Philosopher King of Fantasy Football Site Administrator GBRFLer Champ - '94, '99, '02, '04
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Week 10 2023 Instructive about Standings Tiebreaks
« on: Nov 14th, 2023, 11:32pm » |
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Just quoting this old post up front for a little context... on Sep 10th, 2019, 3:15am, Stegfucius wrote:... I have discussed (elsewhere) and you guys have experienced for years how I have broken ties... The terminology I have used in the past is that I never do tiebreaks according to "mini-standings" (that is to say, breaking off the teams that are tied and then applying the tiebreaks just to that group of teams) even though it may look that way in many instances. It is always head-to-head all the way down first, indeed, even when the default is points differential. (You can find my elaborating on all this on the message board here if you do a search.) ONLY when more than two teams are tied in the standings AND applying the tiebreaks head-to-head cannot break the tie in the standings is points differential appealed to across all the teams tied so as to break the tie. |
| If you need a refresher, the standings for Week 10 (, both vis-à-vis the leader group and the group in the middle of the pack, turn out to be VERY instructive as to how ties are broken in the GBRFL. When breaking ties in the standings it is head-to-head "all the way down". I NEVER separate out (and consider in isolation) the (three or more) teams tied and do, as I call it, "mini-standings", that is to say, break the tie in the teams' records (insofar as I could) according to superiority of records within the group. Rather, it is 1) head-to-head according to a) head-to-head record between each pair of teams and b) points differential between each pair of teams (and c) overall points scored between each pair of teams, but the number of times this has happened in ALLLLLL the YEEEEEEARS I have been doing this I could probably count on one hand, though it has happened); after that, it is 2) points differential according to a) points differential between each pair of teams (you could think of it that way), or, more simply put, 2) the placement in the standings of all the teams tied goes according to points differential (however you want to think of it, this is the most commonplace occurrence). Thing is, the ties between all the teams in both groups of tied teams in Week 10 are broken according to #1 above and NOT #2! This is the case even for the lead group, the ties for which seem to be broken totally according to #2! Let's take a look... In the case of the lead group: Tucker Carlson has points differential tiebreak (1b) over Virgin Steel. Tucker Carlson has points differential tiebreak (1b) over Olave Nother Win. Virgin Steel loses points differential tiebreak (1b) to Tucker Carlson. Virgin Steel has head-to-head tiebreak (1a) over Olave Nother Win. Olave Nother Win loses points differential tiebreak (1b) to Tucker Carlson. Olave Nother Win loses head-to-head tiebreak (1a) to Virgin Steel. Hence, Tucker Carlson is in 1st; Virgin Steel is in 2nd, and Olave Nother Win is in 3rd. Here is the case for the group in the middle of the pack (I will do this one with less repetition): Sekundeez has points differential tiebreak (1b) over Manstraighting to Seven. Sekundeez has points differential tiebreak (1b) over Blind Squirrels. Sekundeez has head-to-head tiebreak (1a) over Fully Armed and Operational. Manstraighting to Seven has head-to-head tiebreak (1a) over Blind Squirrels. Manstraighting to Seven has points differential tiebreak (1b) over Fully Armed and Operational. Blind Squirrels has head-to-head tiebreak (1a) over Fully Armed and Operational. Hence, Sekundeez is in 4th; Manstraighting to Seven is in 5th; Blind Squirrels is in 6th, and Fully Armed and Operational is in 7th. See how that works!?!? Study it if need be (so you can stay out of my hair ... )!