24th, 2014, 11:21pm Heyas, fellas... Been out of pocket for quite some time, I know... Been under the gun on multiple fronts, good, bad and otherwise, but what has waylaid me the most is something good... Another lease year ends, another move for the Steggies... [smiley=cruisin.gif] What's new? However, here I see us staying unless we purchase a place or we find ourselves moving back to the mainland. As Monica gets ready to start kindergarten next year, we realized more and more that we did not want to raise her in a high-rise and that the school district that we were in was just okay. An opportunity arose for us to move into a house, a beach area-style cottage, in a school district with an outstanding elementary (and, for that matter, middle) school, and, while it is a little farther for me, it is close to my wife's work. Moreover, it was fully remodeled, and, on a personal note, it is the first HOUSE I have lived in since I was NINE-years-old and the first place free of other people's grime since I do not know when. It is awesome living in a house, moreover, one that is, for all intents and purposes, brand-new. In any event, we started moving piecemeal on February 8th and ultimately had to be out of our prior place on February 20th, and, anyway, we just this past weekend got internet going in our new place. So, alas, here I am... Things over at the league web site are, again, alas, up to date and closed out for the 2013-2014 season. "Results" for our extended Week 17 along with the final spreadsheet and the final "Standings" are posted. All of the places where our champion is recognized now acknowledge our current champ, for a WHOPPING SIXTH time mind you, Dave Bohrer. [smiley=king.gif] A bit belated, but congrats, [smiley=worship.gif] D! Our second and third place finishers are Joe [smiley=smileytrash.gif] Parsons and Rob [smiley=bow.gif] Pak, respectively. Congrats to both of you, as well! Well, the NFL Draft is fast approaching! I did get a little jump on next year. The "Rosters" page is updated for the 2014-2015 season! At any rate, I will be back and fairly active again here. See yous around! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 18th, 2014, 6:20pm on 06/17/14 at 19:15:41, StegRock wrote:
The "Draft Grid" as well as the "Rosters" page at the league web site (I have not made the 2014 "Transactions" page yet) have been updated in accordance with the most recent trade made between Pak and me. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 3rd, 2014, 3:22am The "Draft Grid (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2014draftpicksgrid.xls)" and "Rosters" page at the league site have been updated as has the "Transactions" page for the 2014 season. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Jul 3rd, 2014, 5:40pm Steg and all, the draft Grid Steg has posted does not have the correct updated DATE on it after my and Danny's deal. Minor, but I didn't want you guys to get confused. So, please change STEG's recent draft grid updated date to July 1, 2014. Danny confirmed our trade via IM on the site, I don't know why he has posted on the thread though. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jul 3rd, 2014, 6:28pm on 07/03/14 at 17:40:45, DOLFAN wrote:
Good catch... Anything to avoid confusion! [smiley=yes.gif] It has been fixed. [smiley=builder.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 9th, 2014, 8:22pm The league web site is current with respect to all recent offseason trades, that is, the "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages as well as the "Draft Grid (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2014draftpicksgrid.xls)". Enjoy... [smiley=lickinmychops.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 20th, 2014, 6:09pm "Transactions", "Rosters" pages and "Draft Grid (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2014draftpicksgrid.xls)" up-to-date... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 23rd, 2014, 9:44pm on 08/20/14 at 18:09:32, StegRock wrote:
Ditto that as of 8/23/14... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 24th, 2014, 7:36pm Okay, fellas, the "Draft Grid (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/GBRFL2014draftpicksgrid.xls)" (linked to right there within the quotes) has been updated per the results of the Draft Lottery. Also, a mistake was noticed. In the Julio Jones deal between Danny and Mark, it was not that Danny got Mark's 9th-rounder and Mark Danny's 2nd-rounder as was indicated on the "Draft Grid" spreadsheet. It was the other way around. This also affects the draft pick Steve got back in return in his deal with Mark this offseason. This has all been fixed. Please download and (only) consult the "Draft Grid" linked to above. It is the only one that is assured to be correct. Given this development, I have also gone ahead and updated the "Transactions" page at the league site accordingly. [smiley=builder.gif] ... [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Aug 24th, 2014, 8:01pm That's what you get for having a dumb uneducated redneck doing it!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 24th, 2014, 11:04pm on 08/24/14 at 20:01:30, IbdFunk wrote:
Danny, [smiley=dunce.gif] I love ya, brother. BUT, are you really the one to be saying this, man??? :-X |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Aug 24th, 2014, 11:10pm LOL, YES!! I have to take shots at joe when i can, I'm just playing around with everyone.. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 25th, 2014, 3:28am The league site is current and has been updated for the 2014 season. Updated are the "Rosters" and "History" pages as well as the league "Home" page along with the "Results" and "Standings" sections. Enjoy,... and see yous next Sunday (8/31) around 3:30 p.m. (EST) for the 2014 Summer Meeting & Draft!!! [smiley=booya.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Aug 25th, 2014, 4:27am on 08/25/14 at 03:28:12, StegRock wrote:
Thank you sir. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 1st, 2014, 1:46am Heyas, guys... EVERYthing has been updated and is ready for the 2014 season! Do double-check your rosters! [smiley=uponreview.gif] Lineups for Week 1 can be submitted! Remember that lineups are due no later than the kickoff of Thursday night's game which is scheduled to start at 8:30 p.m. (EST)! Good luck! [smiley=shamrock.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 4th, 2014, 4:31pm Heyas, Fellas! Since I will be in class during the kickoff of the Thursday (night) game, I have set the program to turn over the lineups section right at the scheduled kickoff time of the game, 8:30 p.m. (EST). So, PLEASE submit lineups in a timely fashion. Ultimately, they are time-stamped, and any lineup submitted after the kickoff of the game (which can be verified through official channels) will be discarded. Ideally, everybody just has their lineup in by 8:30! Thank you all for your anticipated cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 9th, 2014, 4:15pm Fellas, I am still processing the stats for Week 1. I hope to have them done tonight my time, that is, for you guys back east for when yous wake up tomorrow morning. In the meantime, as we have the Thursday game to contend with, I have turned over the lineups section so that Week 2 lineups can begin to be submitted. Have at it! If you submit a lineup before I post the results, just make your free-agent list(s) deep as if you were in first place! Now, truth be said, based on my schedule this fall, this will probably be how things unfold on a weekly basis. That is, I will probably be turning over the lineups section before having the results posted for the prior week's games. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 9th, 2014, 4:55pm on 09/09/14 at 16:15:26, StegRock wrote:
Thanks Steve. Since the NFL has a Thursday night game every week, they have made this more difficult on all of us. I will be happy to remember to get a line up in on time - so I appreciate you turning it over early so I have more time to submit. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 10th, 2014, 1:54pm Sorry for the extra delay here today... I ran into a couple snafus late last night (not the least of which was that my internet connection went down). :-/ Alright, gotta run... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 11th, 2014, 4:37pm Heyas, Fellas! Remember I am at work when the ball gets kicked off for the Thursday night game. So, I set it up to turn over the lineups section automatically. The official start time for the game is listed as 8:25 p.m. (EST). THAT is precisely when I will set the system to turn the lineups section over. So, PLEASE make sure to get your lineups in today before 8:25 p.m. (EST)! Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and compliance! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2014, 6:50am 'Twas Week 1, and we had a complicated tiebreak situation right out of the gate! To do the tiebreaks for places 4th through 7th this week, I had to remind myself how I do this... [smiley=thinking.gif] It caused me to search the archives here, and I noticed the following, which we got to be clear on as -- who knows -- a championship may come down to it... THIS was stated correctly... on 01/01/12 at 05:24:12, StegRock wrote:
THIS was, in its specifics, stated INcorrectly... on 12/04/10 at 20:27:19, StegRock wrote:
I have always determined standings in a "head-to-head way". That is to say that I always look at pairs of teams and determine who has the advantage (tiebreak). That is determined, first by head-to-head record, second by points differential, and third by points scored (never has happened). So, when I wrote above that ... Quote:
That was incorrect. I did not factor in points differential at all! (Maybe it did not really matter that year.) [smiley=shrug.gif] Team C would be the champ as long as Team C had a better points differential (or points scored) than Team B. If not, the champion would be Team A or B, whoever had the higher points differential. The second scenario is right, but in the case of the third scenario ... Quote:
That is only if Team B has a higher points differential than Team A. Mind you, this all did not matter at the proverbial end of the day when it came to calculating who the champion was that year. SO, anyway, back to 2014 Week 1... If everything was as it is and Joe had the second-best points differential of that group of teams, he would have been in 4th place because he had head-to-head tiebreak over me. If he had the third-best points differential, he would have been in 6th place unless I had the second-best points differential, in which case he would have been in 5th place above me. Also, if I had the third-best points differential of the group, I would be sitting in 7th place right now, and Joe in 6th. Is everything registering? THAT is how I do tiebreaks whether it is Week 1 or Week 17 for the Championship!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 14th, 2014, 5:31pm So just so I am clear..... if it is just 2 teams tied, and ONLY 2 team tied..... head to head has nothing to do with it? It is point differential? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 14th, 2014, 5:35pm on 09/14/14 at 17:31:30, DirkDiggler wrote:
on 09/14/14 at 06:50:41, StegRock wrote:
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 23rd, 2014, 4:18am REMINDER... League fees are due by kickoff THIS Thursday! Remember that your ability to conduct transactions (at least, those involving your free-agent picks) will be frozen until you submit your $50 league fee! You will not be permitted to pick up free-agents this week, Week 4, if your league fee is not received by the kickoff of the game on Thursday! The most immediate way to make a payment is by clicking the "Lend a hand... Make a donation to 'the Gridiron'!!!" link above and following the instructions... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 2nd, 2014, 11:47pm There was a small (couple of) error(s) in the Week 4 results. Small though they were, the impact was BIG. It REVERSED the outcome of one of the games for the week!!! Everything at the site has been updated accordingly... Sorry for the hubbub... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 8th, 2014, 4:15am Heyas, Fellas! There is a problem going on behind the scenes here with our beloved FantasyFootballer.com. The WHOLE web site is going to have to be migrated to a different server. This is going to result in the site's being down for up to 24 hours starting sometime on Wednesday, the 8th, that is, today. If you cannot wait until Thursday (afternoon) to put your Week 6 lineup in, either e-mail or private-message it to me. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation during this period! Over and Out, Steg |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 9th, 2014, 5:27am Well, all systems are a go... I just submitted my lineup, and a couple others successfully submitted theirs. If you already sent yours to me by e-mail or private message, I would really appreciate it if you would go on into the lineups section and submit it (again the usual way). Otherwise, I will have to. With that said, given this circumstance, do understand that, when lineups are revealed tomorrow at kickoff, there may be some that are not yet up-to-date (if they were not resubmitted via the lineups section). Thank you all for your cooperation during these latest technical difficulties! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 23rd, 2014, 3:12pm Heyas, Fellas... I was informed of a BIG mistake on the Standings page! In fixing that, I realized that there were some further small, but intricate mistakes in Week 6's standings that resulted in errors in Week 7's standings as well. Points differential stuff. No big deal, but it was tedious as hell to work through. That said, they caused no changes in the overall standings for either week, thank goodness (eh-hem... ;)). That is all for now... Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 24th, 2014, 5:21am This is kind of good that this happens every few years as a reminder of the rules... Remember... UNLIKE the rest of the positions, KICKERS and DEFENSES do NOT cascade! There is a team to which this applies this week. :-/ Said team will not have a defense. That means that the categories will revert to zeros or infinity as applies. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 24th, 2014, 1:13pm on 10/24/14 at 05:21:04, StegRock wrote:
Joe and Pak (9th and 10th place respectively) certainly do have an edge this week. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 21st, 2014, 2:38am Yucky... :P UNFORTUNATELY, figuring out Danny's free-agent requests this week took some interpretation. Looking at his lineup submissions for the week in their totality, his intention seems pretty clear. He just wanted to add "Hawkins" to his request list in the second round. He obviously still wanted to go after a defense given how he listed his DU's. So, that is how I judged it. [smiley=uponreview.gif] That said, I do not like being put in these positions, mind you. [smiley=nownow.gif] Danny, everybody, please do your due diligence when submitting your weekly lineups and free-agent requests. Relying on generous interpretations by the commish is NOT what a good owner does. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 21st, 2014, 8:00am Thanks Steve and you are correct. Sorry bout that, so center no one played and no one went after them I appreciate that correction. I'll be more careful, my traveling and did it on my phone so harder to submit that way, thanks |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 21st, 2014, 2:33pm on 11/21/14 at 02:38:56, StegRock wrote:
Very kind of you to allow that. In looking at his line up, I actually had sent Danny a message thinking he had Cleveland as his defense still as I am playing him this week. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 21st, 2014, 5:34pm Please Warner, stop crying.. It was very clear of my intentions in my lineup submissions, I'm was working off a phone. Just because Oak sucked balls last night you are whining. You have a 5 game lead, relax. It was the right thing to do and very clear as you can see in my line up page. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 21st, 2014, 5:51pm on 11/21/14 at 17:34:45, IbdFunk wrote:
I agree it was the right thing. In my 2 seconds of looking at your line up, I thought you were just making 1 pick up. It was nice of him to do was my point. To Steg's point, it is tough being a commish and having to decide your clear intent vs clear intent of the multitude of other fuck ups. In regards to our match up, I actually expect your team to beat me this week. I am due and I do not have favorable match ups. Eagles, Browns it really does not matter to me. Eagles defense is pretty crappy. Browns are better but have a potentially crap match up in the Falcons. End of the day, I will still have a 3.5-4 game lead. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 21st, 2014, 6:04pm Yup.. unfortunately you only have one game this week. You have been getting so many breaks all year long, now with Bradshaw going down, helps your team ect. Still a little ways to go so don't fuck it up. Not over yet, i hope i do beat you this week , need to. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Dec 18th, 2014, 3:44pm Heyas, fellas... Old Stegger here has just hit one of "those" weeks (finals week), and I am still SWAMPED [smiley=drown.gif] at the moment. I tried my best, but I am just unable to devote the extra 45 or so minutes that I would still need at this point to get Week 15's results posted before I have to head out for work. In other words, the results for Week 15 will not be posted before the kickoff of tonight's (sizzling, might I add) [smiley=laugh.gif] Thursday night game. So, if you have not submitted your lineup for Week 16 yet, please just submit free-agent requests with a range of where you might be in the standings in mind. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] Once I get to about 3:00 this afternoon (my time), I will get a lull. I will definitely have Week 15's results posted before I go to bed tonight, if not much earlier than that. So, please just stand by. Again, I thank you all for your patience. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 18th, 2014, 9:30pm Strange thing happened. Can't view or submit lineups at this point in time. Can you adjust this when you do scores please? Usually at 8:25 you can view. Anyways, no hurry on the score if you can't get to it tonight. We all get you are under the gun for grading exams..... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 7th, 2015, 7:13pm Well, fellas, I apologize for the delay. Life was just a bit much over the last month or so. At any rate, everything has been updated for the close of the 2014-15 season. Lots of close Week 17 games... WAY overdue CONGRATULATIONS to our first-time CHAMPION Steve Warner and his Zacaroni and Brees!!! [smiley=king.gif] What a run! Got that monkey [smiley=monkey.gif] off your back, huh, Steve? You will now be able to better appreciate all the other runner-up and/or third-place plaques! Also, congrats are due to our 2nd- and 3rd-place finishers, Mark Hahn and Danny Feder, respectively! Hahn's 2nd-place finish is kind of ironic looking back at all the mid-season consternation the week Mark failed to submit a lineup. In the end it is, if anyone, he himself whom he hurt. [smiley=hmmmm.gif] With that another GREAT GBRFL season concludes. Now, how about some offseason wheeling and dealing??? ;) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Travistotle on Feb 15th, 2015, 12:08am Congrats to Steve Warner! Well done! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Feb 16th, 2015, 4:55pm Thanks. I am glad to finally have the title! While happy, it is also a relief to get the monkey off my back. Now, on to next year.....my team is looking pretty poo-poo right now, especially if Marshawn really does retire. (which I do not think he will) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 8th, 2015, 9:34pm "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages over at the league site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl) updated for the 2015-16 season... and with a little upgrade! :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Jun 8th, 2015, 10:35pm on 06/08/15 at 21:34:04, StegRock wrote:
Thanks Steg. The "take me to" a lot easier than seeing 18 links to previous years. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 18th, 2015, 3:56am "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages updated at the League Site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php). Enjoy!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 29th, 2015, 5:55am Well, All, ALL is ready for the 2015 season (save for the lineups-submission section)! The "Results" and "Standings" pages along with the "Schedule" and "History" pages have been updated/reset as well as upgraded (where applicable). Enjoy it all, and the easier navigating!!! [smiley=hungry.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Aug 31st, 2015, 3:27am on 08/29/15 at 05:55:16, StegRock wrote:
Heyas, fellas... I made a mistake in the code for the drop-down menu upgrade to the "Results" and "Standings" pages which made the drop downs inoperable. That is now fixed. I apologize for the inconvenience. Also, on a different note, regarding Week 1 free-agency, remember that the order goes worst-to-first per last season's final standings, NOT according to the lottery. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 5th, 2015, 11:16pm The "Lineups" section has been turned over and is ready to accept Week 1 lineup submissions at any time! Remember that lineups have to be submitted by the kickoff of the first game of the week Thursday night, September 10th! Good luck, boyz! [smiley=shamrock.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 9th, 2015, 2:51pm Fellas, kickoff week is, alas, upon us! [smiley=booya.gif] Remember that, if your Week 1 lineup is not in by the kickoff of Thursday night's game, what is deferred to is order of acquisition, that is, the order in which your players are listed on the "Rosters" page. Good luck! [smiley=shamrock.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 16th, 2015, 4:48am Heya, Fellas... I have gone ahead and turned over the lineups section so that lineups can be submitted for Week 2. I am going to need you guys to bear with me this season with the posting of results. Every time I think that the minefield must surely be clear, another one blows up right in front of me. It is not all bad, mind you. I am just at one of those junctures in life where career is taking off (but there are loose ends that need to be tended to to really make that happen -- dissertation), mother is aging and ailing, daughter is growing and both are needy and a handful, and making ends meet is still a challenge. It really is an unbelievable confluence, and, if I told you the "good news" I received tonight, you would be like how the hell are you going to pull it off. But, I digress. I hope to have the results posted by, for you guys on the mainland, Thursday morning. It could be by tomorrow evening, but, please, do not count on it! Over and out... [smiley=tired.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 24th, 2015, 3:09am Heyas, fellas... I forgot to turn the lineups section over this week until tonight. I apologize. I just plumb forgot. [smiley=doh.gif] In connection with this, a small disaster was narrowly averted. Bottom line, if you notice on, say, Tuesday night that the lineups section has not been turned over, pop me a private message and let me know. I would prefer you do that first than send me your lineup by e-mail or private message, which I could accidentally open and, in any event, I have to then input (which is extra work for me). Only submit lineups to me by e-mail, private message or phone as a last measure. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Sep 28th, 2015, 2:57pm REMINDER... League fees are due by kickoff THIS Thursday, October 1st! Remember that your ability to conduct transactions (at least, those involving your free-agent picks) will be frozen until you submit your $50 league fee! You will not be permitted to pick up free-agents this week, Week 4, if your league fee is not received by the kickoff of the game on Thursday! The most immediate way to make a payment is by clicking the "Lend a hand... Make a donation to 'the Gridiron'!!!" link above and following the instructions... That said, here is a direct link for your,... eh-hem,... Danny's ;) convenience: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 4th, 2015, 2:19am Yo, fellas... Stumbled upon a BIG error in Week 3's results [smiley=doh.gif] [if I told yous the story of the dominoes that fell that led me to even be in a position to find it (Trout could tell you), you would not believe it, but you would get a good laugh -- thank God it happened [smiley=angel.gif] -- has to do with my dirty mind, though, actually ?.?.?]! Thank God (again) that it had NO bearing on the free-agents for this week, BUT it does change who currently stands atop the standings and does drop one team significantly down! Sorry for the mistake! Thank you for your anticipated understanding! Take away word to the wise... Especially if the final score does not seem like what you were anticipating, CHECK THOSE SPREADSHEETS, PLEASE!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 5th, 2015, 3:08pm on 10/04/15 at 02:19:13, StegRock wrote:
Yo, guys... One more VERY SLIGHT change to Week 3's results had to be made. It affected nothing except a couple teams' points differentials ever so slightly. That said, if you need to make changes to your lineup after submitting it, here is the preferable protocol: 1) Resubmit it via the lineups submission page; 2) Send the changes to me by private message here on "the Gridiron"; 3) E-mail the changes in to me to the LEAGUE E-MAIL ADDRESS per the "Owner Information" page (gbrfl@...); 4) Phone the changes in to me. This situation was simply a case where I had not checked the e-mail address to which a lineup change had been submitted. Also, if any of you have had any trouble opening the scoring spreadsheets, you will not now. There was a problem with the links. I fixed that too. [smiley=builder.gif] Whew... :P |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 7th, 2015, 2:02pm Holy shit! [smiley=shitfan.gif] Week 3 has become the never-ending week from hell! One of our owners, doing his homework, found one more error! It is, thankfully, TOTALLY inconsequential. It did not even change the scores of his games. Whew... [smiley=dodged.gif] Nevertheless, I thank this owner for doing his due diligence. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] At any rate, small though the error may be, if you collect the spreadsheets for your own records, I would advise downloading the updated spreadsheet for Week 3 that I just uploaded. Thank you for your anticipated understanding and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 19th, 2015, 5:33pm Well, fellas, as if things could not get more complicated in the life of the Steg... We have hit a week where I may need some proactive cooperation from yous. This week may require some "exceptional" efforts (double entendre intended). But, this too shall come to pass, and, indeed, it probably will by week's end... With that said, the week has finally come when my old Bessie computer that I have been using as my primary computer and running the league on since 2005 has finally died. I was not good with backing things up (save, for my dissertation -- and even that was slightly behind), and the computer is now in for data recovery at Geek Squad. While I am very optimistic about the recovery of my files as it was not a virus or reformat or physical damage or anything really bad (the computer just would no longer start), it will not be done until Friday. The bigger problem, though, is that I lose all the programs. So, as if I have time for any of this, I am going to have to go on a research expedition for the most affordable and familiar (to me, given what I have become used to using), yet good-quality FTP and webpage-editing programs. When and how that goes, along with how long the data recovery of my old hard drive takes, will dictate how things will proceed with the league this week. The good thing is that I have a fallback, the small, but brand-new laptop I had with me this summer in Jersey. It, however, is bare because I have barely used it since that trip. So, anyway, please bear with me this week, and be on the lookout here daily for updates. I will try my best to make this as seamless as possible... I apologize in advance for any potential hubbub, and thank you all in advance for your anticipated understanding and cooperation... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 21st, 2015, 5:06am on 10/19/15 at 17:33:28, StegRock wrote:
Data from old hard drive recovered! Only took them a day! It seems like I still have my FTP program, so I should be able to turn over the lineups section tomorrow. Just be patient, please. Now, I just need to hunt down an appropriate webpage-editing program for myself. Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] -> [smiley=sleepers.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Oct 22nd, 2015, 12:04pm Yo Steg, Is it permissible to submit a line up that clearly contains a potential change if a certain player is inactive. For example, can I list my receivers as follows: Cooper Allen Beckham LaFell Harris If I then note that "if Beckham is inactive this week, then I move Harris up to #4 and LaFell down to #5". In that case, if Beckham is active, then the lineup stays as is. If not, then the change is triggered. Let me know if that is allowed. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 22nd, 2015, 2:59pm on 10/22/15 at 12:04:35, DB wrote:
Sure, but I do not know why you would want to do that. ?.?.? It seems to unnecessarily complicate things. Why would you not just list Harris at #4? But, anyway, that is academic. Go ahead and do whatever. :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 22nd, 2015, 5:53pm I think the way Dave wants to put notes is essentially negating the cascading line up and opening a big can of worms. If we can start putting comments, can I just start listing line ups like this? I don't have to worry about injury reports any longer? Start the first player unless they get no stats: Murray (Matthews) Lynch (Rawls) or would it be like Murray Lynch Gore Hillman Matthews Rawls *Move Matthews to 2 if Murray is out *Move Rawls to 4 if Lynch is out Move Rawls to 4 if Murray doesn't play Move Matthews to 2 if Lynch is out. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 23rd, 2015, 12:18am I agree that it sounds like a total headache (for me). With that said, I still do not get why you would want to do this... [smiley=uh.gif] What is the benefit??? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 23rd, 2015, 5:36am on 10/22/15 at 12:04:35, DB wrote:
Well, I thought about this some more... [smiley=thinking.gif] To be clear, it is not about whether he is "active" or "inactive" for the Giants. It is about whether he catches any balls or not and is, thus, respectively active or inactive for you. I hope that is the auspices you too were operating under. I surely do not want another layer of work added to the process of processing the weekly results, nor does interpreting it any other way seem to be within the spirit of our system. Alright, out... [smiley=tired.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 23rd, 2015, 7:02am on 10/23/15 at 00:18:42, StegRock wrote:
Steg- I see the biggest benefit of changing the line up as protecting against injury. For example, see the example below. If I wanted to l have Rawls play if Lynch doesn't play, I would list him 4th in the current process. However, suppose Lynch DOES play, but Gore gets into a car accident and does NOT play. I would then get Rawls stats since he is my 4th RB listed. If I could start specifying the order based on injury, I could list Hillman as my 4th RB and get his stats instead of Rawls because Gore did not play. If I could start specifying, Rawls would ONLY play as my 4th RB if Lynch does not play, thus assuring Rawls would get better stats. If I got Lynch's AND Rawls stats, that would probably suck Does that make sense? I personally think it sets a bad precedent and makes things really confusing. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Art Vandalay on Oct 23rd, 2015, 7:13am This is handled very simply by entering the proper cascade of starting players. I don't see a need to change it. I would rather discuss making post Thursday changes to the line up if Thursday players are not affected. Also...I noticed that the Box Munchers were deft enough to pick up the Atlanta Falcon Defense this week.....unfortunately..........the Cuban Missile Crisis has no record of the Falcons defense being dropped, and they are my starting Defense this week. Soooooo.... Ooops!!!! If they would like to keep them, I will be happy to accept Phillip Rivers in return. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Oct 23rd, 2015, 8:27am I will explain the benefit but first I will say that I am not trying to make things more confusing. Sometimes it is better to keep things simple. However, I know that we try to set up our rules to maximize strategy/minimize luck and a big part of that is dealing with the disadvantage that we all have in dealing with the need to submit lineups on Thursday when many injury situations are unknown. In my case, I have 2 players who may or may not play, Keenan Allen and Odell Beckham. I also have both backups, Dwayne Allen and Malcolm Floyd. While it is likely that Odell will play and Keenan will not, I am not sure. I set my lineup with Floyd at #4 assuming that Keenan will be out, but in the event that Keenan plays and Odell does not, I would prefer to play D. Allen rather than Floyd. So I am basically trying to set up a contingency in my lineup for the possibility that if Keenan not does play then I have his backup in and if Odell does not play I have his backup in. In a CBS/Yahoo league, I would be able to make that switch on Sunday morning based on who is active. Here, we cannot do that because we set our lineups before the first game. I do not think this is too confusing. Some of us were initially confused by the flex lineup but now I assume we all get it. On the other hand, if is seems too confusing or if it is too much work for the commish, that is fine to not allow this. Another thought that I have for dealing with Thursday's games would be to set up another round of free agency on Saturday night/Sunday morning. That would be more work for the commish as well, so that may not be a good idea. Another option is to perhaps set up a system similar to the replay challenges in football where a team can make a lineup changes Sunday morning a certain number of times per year. This would only be for players who have not yet played. If this is limited to 2x per year (for example) like replay challenges, then this would limit the use of this rule. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 23rd, 2015, 4:51pm I get it now. Thanks, Steve, Dave! [smiley=bow.gif] This Thursday night stuff is causing us to be much more attentive to handcuffs. Interesting. Anyway, contrary to Steve, I do not think this is a big deal as long as the instructions are clear AND it is understood that what is meant by "active" and "inactive" for our purposes are, respectively, "produced stats" or "not". Otherwise, regarding the latter, it is as if we are changing the rules during the game as a player's "real" injury status has never been considered an "official" factor in our game before whereas the production of stats OR NOT has been an official factor (for cascading). Also, interpreting it this way somewhat mitigates the effect of this strategy as, to use DB's current situation as the example, it is possible that, say, Allen plays but does not record any stats BUT gets playing time and targets at the (partial, potential) expense of Floyd, who he now has in his lineup based on Allen's actual "inactivity" in terms of producing stats. So, it is in this somewhat middle-ground way that I am going to proceed. But, moreover there is precedence for doing so! Indeed, the syntax on this when filling out the lineup form would be: 1) Amari Cooper 2) Odell Beckham/Dwayne Harris 3) Keenan Allen 4) Malcom Floyd 5) Dwayne Harris (Since Floyd is listed at #4, it is needless to indicate "Keenan Allen/Malcom Floyd".) The meaning would be, if Beckham accrues NO stats, then Harris goes in over Floyd. Not only does this not seem like that big of a deal, but it seems to serve as a possible, albeit partial, SOLUTION to the problem that the Thursday night kickoff causes us! MOREOVER, as I stated above, we even have precedence for such a practice in the form of our extended Week 17 lineups, wherein we are basically allowed to submit lineups in this very fashion, indeed, factoring in and making contingencies for injuries(, Week 17 benchings and playoff matchups). What Dave is suggesting is really just to apply what we do Week 17 to the whole season, and that seems fine. So, PROCEED! Just understand that "inactive" does NOT mean "officially inactive" but "NO stats", and we are good to go! :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 28th, 2015, 5:35pm In the face of existential threats here this week, I got the results done early! [smiley=clown.gif]<-That is my crazy clown face. Anyway, enjoy! AND, please, double-check stuff! Thank you! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Oct 30th, 2015, 12:07am Heyas, fellas... Sorry about the lineups section's not getting turned over tonight right at kickoff. I did not forget. Still getting used to the new system. I set it to automatically turn over. But, it did not. I think I have to adjust the system's "sleep" settings. I think the computer went to "sleep" and in so doing made the FTP program inoperable. Again, I apologize. It is turned over now. I still have to process the transactions for the week, but you can at least view the lineups. Thank you for your anticipated understanding and patience! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 11th, 2015, 11:20pm Heyas, fellas... This might be a week worth double-checking the spreadsheet. I am good on my end, I believe, BUT I picked off an error in the raw stats provided by CBS Sports. I only noticed because it involved one of my games. PK Matt Bryant's stats were totally jacked. Do not get excited, DB. Our game is correct. Before running the stats, I had figured it out manually. That is how I noticed the error. The final score per the spreadsheet did not match what I had meticulously figured out on my own. This development caused me to go through a handful of the place-kickers' stats. They were all correct, so... [smiley=shrug.gif] Anyway, it is always worth double-checking! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 26th, 2015, 3:45pm Just so you ALL know moving forward, Javorius Allen = Buck Allen, who Joe drafted and has had on his roster all year. "Buck" is the nickname prevalently used for him. One of you realized that this week and phoned in the change (thank you). BUT, PLEASE remember this moving forward. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving! [smiley=turkey.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 26th, 2015, 4:13pm on 11/26/15 at 15:45:53, StegRock wrote:
Okay, so I have, alas, changed this on the Rosters page. He is Javorius Allen. So, hopefully that is that for that... Again, Happy Thanks-for-giving! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Nov 30th, 2015, 1:41pm Trade Deadline is THIS WEEK, Week 13!!!!! After the kickoff of Thursday night's game, there will be no more trading for the 2015 season. Offseason trading commences after the kickoff of Week 17's games. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 1st, 2016, 3:30am on 12/31/15 at 18:12:17, DirkDiggler wrote:
When submitting your Week 17 lineups, remember that, as usual, Week 17 EXTENDS through the end of the postseason! I will get Week 16's results posted as soon as I can. Just going through a hectic patch here of late. Happy New Year! [smiley=discoball.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 1st, 2016, 11:21pm Definitely THREE and perhaps FOUR teams are still in contention for the Championship heading into our extended Week 17!!! WOWWIE!!! What a league!!! [smiley=twothumbsup.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Jan 2nd, 2016, 9:41am on 01/01/16 at 23:21:17, StegRock wrote:
As the worst team in the league by far, I will do my best to be a factor. The good news is that I have Marshawn Lynch back for the playoffs and Brian Hoyer is starting for the Texans (finally). And while the Titans Defense is poo poo, they are facing the Colts with their 4th string, still unnamed, starting QB. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 16th, 2016, 7:22pm The gig at the university (I know that is news to some of you) is consuming my time and has been the reason for the delay in the running of the stats. But, alas, I am running the stats on our extended Week 17, and it is looking like it is going to come down to an exciting finish for the Championship... [smiley=ohshit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jan 16th, 2016, 9:24pm on 01/16/16 at 19:22:04, StegRock wrote:
Well, boyz, the "Game Results" page at the league site (http://fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php) has, alas, been updated through Wild Card week. The spreadsheet is available. So much is to be determined right now during this Cardinals-Packers Divisional Round game!!! 'Tis EXCITING!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 6th, 2016, 6:55pm Heyas, guys... I will get everything finalized for the season soon. I have had a few things in the way. One of those things is one of the things that, once behind me, will allow me to be more timely with league stuff in years to come AND put more energy back into this place in general! Thank you for your patience! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Feb 27th, 2016, 12:16am Yo, Guys, alas, the 2015-16 season is behind us and congratulations are in order... [smiley=worship.gif] DB, great job once again schooling us! You, for the SEVENTH [smiley=ohshit.gif] TIME (three more than anyone else), are GBRFL Champion! In second comes Rob Pak with a valiant effort, indeed, and old Joe Parsons snuck, in the proverbial eleventh hour, into third! Sorry for the delay, all. I had quite a bit get in the way of late. But, great job, everyone, on yet another exciting GBRFL season. League site is updated accordingly. Here is to 2015... [smiley=cheers.gif] On to 2016... [smiley=cruisin.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Mar 9th, 2016, 8:05pm Thank you, Mr. (soon to be Dr.) Commissioner for your kind words and for updating the site. Checking out these free agents signings today is getting me pumped for next year. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Travistotle on Mar 13th, 2016, 7:04pm Congrats, DB! You're embarrassing us. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Mar 13th, 2016, 8:01pm Congrats DB on yet another well earned Championship!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 1st, 2016, 3:41pm Posted this a couple days ago... on 05/30/16 at 15:22:01, StegRock wrote:
Crazy [smiley=gonecrazy.gif] times yet again in the world of Steg, so things with the league have to remain on hold until July, and we are definitely looking at a late draft this year. Stegs will not come up for air [smiley=drown.gif] until July 3rd, but even then not really. That said, amidst it all I would not mind hooking up with some of you east coasters. Here are our upcoming dates... We are in the throws of moving to a new place (YET AGAIN). With some overlap in leases,.. we are currently in the process of packing; movers coming on June 3rd; will be out of this place and on a plane heading to New Jersey on June 7th, arriving on June 8th. Reason for this current move: we are moving Mama Steg out with us. That said, on June 20th, will hop in the car and head to Illinois to, per the quote above, get that dissertation defended on June 22nd. Then, back to mom, and, after getting some movers and chuckers involved, we ALL head back to Hawaii on July 2nd. Steg, of course, then has to be back in the classroom on July 5th to teach Deductive Logic for the first time, [smiley=uh.gif] which means that I should devote a good amount of time to reacquainting myself to formal logic [smiley=RIF.gif] and preparing the class... [smiley=LMFAO.gif] on the planes, I guess. [smiley=shrug.gif] So, here we go... Gonna be crazy, not much time to ditz around, but if you want to get together, let me know a.s.a.p., and let's see what we can do. If you want to drop by the old Steg residence one last time, this is the last opportunity, preferably before June 20th, that is, before things are in total upheaval, and visitors are not really going to be welcome. Over and Out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Jun 2nd, 2016, 10:17am Hi all,, any idea of when the Lotto will be? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by StegRock on Jun 5th, 2016, 7:38am on 06/02/16 at 10:17:36, IbdFunk wrote:
Idiot! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 21st, 2016, 6:14pm An FYI and a question here... First, the FYI... As for contacting me [smiley=phone.gif], the 551 #, at which I have been unavailable for the most part of the past three months, is now again the best # at which to reach me. The 732 # should only be considered a backup again. Second, the question... Does anybody (Joe) have an updated count of everybody's protection-spot count, and could you please forward it to me by private message here on "the Gridiron" or to the league (gbrfl) e-mail address? I would like to update the "Rosters" page. Thank you in advance! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 28th, 2016, 10:09pm The "Rosters (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/rosters.htm)" page at the league site is up to date with the most recent trades and protection-spot counts. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 29th, 2016, 4:31am The "Rosters (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/rosters.htm)" page at the league site is up to date post cuts. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 5th, 2016, 6:09am The "Rosters (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/rosters.htm)", "Transactions (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/transactions.htm)" and "Schedule (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/schedule.htm)" pages at the league site have been updated post-draft. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 5th, 2016, 7:52am on 09/05/16 at 06:09:27, Stegfucius wrote:
Thank you sir! Appreciate all you do to keep this thing going and all the logistics behind the scene. I know it can be a real time suck. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by FLESH on Sep 5th, 2016, 10:57am Good call Mr. Warner. I too would like to extol the virtues of our newest Doctor - who has been for the past 25 years the "Fantasy Doctor. " He brought the medicine again in the form of an awesome, albeit lengthy and always humorous draft. I think we owe it to the Good Doctor to try and make the 25th anniversary celebration in Vegas a true reality. I'll be working on the details during the year via a thread Steg and I will get up and running. In true Seinfeld form, Steg has indoctrinated me with the highly esteemed title of "The Assistant to the Traveling Secretary" -#trulyhonored Here's to a great season and yet another top 10 finish for me! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 5th, 2016, 4:18pm Thank you both for the kind words. "Dr. Steg" [smiley=jammaster.gif] will do, incidentally. ;) 'Tis all in fun, anyway, of course, but "Doctor" by itself makes it sound like I am a medical doctor, which I am assuredly not. I am of the less useful academic variety. [smiley=howtoput.gif]<-That ain't me writing prescriptions, for sure. [smiley=laugh.gif] ANYway, some IMPORTANT notes... PLEASE make sure to get me any team name changes A.S.A.P., preferably before I turn over the lineup submission section, which I plan to do tonight (the sooner you do so the easier you are making it for me). (Travis, I am not recalling yours in full.) Also, for those who have updates for the "Owner Information" page, such as changes or additions to e-mail addresses or phone numbers, please get them in to me, preferably by private message right here on "the Gridiron". Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 6th, 2016, 4:54am on 09/05/16 at 16:18:54, Stegfucius wrote:
The "Lineups (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/line-upssubmissionform.htm)" section has been turned over so as to allow Week 1 lineup submissions. HOWEVER, if you have a team name change I would REALLY appreciate your letting me know and letting me change it BEFORE you submit your lineup for Week 1!!! Thank you! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 7th, 2016, 4:58am Danny, Warner and Pak, your team names have been changed (on your respective lineups pages). You guys can feel free to go ahead and submit you Week 1 lineups. Thank you for your patience and compliance! Again, all, I would appreciate the opportunity to change your team name BEFORE you submit your Week 1 lineups. Thank you for your anticipated consideration! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 25th, 2016, 1:31pm League fee is due before the kickoff of Week 4, that is, before the kickoff of this Thursday night's game. If it is not received by then, your ability to pick up free-agents will be suspended until the week it is received! To get this done in the most expeditious manner, go here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 28th, 2016, 9:55pm on 09/25/16 at 13:31:21, Stegfucius wrote:
Just saw that I received a few more payments (and, in most cases, donations in the way of some extra added in), BUT there are stragglers. NOT a big deal, but I have to enforce the rules: no free-agents until league fee has been paid, starting this week. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 12th, 2016, 9:51pm Guys, I am presently running the stats for Week 5. We had one of these happen again... :-/ on 10/24/14 at 05:21:04, StegRock wrote:
on 11/22/13 at 14:33:41, StegRock wrote:
This has been the rules going back to the ASG years! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 4th, 2016, 7:50pm Mistake with the kickers Week 8. Changes in scores minimal, but one game did FLIP!!! Everything is fixed. Glad this was a week where I could not get to the transactions last night. Doing that now... Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 28th, 2016, 3:08pm Just an FYI, this upcoming week, Week 13, is the trade deadline for the season! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Dec 14th, 2016, 4:58am The position of the Packers' Ty Montgomery has, alas, OFFICIALLY been changed to RB. Here is the Packers' updated depth chart: http://www.packers.com/team/depth-chart.html. That is what we go by, so his position moving forward in the GBRFL, at least until further notice, is RB. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Dec 15th, 2016, 5:13am Guys, I apologize up front... One too many things on the plate here this week. Week 14's results will be getting posted late this week. No promises as to exactly when. I am sorry and thank you for your anticipated understanding. [smiley=bow.gif] Please just go ahead and submit your lineups if you have not already. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Jan 2nd, 2017, 9:44pm DB, Pak, Joe, re last year's plaques... [smiley=pm.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 4th, 2017, 3:49pm on 01/02/17 at 21:44:48, Stegfucius wrote:
At this point, last year's plaques should be landing... [smiley=blush.gif] Please let me know! ... Also, I will try my best to get the 2016-17 season wrapped up here soon. I am just a bit... [smiley=drown.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Feb 6th, 2017, 10:42pm Championship plaque #7 received. Thanks! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Feb 7th, 2017, 2:36pm I too have received my plaque for 2015 season. It looks great. I cant wait until next year... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Pakman on Feb 7th, 2017, 4:58pm Got it as well. Looks great |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 11th, 2017, 8:05pm Ugh... :P Last night or early today our website hosting company, Hostica, decided to change its server settings for security purposes. It has caused a couple web pages at FantasyFootballer.com not to display (correctly) because they employ applications Hostica is no longer supporting. One such page is: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/addit.php. Not a big deal. However, another such page is: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php, that is, our league home page! I was just closing in on finally posting the final 2016-17 results when I realized this. We have got to have our home page working when I get the final results up, so I have diverted my attention and am devoting my time (which I do not have) and energy (which I do not have much of) to familiarizing myself with a new technology and getting this problem rectified first. I apologize for the extended delay here this year (we all pretty much know the results, though, anyway), but these are the kinds of behind-the-scenes booby [smiley=boobies.gif] traps that crop up from time to time and consume me. :'( |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 11th, 2017, 8:15pm on 02/11/17 at 20:05:16, Stegfucius wrote:
Oh, no... Disaster... This is affecting the forum here! If you try to reply, it will post, BUT you will be taken to an error page. Oh,... God... This may get ugly. Please bear with me... [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 11th, 2017, 9:20pm on 02/11/17 at 20:15:51, Stegfucius wrote:
Okay, this issue, at least as it affects the forum here, is taken care of... Whew... :P One thing down... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 12th, 2017, 7:39pm O-kay, guys... The league site has been updated for the close of the 2016-17 season. You can check things out here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php. Updates include the "Champions" and "History" pages! On a critical note, which I have been posting about here as of late (see above), the upgrades our hosting company, Hostica, has recently made to their servers, including but perhaps not limited (as I am stumbling upon things here and there one-by-one) to changing PHP and SSL settings and entirely removing FPSE (old-school Microsoft FrontPage Server extensions), are causing all kinds of snafus on web pages throughout FantasyFootballer.com and our other affiliated domains. I think "the Gridiron" forum here, alas, is stable, though. With that said, please let me know of anything strange/seemingly malfunctioning that you notice on any web page. I am aware of many issues, but I am sure not all of them. Moving forward, the loss of FPSE has MAJOR ramifications heading into next season as, though I generally used FPSE only for a few small things here and there, such as the hit counter on the GBRFL league home page (which I have already taken care of), I built the lineup-submission application with FPSE. Now, I have some knowhow with some newer technology, but no matter how you carve it up, it is going to be a BIG job. In fact, all things considered, it may end up being too big of a job for me to take on this year, and so we may have to tide ourselves over for a year with e-mail or something. We shall see. Obviously, I am going to try my best to have something in place by Week 1. But, at the proverbial end of the day, it just may not be doable this year. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 6th, 2017, 1:52am Well, finally started the updates for the 2017-18 season... The "Rosters" page at the league site is up to date! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 27th, 2017, 12:56am The "Rosters" page at the league site has been updated post-cuts. There is a lot more updating to the league site needing to be done for the new season. It is happening late this year. I am hoping to have it done by the draft next Saturday. [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] See yous then! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 3rd, 2017, 10:29pm The "Rosters" page at the league site (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php) has been updated. Please check it for errors! I have also updated the "Owner Information" page, though we still have no phone contact for Frank. The situation with the lineups section remains pending... Just please keep checking in throughout the week on that front! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 3rd, 2017, 11:23pm on 09/03/17 at 22:29:12, Stegfucius wrote:
Thanks for your efforts!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 5th, 2017, 6:39am Heyas, fellas... Hang in there on the lineup submissions... Got to get to bed tonight (late as it is),... [smiley=yawn.gif] BUT I think there is a chance I get this situation with the lineup-submissions section resolved by sometime Wednesday! We shall see... [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] Send good vibes... [smiley=hippy.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Drew Rosenhaus on Sep 5th, 2017, 11:26am Repeat of SW comments - thanks for the work and effort on this - know you have a ton on your plate right now and having these items pop up add a lot. Thanks for the work and time. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 6th, 2017, 4:33am Thank you for the kind words, Markie, Stevo! MUCH appreciated! [smiley=bow.gif] More progress was made today, so ditto this, fellas... on 09/05/17 at 06:39:27, Stegfucius wrote:
It will probably amount to late Wednesday night/Thursday morning for most of you guys on the mainland, but I think with a little luck [smiley=shamrock.gif] I may make it! [smiley=builder.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 7th, 2017, 5:37am Well, fellas, first off, small stuff... I did get the "Schedule" page updated according to our new team numbers. The rest of league site will be updated as needed/over this upcoming weekend... I am just [smiley=drown.gif] right now. :'( In any case, MORE IMPORTANTLY, how to go about your Week 1 lineup submissions... Truth is, the situation is only half resolved. :P THAT SAID, you can go ahead and submit your lineup via the lineup-submissions section of the league site as usual. :) They will go through, and you will be able to see your own lineup, but the system will NOT turn over upon kickoff of the Thursday night game so that you can see others'/your opponents' lineups. :-/ For now, we may have to share lineups on a thread here. If you have already submitted your lineup to me by private message here on "the Gridiron", I would appreciate your resubmitting it through the lineups section, but if you do not, I will do it for you. Well, that is where things stand, still working on it. [smiley=tired.gif] ... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 7th, 2017, 6:29am on 09/07/17 at 05:37:51, Stegfucius wrote:
PLEASE read the above... But, as stated above, the lineup-submission form at the league site is working, but, FYI, it does not seem to be working in Microsoft Edge. :( It is working just fine in IE and Chrome, though. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 7th, 2017, 4:31pm Thank you for making it work Steve!!!!! To everyone else, especially to those not on the draft call, please take the time to enter the FIRST AND LAST name of your players in the lineup. Steve is working on a process that will save some time for him on the back end, but in order for that to work, the complete name needs to be entered. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 7th, 2017, 8:26pm on 09/07/17 at 16:31:01, DirkDiggler wrote:
You are very welcome, Steve, all. AND, I think I have even greater news. I think we got the other half of the lineups problem (viewing your opponents' lineup) resolved! We unfortunately are still going to have to make do (with a thread or something) here at the beginning of Week 1. Also, thank you, Steve, for reminding the guys about inputting full names. With other (league) issues taking precedence, the upgrade to the scoring spreadsheet that would make you all's inputting your players' FULL NAMES extremely helpful to me has been tabled for a bit. It would not hurt to start getting into the, à la Aristotle, good habit of doing it that way, nevertheless. I (and Gino) do plan to attack it at some point this season, preferably sooner than later. (By the way, side note, when it comes to defenses, all I want you to put is the team name, but in full: e.g., Buccaneers.) Other than that, WOO-HOO, [smiley=helmethead.gif] here we go... [smiley=footballsmiley.gif] for me from, of all places, Cutter Ford in Pearl City (routine maintenance, no big deal -- but was not thinking it was KICKOFF Thursday when I made the appointment some two weeks ago [smiley=shootmyself.gif])... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 10th, 2017, 4:48am Well, fellas... I have good news,... and I have GREAT news... The good news is that in my effort, albeit piecemeal, to get the league site updated for the new season, the "Transactions" page has, alas, been brought up to date! So, you can see what free agents were acquired in Week 1. The GREAT news is that for your kickoff Sunday the lineups section is up and running so that you can view others' lineups!!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] We may experience one more hiccup when it comes to turning over the lineups section for Week 2 so that you can submit your lineups, so be prepared for a little hubbub heading into next week. But, other than that, which if it does happen, I do not think will be a big deal, I think I got this thing beat!!! [smiley=twothumbsup.gif] Enjoy Week 1!!! [smiley=threed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 10th, 2017, 3:12pm Thanks Steg! Not only for the update, but for all the behind the seen work you do to run this thing. Good luck this year, and may your team stay healthy. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 11th, 2017, 4:49pm Thanks, Joe. I just wish your well wishes regarding injuries panned out. :-/ Moving right along... on 09/10/17 at 04:48:00, Stegfucius wrote:
Guys, please try to consult the lineups of your opponents and save them as soon as possible because as we head into Week 2, I will almost definitely make the attempt to turn over the lineup-submission section earlier than usual, like tonight, just in case we experience any trouble!!! Thank you for your anticipated understanding and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 11th, 2017, 10:00pm Heyas, guys... The "Results" and "Standings" pages have been updated, that is, reset, and with that the league site is, alas, finally ready to go for the new 2017-18 season! As stated in my message right above, FYI, the lineup-submission section is likely to be turned over for Week 2 earlier than usual. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 12th, 2017, 3:49am Yo, Guys... Do not miss my prior two messages above from earlier this evening, but, FYI, I also updated the "History" page at the league site. On that page I maintain the number of years each of us has participated in fantasy football. HOLY MOLY are we getting old! [smiley=wiseman.gif] 248,... TWO-HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT,... years in all!!! [smiley=ohshit.gif] Check it out! [smiley=checkin.gif] Also, just another FYI,... if you want to change your team name, NOW is the time!!! [smiley=impatient.gif] ... ;) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 14th, 2017, 4:03am Heyas, fellas... Week 1's "Results" and "Standings" are, alas, up! Just an FYI, this is the timing to get used to... I will probably be posting the weekly results and standings on Wednesday night my time, effectively Thursday morning for you guys. Let me put it this way... The earliest I ever see me having this done is around 8:30-ish (EST) on Wednesday night. There is virtually no use in checking before then unless I let yous know. Thank you for your understanding and patience! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 14th, 2017, 7:29pm Guys, there will be a slight delay (of hopefully no more than an hour) in the turning over of the lineups section so that you can view others' lineups. Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 22nd, 2017, 4:43pm Fellas, have you noticed,... the GBRFL Home Page (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/index.php), after all these years, is nearing 100,000 hits??? It stands at over 99,500. If you never noticed, the hit box is at the bottom of the page. At this time of the year we hit it/it is hit about 100 to 150 times per week. So, we are just three weeks to a month away from ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND hits! [smiley=jawdroppin.gif] WOW!!! What a ride it has been!!! [smiley=yes.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 25th, 2017, 4:11am The league fee of $50.00 is due by the kickoff of this Thursday's game. It is late, so, other than overnight mail, the only way to get your payment in on time and avoid having your ability to acquire free-agents suspended (which I truly want everybody to do) is electronically... You can go here, http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm; option 1 is preferred. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 8th, 2017, 6:07pm on 09/22/17 at 16:43:24, Stegfucius wrote:
GBRFL home page hit counter currently stands at exactly 99,950!!! Just fifty away from 100 G's!!! [smiley=ohshit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 9th, 2017, 9:19pm on 10/08/17 at 18:07:26, Stegfucius wrote:
99,975!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 10th, 2017, 8:10pm on 10/09/17 at 21:19:13, Stegfucius wrote:
GBRFL home page stands at 99,997 hits!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 10th, 2017, 8:34pm on 10/10/17 at 20:10:26, Stegfucius wrote:
Who was the 100,000th hit??? I was 100,001 (of which I saved a screen shot)! [smiley=booya.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Dec 10th, 2017, 1:35am Joe, Travis, Steve, re 2016-17 plaques... [smiley=pm.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 4th, 2018, 10:32pm First off, congratulations, Steve, on your [smiley=eagle.gif]'s!!! As for the league, a couple of you are somewhat in the know, but I have been particularly up to my eyeballs over the last few weeks. Suffice it to say, there are some intriguing developments unfolding in the world of the Steg. With that said, I am going to try to run all the stats and finalize the 2017-18 season here tonight. The extended Week 17 is BIG job, so if not tonight, it will be very soon, probably tomorrow. Good luck to Danny and Dave... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 7th, 2018, 1:02am on 02/04/18 at 22:32:59, Stegfucius wrote:
Still working on it, guys... Just please hang in there. Week 17 is quite a bit more complicated, and at the moment I have got A LOT going on of great importance to me and my family... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Feb 10th, 2018, 5:53pm on 02/07/18 at 01:02:07, Stegfucius wrote:
Hang in there, fellas... It is coming... [smiley=builder.gif] I have LOTS of plane time starting this evening during which to knock this out... [smiley=wiseguy.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on May 16th, 2018, 2:59am Got the "Rosters" section over at the GBRFL (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/) league website updated for the upcoming season. The "Current Rosters" page is updated with respect to offseason trades as well as each team's current protection-spot count. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 3rd, 2018, 3:52pm First off, fellas, if you noticed, yes, the site has been down for the most part of the last 20 or so hours. Ran into some trouble. :P 'Tis all better! (Ugh...) Anyway, moving forward, things over at the league web site, http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/, have been reset for the new season... Enjoy... :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 4th, 2018, 7:23am on 08/03/18 at 15:52:42, Stegfucius wrote:
As you may already know, the site went back down again... for most of the last 12 or so hours. Right now the site is band-aided, but still unstable. So, please bear that in mind. I will let yous know when it is truly fixed. Until then, proceed with a bit of caution. Perhaps copy your messages to notepad for now before posting them. Now... I am going to bed... :P ... [smiley=tired.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 5th, 2018, 7:23pm on 08/04/18 at 07:23:01, Stegfucius wrote:
Guys, I think I got this nipped in the bud, so I would say that it is safe to proceed. Bottom line, when it occurs, I now know how to manage it better on my own without having to involve the guys in technical support. That said, the long-term management of this issue is probably going to unfold incrementally. That is to say, when it happens, I will "do something" that will not solve it immediately, but will solve it within say a half day, BUT will also reduce the chances of its occurring again. So, we may experience down time again from time to time, but over time, as I apply this "fix" each time, the occurrences should become fewer and fewer until they become for all intents and purposes negligible. Okay, whew... :P Got it? Got it. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 3rd, 2018, 7:07am GBRFL (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/) website is updated here and there, most notably the "Rosters" and "Schedule" pages. There are still important things to do before Thursday night's kickoff. For one, the lineups section needs to be turned over. Have to contact the techies regarding that. All will be ready soon... Please be patient. Also, please remember that now is the time to get in any team-name changes! Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 26th, 2018, 3:31pm Remember that the league fee is due this week, Week 4. No payment, unfortunately, no free agents. :( At this point, mailing a check is not really an option. To settle up, go here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/donate.htm. And, frankly speaking, it is best just to go here (VERY MUCH SO PREFERRED METHOD): https://ffpro.hostica.com/secure/ccdonations.htm. Thank you! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 27th, 2018, 6:50pm on 09/26/18 at 15:31:24, Stegfucius wrote:
League Fee due by kickoff TONIGHT, 8:20 p.m. (ET). If not received by then, you lose your ability to pick up free-agents this week. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 27th, 2018, 8:45pm Out and about, and (still) having some computer trouble. [smiley=damncomputer.gif] So, lineups section will not be turned over until after I get home this evening. (But, I do know that I got lucky. [smiley=shamrock.gif] I got Beathard.) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Oct 31st, 2018, 10:01pm Texted with Steg- Line up submission page wont be turned over until late tonight east coast time. Try again tomorrow morning. Otherwise, send a PM if for some reason you wont be able to get your line up in tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Happy halloween!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 1st, 2018, 12:25am Thanks for letting everybody know, Stevo... Turns out we did make a pit stop home, and I turned over the lineups section. Thanks, everybody, for your patience. [smiley=bow.gif] Happy [smiley=pumpkin.gif] Halloween! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 6th, 2018, 2:49pm Off today (and already voted on Saturday -- it seems like that has to be said in this virtue-signaling day and age in which we find ourselves ::))... So, Week 9 results likely to be up early, that is, later today. [smiley=awwgee.gif] Be on the lookout! [smiley=threed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 6th, 2018, 9:11pm on 11/06/18 at 14:49:40, Stegfucius wrote:
There yous go... "Enjoy"... <-THAT is relative, I know. Trust me... I KNOW! [smiley=bawling.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 14th, 2018, 6:46pm Heyas, guys... Ugh... Forgot to turn over the lineup section last night. (FYI, I need to be reminded about this heading into Tuesdays.) I will get on it a.s.a.p., but that will not be until I get home this evening, for all intents and purposes when most of you wake up in the morning. Thank you for your understanding and patience. [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 14th, 2018, 8:24pm Then i guess its too much to ask to get the results up quicker? Just fucking with you, don't go postal! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 14th, 2018, 11:44pm on 11/14/18 at 18:46:56, Stegfucius wrote:
[smiley=wizard.gif]DONE!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 15th, 2018, 6:15am on 11/14/18 at 20:24:19, IbdFunk wrote:
I am going to make a suggestion here in all seriousness... because I know that there are some, at least one, here who could make it happen. I have been organizing leagues for 30 years, running our beloved GBRFL the last 26, the league website for 19 years and then this site for the last 16. Point being, I have the resume. Meanwhile, I have charged the same league fee of $50 for over 20 years now. Most send me more, quite a bit more in some cases, but I really do not make anything off this. There is a little scratch I can keep for myself from year to year. But, make no mistakes... This is a job. Thing is, I am at critical professional and personal crossroads, of which most of you are more or less in the know, and I do not see its letting up any year soon. I think we are going to get stuck in Hawaii. In fact, Gino and I have decided for me to ease up on the job hunt, which has been debilitating, and take a different tack, at least for the near term. Indeed, adjustments have to be made to accommodate the reality that we are going to be stuck in a place where the cost of living is absolutely crushing. On the flip side, it just so happens that my line of work and my specific circumstances at this juncture realistically afford me some flexibility. That said, as a full-time adjunct professor in the UH system, I am on pace to teach an ungodly 12 to 13 (3-credit) classes this academic year, and I see no let up in that brutal pace as long as I remain in Hawaii and working as an adjunct. Meanwhile, would you like results posted and the lineups section religiously turned over on Tuesdays? Would you like lineups revealed immediately upon kickoff on Thursdays and transactions processed promptly thereafter? Would you like to see the plaques get done and go out more promptly? No promises in what follows, but there are possibilities... Would you like to see upgrades to the league website and spreadsheet? While my computer and code-hacking skills, which were at a peak back around 2002 to 2007, are not what they used to be, there are some things that I want to do (and learn how to do) that, as things stand, just cannot get off the far back burner. Would you like to see upgrades here and some life breathed back into "the Gridiron @FantasyFootballer.com"? Get a writing staff again! Bring back the GBRFL2? Bottom line, would you like, at least during the late summer and through the NFL season a FULLY dedicated league commissioner and website administrator? Is it possible? Yes, if I teach just three classes in the fall, and indeed I can go to the department chairs at Leeward and Windward and tell them to schedule me for only three classes next fall, moreover, at times optimal vis-à-vis doing fantasy-football stuff. In that case I would still be eligible for benefits, and with enrollment down across the board these days and many adjunct professorial mouths to feed, they would to some degree welcome it themselves, and I would absolutely welcome the prospect of a little less time in the classroom (as I am getting gassed with no end in sight). THING IS, not that I do not think my efforts in this realm are worth it (indeed, I think they are), but, that aside, this would not be about paying me based on hours logged or what you think doing this stuff is worth. It would be about making up the difference in what I would be giving up in salary, and I make roughly $7,000 per (3-credit) class. I would be giving up at least one, in all likelihood two, and possibly three classes. Ultimately, I would be willing to split the difference between a loss of one and two classes. THAT would give you all the smoother GBRFL experience many of you are yearning for. Only one thing [smiley=money.gif] -- and relatively not even that much of it -- stands in the way of this reality,... like most great things or, at least, things we would like to see done. I am willing and, moreover, uniquely able given my profession to provide this. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DB on Nov 20th, 2018, 1:25pm I think that someone should respond to Steg's post. In my opinion, everyone in the league is (and has always been) very appreciative of Steg's efforts in setting up and running the league. The only possible expection is Feder (who is also appreciative and mostly F'ing with the commish from what I can tell). I assume that everyone would agree with me that getting quicker results would be nice but we also understand that it is a time-consuming process. If someone wants the results immediately, they could process them on their own. I am sure that there are a number of guys who would also be willing/able to pitch in with the site should Steg wants some assistance. That seems to be a better option that giving up classes. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Nov 20th, 2018, 1:54pm Yes, we are all appreciative and that is why I for one don't complain about not having results. Work and family are the priorities for all of us. We all have issues with work and I for recognize how much work updating all of the rosters, transactions, and results takes. If I can assist with admin side, I would be happy to. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Nov 20th, 2018, 2:34pm I only mess with him. He beat me this week so he can shit talk and give me hell. I had never not been appreciative , and pay him 3 times of the league fee. Can’t help that he is sensitive like a chick |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Mar 19th, 2019, 4:48pm I sent and email to all with updated 2019, 2020, and 2021 draft grids with trades...check your emails. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Jul 21st, 2019, 9:32pm Good job, Joe! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Along these lines, I have gone ahead and updated the "Rosters" pages on the GBRFL (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl) site! Enjoy... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Jul 22nd, 2019, 12:33am on 07/21/19 at 21:32:56, Stegfucius wrote:
"Transactions" pages now updated as well... :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Jul 22nd, 2019, 1:51pm Thx Steg. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 8th, 2019, 12:37am The "Rosters" page and, moreover, the "Schedule" page on the GBRFL website (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/) have been updated post Wednesday's Draft Lottery! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 8th, 2019, 11:27pm Well, fellas, except for the lineup submissions section, the GBRFL website (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/), is fully updated for the 2019-2020 season!!! The sections/pages that were updated today are: "Results", "Standings" and even the "History" page as well as a small update on the league home page. On the note of league history, we have some owners hitting some milestones in their FF "careers": Dave Trout is entering his 35th year; Frank Gonzalez, his 30th; Steve Warner and Joe Parsons are both in their 25th years!!! [smiley=clap.gif] That is some SERIOUS experience. Altogether, we have got a TOTAL of 268 YEARS of fantasy-football experience!!! [smiley=ohshit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 25th, 2019, 7:26pm "Transactions" and "Rosters" pages at the GBRFL website been brought up to the moment... to include the latest trades. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Aug 25th, 2019, 8:04pm on 08/25/19 at 19:26:10, Stegfucius wrote:
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Aug 26th, 2019, 6:15am "Rosters" page at the GBRFL website (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl) updated post-cuts! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 2nd, 2019, 1:43am "Rosters" and "Transactions" pages at the GBRFL website have been brought up to date post-draft! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 2nd, 2019, 6:50pm Alright, fellas, lots of important notes here as we head into Week 1... 1) Remember to submit your lineups by the scheduled kickoff of the Thursday night game, which is 8:20 p.m. (ET)! 2) If you want to change the name of your team, the sooner the better, please! With every passing week, it only becomes more work. 3) Until or unless I advise otherwise, do NOT pay your league fee by credit card (which has been my preferred method). I do NOT at present have a credit-card processor (long story, but I went through a nightmare last year, not so much due to the company with which I was working, but with changing laws as regards fantasy football, in general, in Hawaii, specifically -- bottom line, I did not receive ANY of you all's payments that were made by credit card last year until midway through January... ugh)! That said, you may have noticed by visiting the "Site Donors (http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=58;action=display;num=1068780634;start=175)" thread on "the Sidelines" that Joe has already paid his league fee (with a little added -- thank you, Joe). He just sent me a check. If you want to do that, pop me a message requesting my home address, preferably right here on "the Gridiron" via private message. The alternative is to send it through PayPal to theGridiron@FantasyFootballer.com. 4) Last, but definitely not least, the "Lineup Submission" section at the league website is LIVE! You can go ahead and get to submitting your Week 1 lineups at will... [smiley=woohoo.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Sep 2nd, 2019, 8:33pm Thanks for all you do |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 3rd, 2019, 8:42pm For some reason, the line up submission page is not currently working. And while I will retry later, I sent in a temp line up as well just in case. I notified Steg and I am sure he will take a look at it when he can. If for some reason this is the only time in the next two days, be sure to send it to Steg via PM, text, etc. Otherwise, be patient! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by IbdFunk on Sep 3rd, 2019, 8:56pm i had the same issue |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 3rd, 2019, 10:57pm I just tried it, and it worked fine... |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 4th, 2019, 4:50am Okay... Things had been working. Several of us had successfully input lineups. I just went in to tinker with things "behind the scenes", though, and ran into trouble. And, now, when I went to submit another test lineup, I too am getting the error message. I am guessing we are all going to run into trouble now. So, everybody, just hang in there. I got to get a trouble ticket in to tech support. They may get it rectified overnight (my time), so you are welcome to give it a try. But, if no go, just remain calm for the time being, and wait for the update from me. :P |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Sep 4th, 2019, 6:17pm I was able to enter my line up as of 6:15pm EST. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 4th, 2019, 6:53pm Just worked for me too! :) |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 5th, 2019, 7:12pm Guys, I presumably have got everything set up at home to turn the lineups section over automatically upon the kickoff of tonight's game (like had been the case in recent years up until last year)! [smiley=steg.gif] However, I was rushing this morning when I programmed it in, and it is Week 1 AND a full season separated from the last time I programmed this stuff. SO, here is to hoping it flies... [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] If not, unfortunately it will not be until fairly late tonight after I get back home from tending to my mother. Sorry in advance if that ends up being the case. :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 6th, 2019, 4:30am on 09/05/19 at 19:12:56, Stegfucius wrote:
Well, good news and (as you all probably know by now) bad news... Good news is what I programmed in in a rushed-up manner this morning all went well. Everything uploaded in the right way at the right time! [smiley=booya.gif] Bad news is our "new", as of 2017, [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] web-hosting provider for that part of the website did not get done what they needed to. Mind you, I used to take care of all this myself usually without hitch for yeeears with the old web host. But, the "new" web host has their rules, and users are not allowed to. Anyway, I am going to do the week's transactions now. The lineups section will probably be fully functional sometime tomorrow (Friday, that is). Hopefully this will be the only week this happens. [smiley=pray.gif] Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 12th, 2019, 12:20am Is anybody having any technical trouble submitting lineups? |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Sep 12th, 2019, 1:27am I just submitted a lineup without any issues. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 12th, 2019, 7:19pm I just submitted my lineup, too, without hitch. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] But, ANYway... on 09/06/19 at 04:30:39, Stegfucius wrote:
Ugh... [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] Last week it was the techies' fault. This week it is mine. [smiley=blush.gif] I know everything on "their" end (which they have given me some more direct control over, by the way) is good to go this week. BUT, I just now realized that I forgot to set up the upload from "my end" this morning before I left the house. [smiley=shootmyself.gif] So, again, this week the lineups-submission section will not get turned over until I get home later,... actually,... rather late tonight (my time). It is going to be a really interesting week of free-agency, too. I am so sorry! :-[ Thanks for your anticipated patience, though. :-/ |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 19th, 2019, 4:13am on 09/02/19 at 18:50:39, Stegfucius wrote:
Heyas, guys... Thank you to those who have already sent me "enhanced" league fees. :) Personalized thank yous are up on the thread on "the Sidelines". With that said, the league fee is due by kickoff next Thursday, that is, Week 4. If you were to ask me if I have a preference regarding how I receive it, this year I would say by check. BUT, that means that unless you do not care about picking up free-agents next week, you should get it out in the mail to me SOON. In that case, private-message or text me a.s.a.p. to get my home address. Anyway, whatever you want to do... Just FYI-ing yous. Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 19th, 2019, 7:12pm on 09/12/19 at 19:19:00, Stegfucius wrote:
Well, it should all be good to go this week on all fronts! At 8:20 this evening (ET), lineups should become viewable. [smiley=pray.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 3rd, 2019, 6:12pm on 09/12/19 at 00:20:11, Stegfucius wrote:
Seems like this is cropping up again. Received a couple reports this morning from guys getting an error when going to input their lineups. If this happens to you, please keep me abreast preferably by way of a post here, so I can stay on top of it. Thank you! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 10th, 2019, 7:10pm FYI, Dave Trout texted me his lineup... He had problems with the lineup-submission form today. He is going to try again. However, if he is unable to try again or still experiences the problem and cannot submit his lineup, I will get it submitted. But, I will not be able to get around to doing so until quite some time after tonight's kickoff. Over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 10th, 2019, 7:29pm on 10/10/19 at 19:10:02, Stegfucius wrote:
Made changes to my Week 6 lineup... Just resubmitted it to DB. Do not have time right now to go into the system to change it. So, it too will not be fully correctly reflected in the lineups section come tonight's kickoff. That said, the only difference is that my lineup is expunged of Rex Burkhead. Ugh... Again, over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Travistotle on Oct 10th, 2019, 8:31pm I had trouble, too, but I tried entering it at 5:20, so maybe that was because lineups were closed by then. (I thought the official start time was 5:25 . . .) Anyway, I messaged Steg my lineup, but it might have been too late, if kickoff really was at 5:20. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 10th, 2019, 10:08pm Update... Okay, so I just got Travis's (yes, you are fine, T.) and Trout's lineups posted! [smiley=builder.gif] I will fix mine when I get home (I am still in my office). That said, all you have to do with mine is just read that loser "Rex Burkhead" [smiley=loser.gif] totally out of it... That is all! ;D Alright,... again,... over and out... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 11th, 2019, 1:50am on 10/10/19 at 22:08:11, Stegfucius wrote:
Just fixed mine! On my way to do the week's transactions... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 12th, 2019, 2:13am I have got good news regarding the issues we have been having with the lineup-submission section... The techies think it was a server issue. They have moved (the section of) our website (they host) to a new server. Hopefully, that solves it! [smiley=fingerscrossed.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Oct 12th, 2019, 11:07pm on 10/12/19 at 02:13:04, Stegfucius wrote:
Ugh... Dominoes... It seems that one fix has caused another problem to crop up. [smiley=gimmeabreak.gif] As of right now, we are ALL unable to access each others' lineups for the week. I think this will get rectified quickly (hopefully by tomorrow) because I do not think it is a complicated problem, but if not, please just share your lineups with each other for now by other means: here on "the Gridiron", by text, etc. Thank you for your anticipated understanding, patience and cooperation! [smiley=bow.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 7th, 2019, 6:35pm Last-minute adjustments to my lineup, free-agent requests, submitted to DB. Will not reflect at league website upon kickoff tonight. DB is welcome to post my lineup here after kickoff tonight. Over and out! Gotta roll... [smiley=onit.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Nov 8th, 2019, 3:48am An opportunity to clarify... My RB lineup against Frank (Game #2) reads as follows: B_RB1: Derrick Henry B_RB2: Matt Breida B_RB3: (Free-agent) B_RB4: Ty Montgomery B_RB5: Carlos Hyde If I picked up two running backs (which I ended up doing), I wanted them both listed ahead of Montgomery in my game against Frank. However, since I listed it like that, only the free-agent running back that I picked up first would be listed ahead of Montgomery. The other would just be put at the end. That is not what I intended, but that is what it is. (That is what I get for making last-minute changes.) That said, it will not matter as long as Henry, Breida and McKissic all get at least one touch (or, I suppose, if not, if Montgomery gets none, which is very possible). |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 3rd, 2020, 7:24am The 2020 GBRFL Draft thread is here: http://www.fantasyfootballer.com/cgi-bin/theGridiron/YaBB.cgi?board=56;action=display;num=1599132151!!! |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Dec 6th, 2020, 7:23am Fellas, small, but notable heads-up here... With 12 protection spots and 22-man rosters now, remember that we now have a 10-round draft! SO, as we customarily do in the GBRFL, when you get someone's current last draft pick to even out a trade of picks or protection spots, you are NOT getting a 9th-rounder, you are getting a 10th-rounder! Joe, make sure to adjust the 2021 draft grid accordingly. When I update the transactions page tomorrow,... eh-hem,... later today, [smiley=tired.gif] I will have amended things accordingly, so you can double-check things then. [smiley=checkin.gif] |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DirkDiggler on Dec 6th, 2020, 7:57am on 12/06/20 at 07:23:50, Stegfucius wrote:
I thought expanding the rosters was for this year only due to covid. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Dec 6th, 2020, 8:28am While I do think that the CCP Wuhan-lab coronavirus was the impetus of our discussing it, Steve, that was never specified. In fact, I remember when the discussion commenced, my mentioning that when we ran the league with nine teams in the past, that is how many roster spots we had. As I recall it, the proposal became do we want to revert back to 22, especially but not only because of the CCP Wuhan-lab coronavirus. That said, this is a small matter. We can vote on it again and adjust again come summertime if we want. Thing is, I would not be surprised that another vote would result in our not returning to 21 roster spots, but expanding to 23. LOL! I think with nine teams 22 seems about right. But, I digress. I really do not care. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by DOLFAN on Dec 6th, 2020, 9:40am Thanks for the reminder about 22 spots Steg. I did indeed forget because I still am using an old file when I updated them last night... With that said I will add the 10th pick, also 2023 Grid, and send it to you to lookover/review before I send it out to the rest of the league. |
Title: Re: GBRFL Web Site, League Fee & General Announcem Post by Stegfucius on Sep 21st, 2022, 2:28am Gonna start hitting this old thread up again... Week 2's results up at the GBRFL website... Drop on by and check it on out: [smiley=checkin.gif] https://www.fantasyfootballer.com/gbrfl/!!! |
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