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   Author  Topic: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music  (Read 25385 times)
Philosopher King
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G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« on: Apr 25th, 2004, 7:34pm »
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The long-awaited "Get to know your Gridironers - Topic:  Music" thread is on its way.  As such, I HIGHLY suggest those interested to get their move on and start thinking about this.  On my end, this has been about 15 MONTHS in the works.  A LOT of consideration, both on how to go about this and my personal list, has gone into this.  This thread is going to definitely take it up a notch!  The opportunity for all of you to share your music "aurally" will exist either for you to do on your own OR, better yet for "the Gridiron", in the form of a way to try to generate some revenue for the site (i.e., to have your top-10 list, e.g., uploaded will be about the amount of a modest donation).  As always, remember that we are not trying to establish an objective "All-time Top 10 or whatever" list.  The point is FOR YOU TO GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO KNOW YOU BETTER BY WAY OF YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC, not to get to know music better from you.
Well, now that curiosity has probably been piqued and excitement is in the air, I have locked this thread up so as to let you all go away to do "your homework", so to speak, and prepare for this, what will amount to be, big "event".  Keep it personal; keep it real; try to give it your all within reason (if for no other reason than I don't want guys to feel too overwhelmed and then even resentful because of the extensive effort I've put in...  As always, I'm just trying to raise the bar of on-line message-board communication and discourse here on "the Gridiron").  Let's have fun with this, guys, but let's keep it focused too!
« Last Edit: Apr 25th, 2004, 10:08pm by Stegfucius » Logged
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #1 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 3:50am »
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Someone brought this somewhat important detail to my attention.  I thought it was kind of implicit in the original message when I mentioned uploading a "top-10 list".  Anyway, to make it explicit, I would focus your attention and thought on individual songs/singles as, in the beginning at least, that is how I will approach it myself and how I think it is best approached, actually.  Good luck and have fun!
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #2 on: May 1st, 2004, 1:16am »
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Well, here we go...  Music is meant to be experienced by the ear, not as a written-out list.  As such, I have decided to "stream" mine (you all will be given the opportunity to as well, for what would amount to a modest donation, as explained in the following post below), one-by-one over the next month... or three, though, as sound files tend to be on the heavy side.
I'd now like to set the stage...  I, after all was said and done, decided to do a Top-40 list like Kasey Kasem used to do.  I'm calling mine "Steggie Steggum's (Steglectic) Top 40"!  Here are a few neat points-of-fact and idiosyncrasies of my Top 40 worth noting at the outset...
  • This list started out merely as a Top 5, that grew into a Top 10, a Top 20, which I was set at for about 8 months, and then finally into a Top 40.  This can largely be blamed on song #21.  The rationale behind the madness was akin to that of "don't leave anything on the field."  When I remembered the song that became #21 on the list (while preparing a song list for Gino's and my December stateside wedding ceremony), it caused a logjam at #20 between songs 19, 20 and 21, any of which if I left off the list, I would have felt I was "leaving something on the field," so to speak.  Top 21 sounded dumb... and, hence, the eventual explosion to 40, which seemed cool based on "Kasey Kasem's Top 40 Countdown", and at which point I do not feel "attached" relatively speaking to anything that was left off.  As a matter of fact, the list could have come to a natural stop at 39.  Along the lines of that reasoning, I could have hypothetically "tiered it off without feeling all too bad that I left anything special out at" #1 alone, the Top 3, Top 7, Top 10, Top 21 or Top 39.  ...  Well, as for #40, it's presented below...

Now, for some "fun tidbits"...
  • Unbelievably, there are NO songs from my, FAR-AND-AWAY, favorite album. I tried to sneak one in, but just couldn't justify it if I wanted to be true to myself.
  • There are only 3 groups/artists represented more than once.  Of those three, I would definitely identify two of the bands as all-time favorites.  They are the two with the highest ranked songs of the three.
  • A VERY WIDE variety of music from the rock/pop genre from Classic Rock to Soft Rock to Heavy Metal to Rap to Techno to New Age to New Wave and on and on, is represented... (No country, though).
  • There are songs that were huge hits to "B-side" songs to songs from a band's early "true" era to "throw away" songs from a band's later "sellout" era, lead songs giving name to eponymous albums to what amounts to "reprise" last songs of albums, etc., etc., on the list.
  • This list is quite "testosteronic", generally speaking.  Knowing me, that was predictable.  But, in hindsight, even I was surprised that there were only 2 songs on the list by female artists. There are a couple others with "cameo" female vocals, but that's it.
  • There are only 2 songs with numbers in their titles.  Both are close (but no cigar), respectively, to being "that" number on my list.
  • For those "English language" people out there, there are 4 songs that start with a present participle (verb ending in "ing"), only one more regardless of location, and 3 of those 4 are used as verbs, the other adjectivally.  Neat part, ALL 3 of them are in a row; they ALL begin with the letter "R" and the first two actually go with the apostrophe (') ending instead of the standard "g" ending.  I thought that was a very neat, random oddity.
  • There are 6 songs with just one-word titles.
  • Another really neat one, I think,... there are 5 songs on the list with the words "Day" or "Days"; three of them are in a row.
  • Somewhat to my chagrin, I never really took to the Beatles in my life.  As such, "they" are not on my list... "as such".  Might a Beatle make an appearance, though?
  • There is one block of two songs that goes for 15 minutes and 33 seconds.
  • There are four rap songs on the list; only 1 of them is by a typical "black" rap group/artist; 2 of them are by white rappers, the other, a mixed rap group. ...
  • No songs were released before my lifetime.  The earliest release date is 1971, the year I was born ; the latest is 2002.

I just hope that some songs "click" some of the time; that all of you at some point(s) get that "awe"some feeling and smiles on your faces that we all have experienced when you hear a song that you like but have forgotten!  As indicated, the list is very "Steglectic", so as a whole it will likely not appeal totally to any one person, but, on the other hand, it should have something that gives everyone that wondrous feeling and knod of the head, at some point(s) at least!
IMPORTANT REQUEST:  Given the time and effort I am spending uploading the songs and everything, PLEASE, if you want to post about songs on my list, do NOT mention them by name or mention the group/artist until I do.  Refer to them by number until then.  THANK YOU for your anticipated cooperation!
IMPORTANT NOTE:  There are songs on the list that contain EXPLICIT LYRICS legally considered inappropriate for children under the age of 17.  I told ya.
IMPORTANT REMINDER:  Again, remember this is a personal list of songs very specific to me and my life's experiences.  EVERYONE'S SHOULD BE!  The point here is not for us to come to a consensus as to an all-time list of classics.  The point is for us to share songs and music meaningful to each of us on at least somewhat of a personal level.  As such, on my list there is no "mandatory" Stairway To Heaven, Hotel California, Hey Jude, etc., etc.
Okay, now without further ado (drum roll, please, ),...  "Steggie Steggum's Top 40"...
#40... A song that could have been any of a handful of four or five songs.  I selected the song I did, quite frankly speaking, because more than the other songs I was considering, it was the most ideal one to kick this off with.  I do love the song, though.  Make no mistakes about that!  Interesting note, it is with little doubt one of the worst studio recordings of a fairly big hit of all time... (as should be expected, the songs can take quite a bit of time to load in the player; they are set to start AUTOMATICALLY when fully loaded).
« Last Edit: May 6th, 2004, 3:04pm by Stegfucius » Logged
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #3 on: May 1st, 2004, 1:18am »
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Regarding uploading songs and presenting your Top-whatever songs for the ear as opposed to as a list, I will gladly provide the service of presenting your songs like I did mine.  This requires the time-consuming process of downloading and uploading the songs (I will require/strongly advise that you send your songs to me "zipped" up, i.e. in ".zip" format, to at least expedite the downloading a bit) and also setting up the html pages.  If you decide to do this, what we would do is:  1) you send me the zipped bundle of however many songs; 2) I create the pages and upload them as I do them, and 3) I contact you by "private message" here on "the Gridiron" with the links every few days for you to post as you like.  For this, I am charging $3.00 per song.  So, if you wanted to do your Top 10, it would be $30.00, which is about the average donation I have received.  Of course, just to be clear, this will not be considered a donation, as such.  If you have your own web site, you would, of course, be welcome to do this on your own.  And, of course, if any of your songs coincides with any of mine, you're in luck!  In any case, I hope others decide to follow my lead at least for their Top 5 or 10 as music really is meant to be experienced by the ear!  If you do it through me, the financial assistance will also be MUCH appreciated!
« Last Edit: May 1st, 2004, 6:41pm by Stegfucius » Logged
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #4 on: May 3rd, 2004, 12:57am »
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Steggie Steggum's Top 40

#39...  As I suggested in my intro above, this is where my list begins in earnest.  The reason behind this song's being on my list is VERY personal.  Do I like it generally?  Sure.  I was REALLY into it back during my junior year of college, constantly blared from my 3rd-floor, fraternity-house room that fall semester.  But, is that the reason it's on this list?  NO, at least not directly.  It is here because that semester I was taking an "Acting" class, the theme of which, I did not know when registering for it, was singing.  I am a horrific singer , but I managed a B in the class with just sheer effort and, specifically, because of the very first project, which I absolutely nailed.  For this first project we had to "act out", not sing, a song of our choosing.  I acted this song out as a soliloquy, and I rocked.  This class was offered to dudes from other local schools and happened to be attended by this one particular "Theater" major, training to be a director, at the University of Colorado at Denver.  Because of my stellar performance of this song, he asked me to be in a short play he was directing for a Colorado acting and directing competition.  Next thing I know, I'm this guy from Jersey heading to this other school three, four, five times a week.  I was like their "ringer".  WE WON THE COMPETITION!  And, I actually saved the day because one of the actors forgot his lines for a moment and I just naturally picked it up when I "felt" the stall.  This experience is also very poignant to me because in life I have often felt like the guy "who(se (way of) life) falls between the cracks".  This is one of those cases.  In the end, I did not become a good singer and did not stand out in the class other than that day and I may have only gotten a B in the class, but I was the only one who got a part out of it, was a "ringer" of sorts, no less.  Where does that go on the old resume, so to speak?  ...  Well, in any event, I hope you enjoy the tune... (as should be expected, the songs can take quite a bit of time to load in the player; they are set to start AUTOMATICALLY when fully loaded).
« Last Edit: May 3rd, 2004, 1:27am by Stegfucius » Logged
UFF Primetime Prophet
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #5 on: May 3rd, 2004, 3:46pm »
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I'm going to break the rules a bit right off the bat. I'm going to list (what I feel is) the best album start-to-finish that I've heard: the self-titled debut from the Violent Femmes. I first discovered the Femmes when I was about 16 years old (1986) and grew to love their amateurish acoustic musicianship and whiny vocals primarily because their subject matter was so important to me. The songs dealt with typical teenage angst: love, unrequited love, lust, breakups, and sex. These, of course, were the only things on my mind when I was 16. Three songs really stick out for me. Kiss Off starts off gently enough with a gentle plea for someone to love and turns into a frenzied rant on the one who did not return the love. The singer numerically lists reasons why he is depressed and is so angry and confused that he can't even remember all of the reasons.  Gone Daddy Gone is a xylophone-driven piece about longing for a former love. The lyrics are spare, but the emotion is evident throughout the song. Finally, the anthemic Add It Up really sums the whole album up: "Why can't I get just one...?" I once heard this album described as a musical version of JD Salinger's classic novel, "A Catcher in the Rye" and it is a dead-on description. This is the coming-of-age album that every teen can identify with at some level. Because it was relevant and new at the time I discovered it, it is all the more significant to me.
« Last Edit: May 4th, 2004, 3:08pm by Philly » Logged
UFF Primetime Prophet
# 29

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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #6 on: May 3rd, 2004, 3:46pm »
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Towards the end of high school and a few years into college I battled with depression (and my musical selections will bear that out over time). I always thought my life was awful and never really had any perspective on how good it actually was. I remember one night when I was a junior in college I went over to the women's college and spent most of the evening just hanging out drinking with two of my friends (Christian and Lisa) who lived there (and another guy from my dorm who went with me). I ended up going over because I was lamenting to them about having nothing to do and how bored I was just moping around my dorm room (blah blah blah). Anyway, after more than a few wine coolers and rum and diet cokes (hey, it was a women's college after all, so when in Rome...) I was getting ready to drive back to my campus. My friends wanted me to take the campus bus back instead of driving and tried to take my keys. I agreed to take the bus, but convinced them to let me take the keys because I needed to get back into my dorm and would need to get the car early the next morning. So, of course, I went right out of their dorm and hopped in my car and drove back to my dorm. I got back to my room and there was a message on my machine. Lisa had called and said that she had seen me drive off and wanted to make sure I got home safely. And that I should call back when I got the message, but (and these were the instructions) to just let the phone ring twice and then hang up because they were too pissed to talk to me after I lied to them like that. I remember putting a CD in my stereo, hitting shuffle, and the first song that came on was Don't Give Up by Peter Gabriel (with vocal accompaniment by Kate Bush). I had heard the song many times, but for the first time, I really listened to it. "Don't give up / 'cos you have friends / don't give up / I know you can make it good" and "rest your head / you worry too much / it's going to be alright / when times get rough / you can fall back on us / don't give up / please don't give up." I realized that during my worst days, they were both there for me and I showed my appreciation by lying to them. It was sobering and it made me really appreciate the fact that I had two friends (and many more) who really cared that much about me. Maybe my life wasn't so terrible after all...
« Last Edit: May 4th, 2004, 3:10pm by Philly » Logged
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #7 on: May 3rd, 2004, 4:46pm »
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Good stuff, Jeff!  You definitely gave some substantive insight into both your soul and personality and your musical taste, exactly what this thread is for.  I feel like I know you even better now and we've talked many times on the phone, worked side-by-side here on "the Gridiron" for going on two years now and even met. I look forward to more from you on this thread.
I will say this, though, pardon my ignorance here, but I'm not really that familiar with the Violent Femmes. I would enjoy your presentation even more if I could listen to these songs while reading through your writing.
Also, given my sixth bulleted point in my intro for my Top 40, the "feminine element" (of sorts) to your list thus far is quite a contrast.
on May 3rd, 2004, 3:45pm, Philly wrote:
So I'll start nice and slow with a few songs and eventually the list will grow long and strong.

... You had to know I was going to "smack that"..., oh,... out of the park.
« Last Edit: May 3rd, 2004, 4:46pm by Stegfucius » Logged
UFF Primetime Prophet
# 29

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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #8 on: May 3rd, 2004, 4:57pm »
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on May 3rd, 2004, 4:46pm, StegRock wrote:
I will say this, though, pardon my ignorance here, but I'm not really that familiar with the Violent Femmes. I would enjoy your presentation even more if I could listen to these songs while reading through your writing.

Some day, when I have a little more time (unlike now when I've just returned from a business trip in another country) I'll either zip the files and send them to you or provide links to the tracks.  However, I know that many of the songs on my list are songs that I do not "own" and would have to either purchase them on a CD or find them and pay to download them (or download them illegally).
Also, given my sixth bulleted point in my intro for my Top 40, the "feminine element" (of sorts) to your list thus far is quite a contrast.

I only have a female accompaniment right now.  The Violent Femmes are three guys from Wisconsin.  Surely you are familiar with the song "Blister in the Sun" by the Femmes...?  But not to worry, I have a thing for the female voice and will surely be adding many to the list as time goes by.
... You had to know I was going to "smack that"..., oh,... out of the park.

That's why I left it there for you.  
« Last Edit: May 3rd, 2004, 4:58pm by Philly » Logged
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #9 on: May 3rd, 2004, 5:15pm »
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on May 3rd, 2004, 4:57pm, Philly wrote:
Some day, when I have a little more time (unlike now when I've just returned from a business trip in another country) I'll either zip the files and send them to you or provide links to the tracks.  However, I know that many of the songs on my list are songs that I do not "own" and would have to either purchase them on a CD or find them and pay to download them (or download them illegally).

Kazaa is not illegal as I understand it (and use it).  $29.95 (I actually only paid $24.95 through "") and you are good to share!!!
It's like being a teenager all over again and taping each other's records.  That used to be a standing joke with one of my best buds from 8th through 10th grade...  He got me the albums he wanted and I got him the albums I wanted!
I only have a female accompaniment right now.  The Violent Femmes are three guys from Wisconsin.  Surely you are familiar with the song "Blister in the Sun" by the Femmes...?

Not by title alone, regretfully, Jeff.
That's why I left it there for you.  

Thank you, sir! ...
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  nygiants4life56   bpbagwell
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #10 on: May 3rd, 2004, 5:28pm »
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This topic is one I had bugged Steve to start for several months now. Music has always been an important part of my life, from my days in the school band in the 5th grade through high school, through the time of me being an aspiring song writer, to my days as an on air disc jockey through the 90's. I have always been a huge fan of music. I love most kinds of music (you can keep the newer hip hop and rap, and opera too), but my main love is rock and pop.  
Not all of it is mainstream, for there are several artists I really enjoy listening to that are not so popular. I have spent alot of time compiling my top 20 or so songs and will be posting them in no particular order, as they change often depending on my mood.
Here is a song that is probably my favorite, or in my top three.  
"Be My Downfall", by Del Amitri.
I first heard this band while in a music store browsing. I wanted to get some new music, but had no idea what I was looking for. After several minutes in the store, I stopped to listen to what was playing overhead on the stores stereo. What I heard fit the mood I was in at that moment in my life; I had just split from my first wife and was in a very deep, dark depressed state. I heard the following lyrics and fell in love with this album:
"Well the bus is pulling out, and I guess I better go, before I make a grave mistake and let my feelings show
And twenty miles away, she waits alone for me, but as I try to picture her, you're the one I see
And in another situation, you know a man should stand and fight
But you will, be my downfall tonight"

The song, like most on the album Change Everything, was written by front man Justin Currie. If you listen to the entire album, one can truly see the depth of his hurt when he wrote most of these songs. I totally related to this album, and it was suprisingly good medicine forwhat I was going through at the time.
« Last Edit: May 3rd, 2004, 7:42pm by BarnabyWilde » Logged

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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #11 on: May 3rd, 2004, 5:58pm »
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Gonna go with a more or less chronological approach, and then like Jeff, assign rankings somewhere along the way.
Dusty Springfield - Son Of A Preacher Man - off the album Dusty In Memphis - released 1969{yeah, I'm an old fart}
This'll surely come across as shallow compared to earlier entries{I have some of those type songs as well on my list}, but when this song came out, or probably more accurately, when I first saw a black and white video of her performing it, I was IN LOVE! Ok, make it lust, but at the age of 9, 10 or 11, (again, not real sure) I was having responses to Dusty that were, up to that point, unknown to me.  
So, while young hormones raging may have been a huge factor in my original attraction, it's a damn fine song that has stood the test of time.
Fantasy Field General
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #12 on: May 3rd, 2004, 7:32pm »
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Three Dog Night - Never Been To Spain- off the album Harmony,  released 1971
Without a doubt, the first band I became a devoted follower of. First album I ever bought was Harmony. Had only a handful of 45's up till then, but after hearing this song, I had to have as much of them as I could get. I was still strictly an AM radio guy at that point, but these guy's were so much more "deep" than the Neil Diamond' Cracklin Rosie fare that dominated the AM scene. Ended up that they were my first concert. At 12, it took some convincing with the parents, but they finally gave in and let me go with some family friends. Wow! What a scene! Wasn't partaking of the wacky weed at that point, but clearly recall wondering what that sweet smell was.
Thought I'd get a second track in. Gonna be mobile again early in the mornin'{chicago to des moines to ???)
UFF Primetime Prophet
# 29

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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #13 on: May 4th, 2004, 3:12pm »
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From my early teens to my mid-twenties, I remember the summer season being an incredibly important time of my life. I began working as a summer camp counselor when I was 14, became a lifeguard the next year, and continued working a "summer job" until I was 27 when I landed my first year-round job. Having jobs as a summer camp counselor and lifeguard were more social opportunities than work experiences. One song that gets me feeling all nostalgic for those days is Boys of Summer by Don Henley. I remember a number of times where the summer ended and so did the summer flings, all of which I thought could be much more serious at the time. The song came out in 1984 (the first year I had a summer job). I remember a lifeguard (Michelle) that worked at the camp who was the girl Don Henley sang about. She had the great tan. When she got out of the pool she combed her long dark hair back and put on her Wayfarers before she climbed into the stand. The song says "Don't look back. You can never look back." But every time I hear the song I feel the sun beating down and hear laughing and splashing at the pool and picture Michelle twirling her whistle in the lifeguard stand.  
The song also appeals to me musically. I love a good intro and the guitar riff at the beginning, leading into the synthesizer and drums just sets the scene for the song. Don Henley does an outstanding job of really letting the listener hear the longing in his voice.
"Those days are gone forever / I should just let them go, but..."
« Last Edit: May 4th, 2004, 3:19pm by Philly » Logged
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #14 on: May 4th, 2004, 3:40pm »
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My song list    blues Image-ride captain ride       yes-roundabout      jay ferguson-thunder Island    all of these songs remind me of the summer at twin lake,back In the days when I didnt have a beer belly,Me and my best friend would hang out get tan and check out the chicks and of course party.

mmmm beer
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  nygiants4life56   bpbagwell
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #15 on: May 4th, 2004, 4:11pm »
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Along with Del Amitri, another favorite band of mine is the Jayhawks. Their harmonies are rich and vibrant, and the song writing duo of Mark Olson and Gary Louris are first rate: who are described as using words like a child would use fingerpaint-they make swirls and flourishes and scars, then turn the scene on itself. Even after Olson left the band, Louris and company excel at providing a vision for their music with lyrics that truly tell story.
I love all of their music, but one song in particular stands out.
"Blue", by The Jayhawks
The opening lines of this song say it all:
Where have all my friends gone, they've all disappeared
Turned around maybe one day, you're all that was there
Stood by on believing, stood by on my own
Always thought I was someone, turned out I was wrong
But you brought me through, and you made me feel so blue...

"Every song is sung with a rare passion, almost like a prayer. They tell stories from the inside out, starting from feel- tales more sensed than sensical", Tony Glover wrote in a review of their album Tomorrow the Green Grass
If you don't own the albums Tomorrow the Green Grass and Rainy Day Music, their latest effort go and pick them up. You won't be disappointed.

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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #16 on: May 4th, 2004, 9:41pm »
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Steggie Steggum's Top 40

on May 1st, 2004, 1:16am, StegRock wrote:
Now, for some "fun tidbits"...
  • Unbelievably, there are NO songs from my, FAR-AND-AWAY, favorite album. I tried to sneak one in, but just couldn't justify it if I wanted to be true to myself.
  • There are only 3 groups/artists represented more than once.  Of those three, I would definitely identify two of the bands as all-time favorites.  They are the two with the highest ranked songs of the three.
  • A VERY WIDE variety of music from the rock/pop genre from Classic Rock to Soft Rock to Heavy Metal to Rap to Techno to New Age to New Wave and on and on, is represented... (No country, though).
  • There are songs that were huge hits to "B-side" songs to songs from a band's early "true" era to "throw away" songs from a band's later "sellout" era, lead songs giving name to eponymous albums to what amounts to "reprise" last songs of albums, etc., etc., on the list.
  • This list is quite "testosteronic", generally speaking.  Knowing me, that was predictable.  But, in hindsight, even I was surprised that there were only 2 songs on the list by female artists. There are a couple others with "cameo" female vocals, but that's it.
  • There are only 2 songs with numbers in their titles.  Both are close (but no cigar), respectively, to being "that" number on my list.
  • For those "English language" people out there, there are 4 songs that start with a present participle (verb ending in "ing"), only one more regardless of location, and 3 of those 4 are used as verbs, the other adjectivally.  Neat part, ALL 3 of them are in a row; they ALL begin with the letter "R" and the first two actually go with the apostrophe (') ending instead of the standard "g" ending.  I thought that was a very neat, random oddity.
  • There are 6 songs with just one-word titles.
  • Another really neat one, I think,... there are 5 songs on the list with the words "Day" or "Days"; three of them are in a row.
  • Somewhat to my chagrin, I never really took to the Beatles in my life.  As such, "they" are not on my list... "as such".  Might a Beatle make an appearance, though?
  • There is one block of two songs that goes for 15 minutes and 33 seconds.
  • There are four rap songs on the list; only 1 of them is by a typical "black" rap group/artist; 2 of them are by white rappers, the other, a mixed rap group. ...
  • No songs were released before my lifetime.  The earliest release date is 1971, the year I was born ; the latest is 2002.

#38...  Well, I bring this quote on down here as two of the bulleted points above apply here.  One of them you might have "realized" at this point and, thus, would know the first and last letter of the first word of the title of this song.  After giving you this hint and "looking" at "some 'standalone' thing", you might even have an outside chance of guessing what this song is.  The hint is that this tune is the one exception mentioned in one of the bulleted points.  Good luck!  Anyway, based on #'s 40 and 39, you might be seeing one affinity of mine, cool-sounding rhythm guitar.  This remains the case with this song.  This tune goes back to the classics of its genre.  This artist/group was/were the poineer(s) of this kind of music and his/her/their stuff still remains among the best.  This song just brings me back to the high school hallways, locker rooms, parking lot, the (no-longer-existent) local hoops courts of Wanamassa Park and dancin' around my bedroom, shootin' hoops on my nerf hoop.  I continued listening to it into my college years.  I hope this tune makes you guys at least start bouncing your heads in rhythm with "that" smile of recollection on your faces... (as should be expected, the songs can take quite a bit of time to load in the player; they are set to start AUTOMATICALLY when fully loaded).
« Last Edit: May 4th, 2004, 9:47pm by Stegfucius » Logged
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #17 on: May 5th, 2004, 10:20am »
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The Who - Underture - off the album Tommy, released 1969
Although it is a step back time-wise, I did not "become aware" of this masterpiece album until I made the switch to fm radio somewhere around '73. While the album is best enjoyed as a whole, the strickly instrumental Underture{trust me, there are several more instrumentals on the list} really hits the measure of what I consider to be great music. If a song can move me, and not just in the toe-tappin' sense, without any lyrics, that's what I call good music. Something I'll never forget related to this song. An 8th grade history project required a slide show. Did my report on some old, abandoned mansion south of town and  used Underture as background music{yes, pre computer's, you could still do a "multimedia-presentation"! In this case 35mm slides and an tape recorder. Anyhow, the teacher's comments were something along the lines of "good job overall, but we could hardly hear your voice over the music." Well, duh! Mission accomplished. The other most vidid memory I have of this song is that it made me seriously consider switching from trumpet to french horn in the high school band. Glad I didn't, as a switch to baritone and my becomming a bass player were just around the corner.
« Last Edit: May 5th, 2004, 12:11pm by FourTwoOh » Logged
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #18 on: May 5th, 2004, 11:23am »
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It is one scotch one burboun and one beer,by george throughgood,I think.

mmmm beer
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #19 on: May 5th, 2004, 2:29pm »
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This thread is going awesomely, A LOT of personal pith.
BarnabyWilde, I was basically able to recall "Be My Downfall" with the lyrics you gave.  FourTwoOh, I just wish I evolved to the point of really enjoying, or should I say, truly appreciating instrumentals. ...
It seems like we have a couple band guys in here, who really know their music and whose lists my list will likely pale in comparison to in (actual) musical quality. ...
Anyway, let's keep it up.  This one's FUN!
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #20 on: May 6th, 2004, 12:11pm »
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Steggie Steggum's Top 40

#37...  Well, just when you thought you had me all figured out musically, I go goin' off the beat and track (now correctly understood, thanks to member Double D ... ), or should I say, goin' "the offbeat and (sound)track". ... This is a song that could easily register MUCH higher on this list if it were more of "a" song/if there were more of "the" song.  Ultimately, many, perhaps even most, hardcore fans of this artist/group are not all too crazy about this tune.  It is considered by them a throw-away from an album (of sorts) that's out in left field (as if this artist/group isn't out in left field).  I just think they are not appreciating the context or the song in context.  Once you can do that, you can appreciate the whole "thing" and then ultimately this song in and of itself.  It, nevertheless, was a semi-hit, but surely had an inherent and understandable cap (to be successful on its own merit).  In any event, I love it, including right down to the extended "intro" part.  ...  On the personal side, in MANY ways, it brings me back to the joys of my earlier childhood and is uplifting in a "light" kind of way.  Actually, it is probably the very first rock n' roll song I really took to even though I will attibute that to a song significantly higher on the list.  What I guess I mean by that is that I was less cognizant at the time of my liking this song vis-a-vis the other song, which, in fact, I very consciously appreciated and which was the true beginning of my moving away from Alvin and the Chipmunks children's pop to adult rock n' roll.  So, without further ado, enjoy this flashback... (as should be expected, the songs can take quite a bit of time to load in the player; they are set to start AUTOMATICALLY when fully loaded).
« Last Edit: May 6th, 2004, 12:50pm by Stegfucius » Logged
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #21 on: May 6th, 2004, 12:53pm »
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Hey steg,that was one hell of a deep cut from ???, never heard it before,great selection.
« Last Edit: May 6th, 2004, 1:41pm by Stegfucius » Logged

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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #22 on: May 6th, 2004, 1:49pm »
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I'm just going to go ahead and put the name of the song and the group out there first thing this time. The song is Rock Lobster by The B-52s. OK, now if you are anything like me, your mind immediately started playing the surf-guitar riff that is one of the great hooks of all time. When I first discovered them in the mid-80s, the B-52s were unlike anything I had ever heard or seen before. They were an old Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello beach movie gone haywire. Their campy, kitschy style was just flat-out fun. I remember going to school dances and as soon as this song came on, everyone ran to the floor (even those wallflowers) and started hopping up and down with the infectious groove. Then as lead singer Fred Schneider wails "Down, down, down..." everyone in the gym was laying on their backs with their arms and legs flailing towards the ceiling. Fun times! Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson are at their bouffant best in this song with all sorts of crazy marine sounds and shrieks. Even better was that the song packed a wallop with nearly seven minutes of frenetic mania.
« Last Edit: May 6th, 2004, 1:52pm by Philly » Logged
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #23 on: May 6th, 2004, 3:11pm »
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on May 6th, 2004, 12:53pm, kidcrash wrote:
Hey steg,that was one hell of a deep cut from ???, never heard it before,great selection.

Shit's sweet, huh, kc?!  I am SO glad you were introduced to a new tune and enjoyed it so much.  Thanks for letting me know, brother!

on May 1st, 2004, 1:16am, StegRock wrote:
IMPORTANT REQUEST:  Given the time and effort I am spending uploading the songs and everything, PLEASE, if you want to post about songs on my list, do NOT mention them by name or mention the group/artist until I do.  Refer to them by number until then.  THANK YOU for your anticipated cooperation!

The enlarged, bold section in the quote above is an addendum to my request.  Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!
Philosopher King
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Re: G.T.K.Y.G. - Topic:  Music
« Reply #24 on: May 8th, 2004, 5:00pm »
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Steggie Steggum's Top 40 Countdown

#36...  Well, just as you get up and start dusting yourself off after getting thrown for a loop by song #37, as there surely was somewhat of a common thread in songs #40 through #38 and you might have thought you had the old Stegger all figured out, here comes #36, which surely will add to the twisted mayhem of "Steggie Steggum's Top 40 Countdown".  This is a song I swear must have been playing in the background when I was born although I don't think it had been released by the date of my birth.  It is a song that REALLY gets my philosophical juices flowing and my imagination of "ALL the possibilities" going (and, evidently, my poetry skills ).  Funny thing, for those of you that know my more obvious political allegiances, this song along with #40 might have you going .  And, there will be more of the like during this countdown.  My "bigger picture" worldview and ultimate philosophy of life is quite a bit different than my "politics of the day".  We are men of the world, but we are also men of today that have to (come to) realize where we are in the evolution of mankind and have to live within that reality if we are to find any peace and happiness in "this" life, but still with an eye toward (setting good precedent and reasonable standards for) the future of the world.  This is made more poignant by where I personally am in life, which I have made you guys very privy to by being pretty much an open book around here, and my ardently pursuing my Ph.D. in my (other) beloved subject matter (besides fantasy football ), Philosophy. ... ... ... ... In any event, there are not many songs that I can identify with regarding my "politics of the day", BUT there are a ton of songs I can identify with in light of the "bigger picture".  This is DEFINITELY one of them... (as should be expected, the songs can take quite a bit of time to load in the player; they are set to start AUTOMATICALLY when fully loaded).
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